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There is Only ONE Conspiracy - Everything Else is Just 'Noise'!

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posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 06:43 PM
I wish I had come across this thread earlier it would have saved me a lot of thinking and questions.

I came across this thread via the All Roads Lead to Rome thread. The threads are similar in that there is a conspiracy about agenda setting. Where as the Rome thread gears towards one agenda by one group the OP is more about different groups setting their own agendas for the better of people.

My position lies more with the OP in that I feel new agendas are set although the Rome thread agenda (governance and religions) were so profound they influence agendas to this day.

I think the one real conspiracy is whether the agenda is the one we are being told or believe.
Religion teaches us to be moral because its Gods way and Government say their rules are for the benefit of its people: conspiracies form around possible manipulation, we are told the official agenda to keep us in check or to set us up.

When considering the one real conspiracy we have to consider how we would have the future. If we agree with the official agenda then do we believe the influencers are really of same mind or for ulterior motives.

Actually there is a lot more to consider such as if Religion was for the better of the people, where past leaders more interested in themselves or for the people. Did they have good intentions and was it right decisions based on this or even if their hidden agendas were justifiable.

I feel some of the big agendas set by Rome (Gods command / Elite rule for us) are now becoming outdated or to a completion and new agendas are being set, new conspiracies from the belief of ulterior motives.

But you cant blame Agenda setters as we don't seem to have a clear goal.

The OP takes negative feedback on things like population culling but I think its good to look at agendas, do we agree, disagree, are we fooled, skeptical or have faith.

We have to consider our vision first and then figure out those with ulterior agendas and why.
We have to look at realities and what certain actions will actually cause.
Consider things such as technology, resources, equality, faith, quality of life and freewill:

Technology that is for the few, that threatens us or changes us
Resources for future generations and who owns what
Equality in whether should be given equal opportunity or more
Faith in which God or even a God existing
Quality off life in the cull population sense
Freewill, Freedom and governance

I do not have bad will against people setting or who have set agendas for their perceived benefit of all.
Its agreeing what benefits us is the real question to ask before looking at conspiracies though.
Maybe there is a thread on par with Rome and this one regarding that?

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 07:24 AM
This never ending dribble about the 'top 1%' just goes to show how much power the media has over people-and how blind they are about who controls them.

Al Sharpton says " Share the wealth-take it from the top 1%-take it from the ' wealthy southern white man' you all just jump on the bandwagon without ever thinking about that it is you are agreeing with.

How do people attain wealth in this world? They inherit it that is how. How does that make a person evil? If his family worked hard- played by the rules-so they could leave wealth to the next generation of their family.

How does that make them Evil like your hero revered Al says.-who by the way payed taxes on 9 million of income last year.

The Evil CEO's A man or a woman goes to school-learns instead of partying-goes the grad school-get an MBA-takes a job and works for a company 30 years-is rewarded a 5 million dollar contract simply because he/she has made the company 20 times that much in the last 3 decades.

How does that make this person evil? Never mind the fact that this person pays taxes well over a million a year.

Success in this world is itself evil because those without it need some one to blame-other than themselves.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 10:54 AM
Going to post here my idea for a new thread. (will be enlisting the help of some of my favorite and most-respected posters for editing and altering before creating the thread) - if even needed. Not spending as much time on here as I used to, maybe someone has already done a more effective job/thread on the subject, but here goes...

One that expounds upon this one, but is a little more definitive in its focus.

Heading: Leslie Kean + Disclosure Project + Bilderberg/etc + Gary McKinnon = Richard Dolan

Or, more precisely:

Leslie Kean's work on UFO / UAP discussions and investigations
+ Testimony from actual qualified, technical, sometimes high-ranking officials
+ Obvious in-the-know somewhat secretive organizations
+ Evidence of coordinated, militarized, government supported projects
= Breakaway civilization that exists on this planet as foreign to 'us' as we are to 3rd world countries

The UFO / UAP phenomenon is no longer fringe science - the only discussion that needs to be happening now is, how much of it is actually foreign / extraterrestrial (if any), and how much is simply our private or militarized and/or secret programs that are clearly decades, if not centuries, ahead of what is commercially available or understood.

