Interesting thread, and I will try to give my opinion on most of what you said. I believe in God as well, although I am not convinced of any religion.
A lot of people say that God exists on a different plane, or in a different reality, but personally I believe we cannot comprehend anything about
God's "existence." I do not think God can be perceived or thought of using our everyday language, senses, and ideas. God is located everywhere, yet
I doubt God would be made up of physical matter, and I highly doubt that God's existence includes anything physical in the way we perceive the word. I
also get aggravated at those who think that humans are the grandest things in existence. I get annoyed even more when someone thinks this, but also
believes that THEY are the most important thing in the universe, lol. I have known some self-centered individuals, and it's a horrible trait.
I am constantly getting "preached" at by my grandmother, who is a devout Methodist, and I was thinking about something last week. The Bible says that
if you ask God for anything, you will get it, as long as it is within God's plan. Or something like that.
So then I thought, well if that is the case, what is the point of prayer on a mass scale? If someone has a problem they wish to pray about, they
should simply be able to ask God, and they will either get answered or they won't. There is no point in multiple people praying, for example, for the
recovery of someone who is ill. Can anyone explain this to me?
I completely agree with regard to rituals. I just find it hard to believe in the God of the Old Testament, who was jealous and vengeful, among other
things. My God would certainly not be subject to such petty emotions. And if this is the God who laid out the "rituals," then it is even more proof
for me that the text was nothing more than man-made.
As far as people believing or worshiping God because they are afraid of something...hell maybe, I would think that many were indoctrinated into this
belief from an early age. Even if they gave it up at one point, their young impressionable minds have retained that dogma, which can crop up later in
I do believe religion has a purpose though. Like Plato described in the Republic, religion is a great tool to keep people in line. Religion can be
more powerful than laws. I could actually make an argument for a national religion, even if I don't believe in it, for the greater overall good of
society, but I suppose this isn't the time. Not any current religion however.
I agree that no one can trick or fool God, and that ties in with your personal relationship with Him as well as how you communicate. I do not believe
anyone has to attend church, and especially not confess their sins to a priest, because they are all "public" actions. I say what you say, which is
everyone should have their own relationship with their own God. I believe that God can hear your thoughts, so speaking with Him can be done anytime.
Praising God doesn't have to mean worshiping in a certain building with other people. You can praise God by your just actions, your charity and
I personally think that part of the way God communicates with people is through their conscience. I am reminded of the spirit Socrates always referred
to, the one that guided him throughout life. Despite their convictions in the texts we have remaining from them, many of the Greek philosophers were
mono-theistic believers. Plato alludes to this if you compare multiple dialogues. They couldn't say anything of course, because of the times they
lived in.
I wouldn't worry about offending anyone. From what I have learned, you will almost always offend someone, and that isn't your fault. And trying to
please everyone is impossible, so you may as well just speak the truth and what you believe. So thanks again for the thread, and opportunity for a bit
of discussion. Take care.
edit on 1/12/12 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)