posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 07:03 PM
One of the things I have been doing, is rationing now. Here's my working plan: Day one skip breakfast, drink an extra coffee to curb appetite, eat
half portion at lunch, or just a "snack" size and drink plenty of water to fill up on. Eat normally or less than full plate for evening meal. Day
two eat breakfast with one coffee. Have a coffee mid morning, work through lunch, keep busy, drink more water, afternoon snack of a piece of fruit
and half slice bread. Snack is important, so during evening meal you don't overeat. Day three, breakfast, lunch, snack, no evening meal, late
evening half fruit portion and granola bar, more water! I don't diet to loose weight, but I have gradually. It was a conscience choice to consider as
economics began impacting my budget, that I really could save some food costs by modifying how much and how often I ate, and truly became aware I
didn't need to consume so much food after all. Just because the clock and others appetites were scheduled I did not have to follow their lead. i
found I can actually skip breakfast and lunch, and portion control evening meal, choose sensible snack, indulge sugar fixes up to 5 times a week.
But all this was to experiment, could I condition my tummy for smaller portions and eating times, in anticipation of shtf conditions. In that
respect, the economy has hit my wallet, I have lost 50 lbs in 2 years, just by adjusting slowing to leaner means. I have way plenty room to cut back
more, and have started preserving, dehydrating, and already planning a much bigger container gardening.