posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 10:14 AM
That's right! It is! What? You don't believe me? How could you not - I have a link right here: < insert dumb, pointless ugly link here >. My name is
MacKiller, and I am a conspiracy-olic. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.
First of all I am going to start off with the definition of conspiracy.
con�spir�a�cy: An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
Now that I have spelt it out for all of you to see, you can understand how I feel when people say that a game for PS2 is a conspiracy because it was
delayed a week.
Somebody please explain to me how that is a conspiracy before I get a ulcer. The word conspiracy gets thrown around way too much.
9/11 MAY have been a conspiracy
Roswell MAY have been a conspiracy
The Illuminati IS a conspiracy
Who knows, maybe even AIDS is a conspiracy!
French Toast isnt!
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[edit on 12-9-2004 by MacKiller]
[edit on 8-10-2004 by ZeddicusZulZorander]