reply to post by l_e_cox
Let’s play devils advocate…
We’re told in videos such as the one in question of spectacular technology and alien societies we can only dream about, yet only get a single guy
without any proof telling us about it.
We’re told about the compassionate efforts of a handful of benign aliens who are endeavouring via internet groups and Youtube videos to make the
Earth a better place.
This subtle, back-door attempt at changing us makes
no sense whatsoever.
Look at any real-life scenario where an outside force of influential and powerful operatives from one, supposedly advanced culture, covertly
intervenes in another sovereign states affairs in a concerted effort to alter that states policies and affairs to match their own. (Say, the current
situation in the Middle East.)
What happens?
Now a theoretical; if a group of primatologists encountered two troops of rare apes vying violently for territory and this struggle was resulting in
death and pain amongst the apes with no resolution in sight, would those scientists simply sit back and watch them tear themselves apart, or attempt
forcefully intercede with all the benefits of their enhanced intellect, resources and the overwhelming influence of their scientific and
altruistic raison d’être?
So, with that in mind, if these so-called advanced aliens are willing to risk the collapse of our societies with all the resulting horror that would
cause, just how “advanced” are they?
After all,
surely they have studied how we react to “fifth column” influence throughout our history, haven’t they?
surely they are aware just how fanatic we can be about religion, and how devise religions can be in our differing cultures?
So why allow talk of “love and light” and angelic entities on their behalf?
Another belief-system –
no matter how persuasive - attempting to impinge on the countless ones that exist here already will only cause
anger and denial.
(This is where the whole new “love and light”, Western-orientated-UFO-inspired-pseudo-religion collapses in on itself as far as I am concerned.
Yes, blah blah blah we’ve all heard the rhetoric that “some will choose not to ascend”, or “not all souls may ascend”; what rubbish. What
repetitive rubbish. It’s merely a lack of imagination in these stories; that’s the get-out clause most
Human religions use too, and
it’s an
elitist concept designed to ensnare and control minds in a comforting zone of “virtuous” superiority.)
Can no one see the plot flaws here?
Logically, any
interventionist alien species (and let’s not beat about the bush; that’s what we’re talking about here) who chooses to try
and alter our perception of the universe we live in wouldn’t bother with talking to someone so
unimportant and without any influence on the
popular psyche whatsoever such as the man in the video.
They’d be out in force.
There wouldn’t be discussion about them
existing on conspiracy forums.
We’d be watching them on the news, wouldn’t we?