posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Of course, the guy is right. The same goes for buying gas, trying to use your phone, etc.
Basically, the infrastructure can collapse within minutes of a sudden disaster. That may well happen before you can grab the car keys and leave the
house--oh, you wanna stop on the way and get gas too? If you are without proper supplies at the time, you are without, period.
This video presentation may have been luck, happenstance or carefully planned, but the overall effect is excellent
in it composition and deliver. To explain: We have the continued visual of the topic, a bag of rice, in the background. The camera never ventures
from that position We have the continual closeup of a narrator that has a rough, no-nonsense, if not almost threatening voice that commands our
attention. The effects of the closeup and voice are powerful. He rarely looks directly at the camera, but off to the side and we see a lot of his
rather rough-looking profile. His scruffy facial hair adds to the almost gangster look. His teeth, you will notice, however seem out of character,
show evidence of dental work above the common. So we can assume that it is what it appears to be, the product of solely his own doing, or from
another source, FEMA maybe. Either way the message is worth heeding and we got the point in a dramatic way.