For those who have not read the book - or, even heard of her - her work is now considered the "Gold Standard" on the subject. Her book is replete with examples of objects performing unimaginable maneuvers, observed in multiple modes, and multiple witnesses that include merely a portion of the many reported cases... such as this one:

But, don't take MY word for it. Why not listen to one of the smartest, most respected, and lauded theoretical physicists on the planet, regarding the subject:

Now, what sorts of people might actually be 'in the know' regarding this topic?

[No reason to rehash all of the already well-covered Bilderberg / Secret Society threads here - simply search ATS]

There's plenty of supporting data that some folks in pretty high places are at much higher echelon of awareness and involvement, or at the very least... interest:

Book: "Are We Alone?" -Paul Davies

I would say that even the 'work' of Gary McKinnon must be given serious consideration, at this point(!)

For those unfamiliar...

[from link above]

Gary McKinnon is a Scottish systems administrator and hacker who was accused in 2002 of perpetrating the "biggest military computer hack of all time,"although McKinnon himself – who has a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome – states that he was merely looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFO activity and other technologies potentially useful to the public.

Something else to consider: whatever these objects [above] are being propelled by... it ain't oil!

So queue up the unlimited free, non-fossil fuel, earth destroying energy discussions here, as well.

Continuing... What he found:

When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and a secret program called "Solar Warden"

Read more: Solar Warden

To that end, there's probably FAR more going on, and for a much longer time, than any of us are aware of, or could imagine:

IN CONCLUSION: There may very well be an extraterrestrial presence in our midst. But regardless, there is definitely a contingency of our own - human / homo sapien / evolved-right-here-on-our-own-planet - populace that is not just involved with, but very much immersed in technology, knowledge, and lifestyle that far exceeds what any of us can possibly comprehend.

There IS a Breakaway Civilization that is living and operating amongst us on our own planet. And, pretty much every other 'theory' out there can be attributed to suppressing this information and protecting/preserving their goals.

[Fantastic presentation by Richard Dolan on the subject]

What do you think:
- Georgia Guidestones are depicting/ advising?
- $50Billion black budgets are for?
- Bilderberg Meetings are about?
- Our abstension from the returning to Moon in the last 40 years is about?
- and, on and on...
edit on 6/8/2014 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 05:35 PM
Absolutely awesome thread and question..

I was just about to call it a day and see this-i couldn't resist replying...

I beleive the crux of the conspiracy is as follows..

First let me say, i beleive this reality i.e. 3rd density and indeed this planet (with the help of Saturn projecting frequencies through the Moon) were constructed to house the human 3d form..i.e with its means to express extreme emotion via the body/mind and that indeed the purpose of locking us into this negative frequency,is to feed off of our energies.I beleive true reality beyond popular comprehension, is more akin to a light body/avatar/soul structure,so indeed this original form was high jacked and here we are,so i back the Anunnaki hypothesis, although you need to take a bit of info from various sources,for the clearest picture.

I would say from what i understand so far, that the afterlife is an artificial construction and that our memories of each life time are erased in that location.So basically all that goes on, is to stop us from knowing who we truely are and where we come from and indeed our true capabilities.

Science backs the idea that we live in a sophisticated hologram and i concur with that.I am closing in on the truth i feel but the more you know the more you find you don't know...i really do beleive there is a cover up on what really lies beyond our realm and what space truely is..imagine for a moment,that all that could be viewed through a telescope was a hologram and didn't exist..and that Earth is the centre of the universe and is just an experiment...i certainly agree NASA is there just to prevent us from knowing what is truely going on in space!..but how much deception is really going on??? makes ones head sore..

I hope this makes sense i'm quite tired lol.

Good night peeps

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: Buddyman

Thanks, man. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss.

Check it out, some scientists recently agreed with you: Linky-Link

Tell me something else: what do you think of my addendum to this thread that I just added, today (, just above your post) which might be the reason you found your way to this thread.

Appreciate your input.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: SquirrelNutz

Dammit, this video was supposed to be embedded originally to the post above under the Gary McKinnon blurb:

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 07:05 AM

Me and my brother at the guidestones.

Their message isn't so sinister if people stop and think instead of fight to keep things as unworkable as they are.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 06:20 PM
It doesn't matter if we are a cancer on this planet. It's not up to others to decide who lives and who dies.

This whole survival of the species spiel by the NWO or other nefarious groups only serves to benefit them

Let's say the NWO or insert here took over and killed off all the dregs of society, the ones you claim are holding us back from advancing.

