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Stairways To Heaven; The Practical Magic Of Sacred Spaces

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posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 12:03 PM

From best-selling author Freddy Silva comes a voyage of discovery into ancient temples, cathedrals and crop circles, and their effect on human evolution. Shot with outstanding cinematography throughout Britain, Silva demonstrates how our ancestors hard-wired a spiritual technology into places like Stonehenge to access the invisible Universe.

Just watched a good documentary that made me think of ATS. It was called Stairways To Heaven and it was about how early Catholic churches, the goth cathedrals, were built with more intended details than we may know. Borrowing from the pagans as well as other ancient religions or spiritual practices, these churches utilized geometry, sound, shape, material and location for optimum sensory stimulation of divine proportion, or entrancing or 'subtle energy' maniupltion.

The early churches built their buildings at places with strong energy anomalies, whether it be magnetic, vibrational or cosmic. They often used red granite, which contains a lot of quartz and is also what was used for the capstones on the pyramids.

This doc examines many of the giant stones situated across the planets, and how the material was often transported for hundreds of miles. Of all the type of stones available, the ones that contained the most quartz were always selected. Geometrical shapes contain specific energy properties(Cymatics). Sound and vibration have qualities that can be amplified and/or directed or harbored. Male and female energies can be directed with these manipulations of shape, sound and material. Sacred geometry is applied here.

We, as humans are supreme 'receivers' and perhaps the ancients and church designers were aware of this and built the temples accordingly. I have often felt a genuine altered state of consciousness while in an elaborate temple or church. The music, chanting, architecture, etc, all seemed to affect on multiple levels.

Anyhoo, I thought some here might dig it. It does change directions through out, so I would suggest watching the entire thing before judging. The first 20 minutes could be considered far fetched, but ultimately, the encompassing premise is very convincing.
I would consider this an ATS must see, with sacred geometry, architectural examination, esoteric perspectives, religious conspiracy and ancient ideas.

(for watching, not downloading
UTube version


posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 12:59 PM
Looks interesting Spec.
Will watch this afternoon and let you know what I think.

Many of the Cathedrals were built on ancient pagan sites of worship for the practical reason that people were used to coming there for periodic spiritual observances. Whether or not such sites contain any special types of energy is purely speculative but fun to ponder.
The builders of these Cathedrals were the core of what would later been known as the Masons. Again, whether or not they have esoteric knowledge is a question I cannot answer.
There is a science to aesthetics however and this is what I believe to be a large part of what qualifies such places as "special". For further reading on the subject I would recommend Art and Visual Perception by Rudolph Arnheim - one of the great Gestalt school theorists.

More later

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Hey hey friend, happy new year to ya!
I hope you find this doc as interesting as I did. It covered a lot of ideas and further peaked my interest in sacred geometry. You know Danny Carey and Tool are heavily into SG, and they use it visually as well as in audio. Yes, the masons were in the doc too, not in any nefarious way necessarily, but certainly in a knowledgeable one(beyond most)
Look forward to your response.

ETA: Thanks for the suggested reading, I'll check it out!
edit on 12-1-2012 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 07:31 PM
Very enjoyable! I find the connections between sacred sites/geometry/geology/parapsychology extremely intriguing. The episode talking about crop circles was pretty mind-blowing, It's apparent that the energy that forms them is 3 dimensional, reaching through the earth and perhaps the sky as well. It's as if the Earth were putting out signs of intelligence for us to ponder and explore.
He's got me wanting to explore cymatics more and see how sound waves express themselves in matter. I've studied wave forms for some time which I think will be helpful.
Much of what he states as fact I would have to call in to question but it's fascinating all the same. Perhaps I'm simply not knowledgeable enough to grasp the concepts he lays out.
I also like how this ties in with what the Japanese scientist (whose name eludes me) did with his water experiments. If what he says is true our modern world is destroying us physiologically and psychologically through electromagnetic pollution. With cell towers and power lines everywhere the natural flow of energy on the Earth has been corrupted completely. Small wonder there is so much trouble in the world today.
Our ancestors definitely had knowledge that has been lost to us. Just moving the enormous stones that they did to create megalithic sites speaks of powers that are still foreign to us. But hey- we're trying to understand and learn from the past masters who have left us such magnificent sites, It's a step in the right direction anyway.

Thanks for posting this - I'm kinda shocked more peeps haven't checked it out.

Happy New Year to you too! Rock on brother

edit on 12-1-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Glad ya duggit like I did friend! I was kinda blown away honestly. Sometimes I feel the crop circles may be likened to a snowflake, a perfect figure from nature and her vibrations, or even the cosmos. Cymatics is really cool and I was thinking about doing a new series of experiments because most of the footage available is old, and the new ones a very basic. I'd love to put forth some effort to experiment with sound frequency variations and combinations to get a unique view into vibration and matter. And yes, we are surely affected by both, positively and negatively, literally every atom within.
The part where they pointed out how the ancients chose certain rocks with higher quartz in them, compared to others they could have gotten, from the same area, speaks volumes to me, in terms of energy conduction.

Dr, Emoto is the scientist you refer to. He has many critics here at ATS, but i think his works are down right miraculous and important. Water memory, who knew?! The part of his experiments where he exposes rice to positive and negative phrase and intent, work perfectly, as I conducted experiments myself with this example. I plan on redoing that experiment and filming/recording the process, then bringing it onboard here. My friends all thought I was crazy when they came over nad saw all my pietre dishes with words on the outside!

But the ones that tried it, had the exact same results. But I digress...

