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These pictures tend to be a bit of a give away:
Originally posted by ArisReally. Evidence, please.
Originally posted by Zaphod58 Portions of the planes DID come out the other side of the WTC. An engine was found blocks away laying in the street, among other pieces. [edit on 11/16/2005 by Zaphod58]
And this is relevant how exactly? But way to just start throwing things out against other members.
Originally posted by Aris pepsi78, it does seem that despite logic, some in here will still digress into meaningless details and wild speculation that defies the laws of physics, just so they can make a totally unbelievable claim seem somehow more believable.
I'm not putting any words in your mouth. You said that the engine didn't hit the wall because it exploded when it hit the generator. Now, when 6 tons, travelling at 460 mph, impact a generator which thus spins to the side, what happens to the 6 tons? The only thing you said was that it explodes on the spot. Now you add that indeed the damaged engine would still move forward. As far as upwards is concerned, you would have to know the precise dimensions of the aircraft which you don't and the exact angle of impact which you don't. It may have very well moved forward and sideways. Furthermore, upward is way too general. Upward, depending on the angle and position of impact, could be 100 feet or 1 foot. So to say that there's no damage to the wall because the engine exploded with the scarce remaining wreckage flung over the wall is not only speculation, it's a real stretch of the laws of physics. Those 6 tons didn't simply explode on the generator, as you try to make it seem. They spun that generator off to the side and kept moving forward. That's what 6 tons moving horizontally at 460 mph will do, even to a generator and CatHerder's thesis admits this. So, again, where's the starboard engine's wreckage? And BTW, even when something explodes from impact (and not only combustion/detonation), most of its mass does not vaporize, my friend, it's still mostly around somewhere, albeit as wreckage. So where is it? edit to correct italics format [edit on 16/11/2005 by Aris]
Originally posted by Zaphod58 I didn't say that, so please don't put words in my mouth. The momentum of the engine would have changed to a more upward trajectory, and when it exploded it would have lost most of it's 6 ton weight, and blown into smaller pieces. There would have been a few large pieces, ie compressor hub, combustion chamber, but a large portion of the engine would have broken apart, and gone more upward and forward.
Looks similar? Maybe if I apply the same vivid imagination that you guys are applying, namely, the type that believes that an inexperienced Arab that couldn't land a Cessna managed to pull off that maneuver, well then yes, I guess that looks similar. Yep, the more I look at those pics, the more I believe you guys found the wreckage of two 757 engines
Originally posted by defcon5 At that speed, light metal like that would be turned into confetti. It would be in tiny pieces mixed in with all the rubble from the building. Isn't this part of the compressor assembly? Looks similar to this: [edit on 11/16/2005 by defcon5]
Sorry to burst your bubble as well, defcon5, but I hardly brought up the fuel load nor did I make any relevant claims and questions. That was Zaphod58. Furthermore, I didn't even disagree with him. And no, I did not miss your post re: fuel costs. It is besides the point and has been a non-issue all along. You, on the other hand, seem to feel that the point's issue is whether I believe that the plane that hit the Pentagon was almost empty or a little more than almost empty and also whether when one says that planes usually fill up only as much as needed, that they mean they take barely enough fuel to land on fumes, as it were.
Originally posted by defcon5I think that we are just answering questions posed to us. Where the whole fuel thing started was something I believe that you brought up, was it not?
Originally posted by Aris Is there any relevance to you and defcon beating irrelevant details to death?I am guessing that you missed my post about the cost of fuel at different stations. I think I might know just a tad about it since I used to do some fueling down here.
Originally posted by Aris Boys, when someone says that planes take on only as much fuel as necessary to get to their destination, it means they do just that instead of filling 'er up with unnecessary fuel. 2,000 extra lbs for safety is not what I was talking about. I was talking about filling up half the tanks instead of two thirds, let's say, when half will do. When you fly from NY to Boston, you won't fill the tanks so as to be able to reach LA. That was my point. Minimum fuel = exact calculations plus a little leeway. My point, which is that they don't just fill em up unnecessarily, still stands. The only thing you and defcon5 are showing on this point, is that you don't have a valid rebuttal anywhere and are simply resorting to tactics such as "no they don't! They don't take on just minimum fuel, they like to add a little extra", just so you can make yourselves believe that you refuted what I said by saying something different when in fact, we are, for all intents and purposes, saying the same thing.
Helllllooooo! We're talking about the engines of Flight 77 all this time, if you haven't noticed. Why are you trotting out evidence from another crash? Or are you just rambling and pulling meaningless evidence out of your. So, for like the tenth time, where's the starboard engine's debris?