What's to stop the NWO or the other nefarious groups from enslaving the remainder of the population and forcing them on pain of death to be organ donors, baby factories, or slaves on a work farm?

It doesn't just stop with "building a better future". It keeps on going until only 1% of the world controls 99% of it's resources and tough # to anyone not in that top echelon.

I don't know if you're a shill or this naive, but your way of thinking will end us as a species.

And if you are with them, I told you guys a long time ago.

You leave me and my own alone and you can do whatever you want. But the second you hurt one of mine, it was go time. Everything I have done until now only served to destroy what you tried to build. And now, the end game is coming into effect. You tried to brainwash me and my comrades for years. But the bond that the human spirit shares between comrades who have tasted battle together is impossible to be broken by anything less than death. And you guys found out the hard way what happens when you try to kill me

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: SquirrelNutz
Why not listen to one of the smartest, most respected, and lauded theoretical physicists on the planet, regarding the subject...

Being smart, respected, and lauded means absolutely nothing without credibility.

In FACT, it does just the opposite.

Michio Kaku has officially sold out.

Everything I have seen so far tells me he is a total stooge for TPTB.

This video tells me the man has absolutely ZERO credibility:

On July 19 Kaku really lost his "cool" when he tried to intellectually bully RT Interviewer Oksana Boyco. Kaku becomes quite rude and belligerent with the host at this point. He asks, “Are you a 'conspiracy theorist'?”. And he demands that she answer his question, “Who was behind 9/11?” He repeats it five times in rapid succession! You can hear him interrupt her every time she tries to answer. He is clearly trying to use the full weight of his celebrity “Science Guy” status to intimidate the young and articulate Russian journalist, Oksana Boyco.

A question to Dr. Michio Kaku

You know this guy has to be the voice of the PTBs with all the press he gets. He’s set up as such an unchallengeable authority. He may imply or claim “innocence” of any complicity, but I’ll bet he knows quite well which side his bread is buttered on. As many of them do. Kaku is being used as the scientific white coat to help people swallow these pills and even happily enslave themselves to this Orwellian takeover.

As smart as this guy is, he definitely knows who’s pulling his strings, and he doesn’t mind the benefits. Unfortunately, much of the scientific community is blackmailed into towing the party line or they’ll lose their research grants or places in the scientific hierarchy or University system. These NWO pushers are everywhere. And they love the cloak of their bastardized “science” to supposedly validate their programs. After all, isn’t eugenics a science? Didn’t supposed scientists and dentists and University PhDs in white lab coats recommend we fluoridate the water supply, and host of other insanities?

He says that global government is progress. One-world government means "Type 1 civilization". And all who oppose it are "terrorists". Michio Kaku = Illuminati propaganda agent

He's a "science" shill for the NWO, always ready to spin the story whatever way the CIA, or the Pentagon, or the NSA, or the NWO spin meisters at MIT or Harvard, or Columbia, or John Hopkins, or Tavistock want him to spin it. You know this guy has to be the voice of the PTBs with all the press he gets. He’s set up as such an unchallengeable authority. Michio Kaku – New World Order Facilitator

edit on 10-6-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: SquirrelNutz
What do you think:
- Georgia Guidestones are depicting/ advising?
- $50Billion black budgets are for?
- Bilderberg Meetings are about?
- Our abstension from the returning to Moon in the last 40 years is about?
- and, on and on...

The answer lies in the threads title...

There is only ONE conspiracy.

All conspiracies are part of a much bigger conspiracy.

Until one sees the "superconspiracy" that ties all the other conspiracy theories together, nothing makes any sense.

This is the reason WHY the vast majority of people for the most part are blind to what is really happening in the world.

Even though it has been exposed countless times by many reliable sources (JFK, Jesus, Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, Benjamin Disraeli, Danny Casolaro, etc.), people STILL prefer to remain in complete denial.

"After forty years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion-all conspiracies are Satanic! " "In fact, I point out that all the conspiracies in history - especially during the last 5000 years - are actually different aspects of the same conspiracy. Some people fixed on one aspect of the conspiracy, and say this is the problem, others say another thing, but the thing is all the conspirators work together. All the conspirators are part of the same operation. And this is what people find very reluctant." - Eustace Mullins

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Those are my words. In the title, in the OP, and in the post you are quoting.

You are agreeing with me.