I hope others do get to see this too because it is right up our alley, so to say.


posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

i too will watch and return.

as a huge fan of the history of religion and spirituality and of sacred geometry i suspect it will be enjoyable.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Animal

Hey Animal, thanks for chiming in and I hope you enjoy the work. I thought it was very cool, interesting and educational. I never considered masculine and feminine properties in material. Shape and architecture yes, but materials no. Some might conducive arrangements going on at those places.


posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

That was one of the things I didn't quite understand - how rock can have male or female properties. I understand the difference between sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rock but fail to see how that translates to gender in any way. I always thought they chose by several factors - what was locally available, color, ease of carving and durability
I would love to see some research in to exactly where underground waters lies beneath cathedrals and megalithic sites. It could be very telling.
Also, his comment about Southern England lying over a deep chalk aquifer maybe related to the number of crop circles in the area.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

That was one of the things I didn't quite understand - how rock can have male or female properties.

I know they were using granite(male) and limestone(female) in one example so maybe they are using hard and soft as qualities for comparison. I wonder if certain rocks have more positive or negative energy attributes, thus making a male/female analogy?
I know in architecture and art, straight lines and angles are considered masculine, whereas curvilinear lines and circles are more female. So I an see the effort in the architecture.

I would love to see some research in to exactly where underground waters lies beneath cathedrals and megalithic sites. It could be very telling.

Me too, I will dig a bit...

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:46 AM

An excellent documentary have watched it before, would advise all to look a look, much is hidden within Layouts and geometry across the world esp religious, this is an interesting look at the Churches and temples use of these symbols and such like.

Thanks for reminding me of it, will watch it again later well worth second and third viewing.



posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:18 PM
This is a screenshot from a flight simulator program featuring this model I made of the Woolworth building that I made as part of my NYC modeling project, where I am flying this helicopter next to the top of the building.

Now this is only one angle and you would have to fly around it a bit to appreciate what this building is. It was the highest building in NY back when it was made and it is very strange with a lot of Gothic features to it but studying the thing enough to make a model of it struck me as to how really odd of an edifice this is and makes me wonder what sort of religion the man worshiped who ordered it to be built the way it was.

Here's a screenshot from part 4 of the video linked to in the OP:

This seems really creepy to me.
edit on 18-1-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

Thanks for chiming in ME, and you and I must be similar in our efforts to get our hands on any and all documentaries pertaining to such metaphysical subjects. I say this because you are the only person that I have ever heard say they have seen this. I saw this several years ago, but could never find anything on it until now.
The experience one gets from being in these buildings, particularly during a service, is a testament, imo to the physical effects from all these facets of geometry, material, architecture, sounds and location.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

Hey jmd, thanks for the reply and I would be interested in some history about that building and the ground it sits upon. The architect was Cass Gilbert, and he apparently was very fond of European architecture and studied in Europe for a couple of years. I will dig a bit more into him and this building. Perhaps he was just emulating his favorite type of buildings. So far I can't find anything on his religious perspective, if any.

That screen shot makes me think of an owl, as in Marduk.



The state capitol project was Cass Gilbert's break-through project. He designed a building with a central dome modeled after the Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. The unsupported marble dome is the second largest in the world after the Saint Peter's Basilica dome. Gilbert worked to avoid any other religious overtones in the design. Items such as a triumphal arch and palace block were designed out of the building, and sightlines were kept short. The project was started in 1896 and was largely finished in 1904.

I did not know he designed the capitol bldng, but here he apparently avoided religious significance.

A major controversy erupted when Cass Gilbert selected the white marble from Georgia to be used on the Minnesota State Capitol. Marble and stone was big business in Minnesota, and many natives, especially business leaders, expected Minnesota stone to be used on the project. Both sides refused to give in. Cass Gilbert got his white stone, and the business community abandoned Cass Gilbert. His business dried up, and he found himself having to move away from the twin cities to avoid going bankrupt.
He chose Georgia marble which turns out to have more crystal and pure calcium carbonate, but also is just whiter, so it may have been a matter of aesthetics.
edit on 18-1-2012 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

I would be interested in some history about that building and the ground it sits upon.
It's the highest ground in the South end of Manhattan which was not already occupied by government buildings and it is next to an ancient (for NYC) church, which for all I know could have been built on a religious site from before the coming of the white man..

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

I'd be curious to find out if any other pre-American culture utilized the area for, ritual perhaps.
I will look into it. Thanks again.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:38 PM

Catholic churches, the goth cathedrals, were built with more intended details than we may know. Borrowing from the pagans as well as other ancient religions or spiritual practices

Pretty much proves Catholics are a cult and not Christians.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

No, it just means if anyone was a Christian, they had to be Catholic by law.
While everyone (mostly) would want to be Christian to have a status in society.
So whatever was done, almost automatically, could be associated with Catholicism.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

I want to know if Christ is OK with spiritual practices done here on earth.

I wanna know really bad cause I feel alot is on the line with this decision.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by FinalAccount2008
reply to post by jmdewey60

I want to know if Christ is OK with spiritual practices done here on earth.

I wanna know really bad cause I feel alot is on the line with this decision.

Like ley lines, rituals, tetrahedrons, things of that nature.

There's gotta be some spirituality in Christianity, right?

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by FinalAccount2008

I want to know if Christ is OK with spiritual practices done here on earth.

Probably some ,but which ones? Better follow your heart on that one.

There's gotta be some spirituality in Christianity, right?

In my opinion yes, and I think this thread is about creating places that facilitate a more receptive spiritual experience through the senses. Whether that spirit is pure spirit, or control exercised by men, is what I am trying to differentiate and determine.


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