Originally posted by Zaphod58 One of the few, if only, official documents detailing the remains of the aircraft is FEMA's World Trade Center Building Performance Study . It documents some aircraft parts that passed entirely through the buildings, landing some distance away. FEMA reported the following parts were recovered from Flight 175: * Part of the fuselage on the roof of Building 5 * A piece of landing gear on a building three blocks north of the WTC * An engine on Church Street three blocks north of the WTC
More meaningless evidence from a meaningless crash.....
Originally posted by AgentSmithThese pictures tend to be a bit of a give away:
Originally posted by ArisReally. Evidence, please.
Originally posted by Zaphod58 Portions of the planes DID come out the other side of the WTC. An engine was found blocks away laying in the street, among other pieces. [edit on 11/16/2005 by Zaphod58]
Of course it is relevant. It summarizes what the counterarguments and tactics are in here. I even elaborated with examples of such tactics When someone's argument defies physics and simple logic, and when someone resorts to tactics of meaningless digression and obfuscation, it is most constructive to single out such transgressions from the debate.
Originally posted by Zaphod58And this is relevant how exactly? But way to just start throwing things out against other members.
Originally posted by Aris pepsi78, it does seem that despite logic, some in here will still digress into meaningless details and wild speculation that defies the laws of physics, just so they can make a totally unbelievable claim seem somehow more believable.
You are correct and I apologize. Responding to 2-3 people simultaneously within dozens of paragraphs, debating three different points simultaneously while others add new posts, thus evolving the argument faster than you can catch up to them all, and I thought at that moment that you were talking about the Pentagon crash. Apologies to you and AgentSmith. I did however ask for evidence of where the starboard engine went at the Pentagon and no one has satisfactorily answered that yet in a believable manner.
Originally posted by Zaphod58 Well GEE, maybe because the debris going through the WTC and coming out the other side came up when Pepsi said this was the only crash where the debris came out the other side, and when the WTC was brought up, you said "Oh really? Ecidence?"
Since you brought up the tail, what happened to that anyway? Did it go the way of the starboard engine and disappear as well?
Originally posted by Zaphod58 You're kidding right? That's an El Al cargo plane that crashed in the middle of Amsterdam, if that's the crash I think it is. There was TONS of evidence that there WAS a plane, including the huge tail that remained intact that was sticking up in the middle of the debris field.
I never said it was the exact same part, I said similar. If you were not just scraping to try and continue an argument then perhaps you would realize from the stapler in the picture that this component is smaller then the one on the 757, and therefore so are the holes in the sides of it. I would have to guess that the one in this photo is for a personal jet or a military jet. The structure is similar though, is it not?
Originally posted by ArisLooks similar? Maybe if I apply the same vivid imagination that you guys are applying, namely, the type that believes that an inexperienced Arab that couldn't land a Cessna managed to pull off that maneuver, well then yes, I guess that looks similar.
Originally posted by defcon5 Looks similar to this:
So what does this prove? Two of these posts where from Zaphod and one from me. I believe that Zaphods experience is more in the military where fuel cost is not an issue and mine is civilian. There is no disparity when you look at it from that view point. Taking posts from two different people and acting like they are conflicting statements made by one person is trolling at a whole new level IMHO.
Originally posted by Aris Then you see their tactics: - "The plane would have hardly been full of fuel" - "Planes don't usually carry unnecessary fuel anyway" - "cough cough, BS. Pilots love to add some extra fuel"
Somewhere in this thread is a movie of an F-4 or some fighter hitting a wall at high speed and literally disappearing. I suggest you find that video and check out what we are trying to explain to you. As another example, have you ever seen the old footage from the first failed mercury missions were the rocket literally just disappears into the ground in a fireball? [edit on 11/16/2005 by defcon5]
Originally posted by Aris have seen pictures of numerous airline crashes that impacted solid objects at highly excessive speeds and they had much, much more debris. In comparison, the Pentagon crash site has next to nothing and not the "a lot of debris" you claim to see
That's true but did the F-4 punch through the wall and leave a nice neet round hole, as well as disapearing?
Originally posted by defcon5 Somewhere in this thread is a movie of an F-4 or some fighter hitting a wall at high speed and literally disappearing. I suggest you find that video and check out what we are trying to explain to you. As another example, have you ever seen the old footage from the first failed mercury missions were the rocket literally just disappears into the ground in a fireball?