(I agree with MK's frustration and line of questioning. They totally jive with the point of this thread)


posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

People just don't want to see the one conspiracy tying the rest together. The implications of that would blow their goddamn minds out of the water.

I was introduced to this by a former member of this huge conspiracy. I'm not claiming to be a wizard or some goddamn action hero but 5 minutes before he blew his brains out, he told me things were only going to get worse before they get better.

Then he stepped into his bathroom and took a .357 he had stashed in there and killed himself. He would rather go to his grave with all of that guilt on his conscience than to expose someone else to it.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:12 PM
Noise is why an Anunnaki being wanted to destroy mankind. I wonder if he traveled across the Universe because of all that ruckus? If so why this planet and none other? We can't be the only primitives around... and surely we are not that loud?

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 05:25 PM
Something else to consider: We ALL believe in some 'power' higher than ourselves.


People like me, chastise religious folk [sometimes] for giving atheists such a hard time for not believing in some invisible, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent entity.

However, from the science perspective, if I accept evolution, I have to recognize a higher power as well.

I believe that evolution occurred across the universe many, many times just as it did here on Earth...

As such, I must also acknowledge that this process occurred at different times, rates, stages and levels as it did for us/humans.

Therefor, I must also accept that at least some portion of those other civs are WAY more advanced than we are.

And, when you consider the current rate of technological development of our own species - in the last 2 years, the last 5, 10, 100... and imagine what is just ahead of us (Kurzweil anyone?) - you realize that a mere hundred years of separation - or, 'head start' if you will - of another similar species would be 100s or 1000s times more advanced than we are.

And, a *million* years?! (Nothing on the cosmic timescale)... orders of magnitude more advanced. i.e. much 'higher power'.

Fun to think about, anyway.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: SquirrelNutz

What do you think:
- Georgia Guidestones are depicting/ advising?
- $50Billion black budgets are for?
- Bilderberg Meetings are about?
- Our abstension from the returning to Moon in the last 40 years is about?
- and, on and on...

The Georgia Guidestones are a joke. In a Mad Max scenario nobody will give two shats about them.
The black budgets are bigger than $50 billion and they go for regime changes around the world.
Bilderbergers meetings are essentially multi level marketing scams. All these people believe that they are saving the world.
There are two important notes on lunar exploration. 1. The Russians have never sent humans above 475km in space altitude. 2. The Apollo moon landings occurred during Richard Nixon's first term.

edit on 7/12/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: SayonaraJupiter

Not sure whether you were just quoting the section of another person's post with your reply, here, but what you addressed (and, quoted) was merely the tail-end of my post above (Here) regarding a 'breakaway civilization'.

What are your thoughts on this?

edit on 7/12/2014 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 07:49 PM
I think it is a big stretch to say that the TPTB have in mind a genuine will to - do what is best for life on the planet as a whole.

If that were the case then maybe that is good, but it does not seem to be the case.

If wealthy people were preserving themselves - I don't think that would be preserving the best that this world has to offer.

Who is able to judge - what is worth preserving and what not?

Because say someone is the wealthiest, "smartest" or has the best genetics.. is that the value of the world?

What offers value to the world is not easy to judge.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Wow, that guy has problems.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat
I think it is a big stretch to say that the TPTB have in mind a genuine will to - do what is best for life on the planet as a whole.

If that were the case then maybe that is good, but it does not seem to be the case.

If wealthy people were preserving themselves - I don't think that would be preserving the best that this world has to offer.

Who is able to judge - what is worth preserving and what not?

Because say someone is the wealthiest, "smartest" or has the best genetics.. is that the value of the world?

What offers value to the world is not easy to judge.

"Policy and politics do not always work on the front line - and that is where we are today" -24

Don't be so sure that all money and power is associated with *bad* like we pursue so much in these forums.

Ever seen the movie Contact? Remember who the big donator was (SR Hadden, billionaire in the cybernetics industry), there are guys like him all over the planet. See what they're doing with their money. Or, what power they are being given.

Find the brains.

Guys like Bill Gates, Ray Kurzweil (now, director of engineering for Google(!))
Or, Elon Musk... Or, Warren Buffet... the list is long and distinguished (just like my...Badump bump tsz))

Point is, there are plenty in solid position in either money, power or both to do *good* in terms of 1) advancing us as a civilization, or 2) keeping a somewhat progressivistic approach to others' welfare/well being when possible

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: SquirrelNutz

I rest on your face...

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