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Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
Originally posted by Aliensdoexist
reply to post by metalshredmetal
But in reality "Humans" are a cancer on this planet we kill, destroy and lay waste to everything we come in contact with.edit on 11/1/12 by Aliensdoexist because: (no reason given)
I feel sorry for anyone who feels that humans are a "cancer on this planet". I really do.
I think humans are remarkable and amazing.
Not one human is perfect; far from it. But I don't see how you can dismiss all good and beautiful things about humans and only focus on the bad.
As I said, I feel sorry for you if you really do feel this way.
Originally posted by Aliensdoexist
reply to post by metalshredmetal
Hope none of this stuff is true. But in reality "Humans" are a cancer on this planet we kill, destroy and lay waste to everything we come in contact with. Someday there will surely be some apocalyptic event that destroy's just about all life on this planet that is a guarantee whether its man made or some galactic event it "will" happen that could be tomorrow or 2 billion years from now nobody knows, just have to live your life as if each day was your last, treat others the way you want to be treated and if there is some WWIII that will end all life there isn't much anyone of us normal folks can do about it so just celebrate that you lived your life to be the best that you could be and anything after that is a bonus.edit on 11/1/12 by Aliensdoexist because: (no reason given)
when the Sun rises through the X made by the Zodiac (Fixed Stars) and Ecliptic (Sun, Moon and Planets). Worship of the -Sun -Moon -Planet -Stars is Sabianism (Sabah means Sunrise); Christmas and Easter the 2 primary Holy Days.
The Labarum is accompanied by the motto "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this sign conquer), used 1st by Emperor Constantine, it symbolizes Nicolaitane Doctrine (Nico =Conquer; Laitane = Laity) and is today used by groups such as the Jesuits to conquer the laity via an elevated clergy. The Gate of -El -Ilu -Allah -On will likely open on the 2012 Solstice aka on the Mayan (Venus) Calendar; Jesus describes this Beast from the Sea (Sun rising from the sea) in Rev 13 and the sin of Sodom in Gen 13:13.
Preceding the astrological event, WWIII will create -Order out of Chaos ie the Gate to -Ilu -El -Allah (Allah is “Sin”) -On (On is Osiris and Heliopolis) will open. Albert Pike said WWIII would pit forces of political Zionism against Islam in order for the Nihilists (Nihilsm is belief in nothing ie Freedom and Liberty from God) to reveal the true light of Lucifer (Light Bearer = Sun = Satan = Obstructor); the Theosophical (God Philosophy) Society claims this war will last 13 Weeks; if so I would expect a significant astrological event. ]
Purim was chosen as the start date for the Slaughter on Hwy 8 Highway of Death in Gulf War I Operation Desert Storm Purim was chosen as the date for Shock And Awe (Shekinah means “Presence of the deity” in Kaballah); Purim was chosen for the Libyan War. It doesn’t take a genius to guess Purim 2012 (3/7/2012) may again be chosen; Puru is Akkadian for Choosing Lots for Marduk, another name of Molech; it also means Bring to Naught; Utterly Destroy, coming from one of 2 books in scripture the name of God is not mentioned Esther 13 Weeks =91 days; 3/7/2012 + 91 days is 6/6/12 which will feature a rare Transit of Venus across the Sun. Venus forms a 5 pt Star around the Sun every 8 years; its Solar Year divided by Earth’s Solar Year is the Golden Mean According to Texe Marrs we are at Rev 18, the destruction of Babylon; He is lying. According to Nial Kilkenny we are approaching the battle of Gog and Magog
Originally posted by metalshredmetal
reply to post by rebellender
alright man, i already responded to your hissy fit private message about this, you don't need to drag this out.
1) if you read my VERY first line of the post it's clear that i DONT endorse the blog or what's quoted in my post.
2) (no wonder it's not clear what you're talking about) I did NOT post anything about Abe.
3) you exclaim "DID YOU READ YOUR OWN MATERIAL?!?!?" as if I claimed the bit about Abe.. you also said that this was "my" story. In no way at any time have I claimed responsibility for this "story" OR the blog.
in no way AT ALL did I mention Abe, quote from the blog about Abe, or did ANYONE here mention Abe.
you manufactured that all by yourself.
is that clear enough?
now kindly project your irrationality elsewhere, please.
edit on 1/12/12 by metalshredmetal because: (no reason given)edit on 1/12/12 by metalshredmetal because: more clarity for irrational people to understand better
Abraham Lincoln issued $449 million in “Greenbacks” at no interest to remove the Federal Reserve’s ability to charge interest (usury) on “Fiat Currency”. John Kennedy issued $4 billion in “United States Silver Certificates” for the same reason; Both ended up with bullets in left side of their heads from identical .41 Caliber White Pearl Handle single shot Derringers fired by their left handed wives. The Killing of the King ritual, also called the Greening Ritual was carried out in plain view on 11/22/1963 just after High Noon while an occult Killing of the King ritual played out at precisely the same time (allegedly) at night with an Innocent Child sacrificed at the Châteaux Amerois, Belgium by the Mothers of Darkness; George Bush Sr present at Dealey Plaza, Barbara Bush (Pierce was changed from Percy the Jesuit instigator of the Gun Powder Plot to murder King James I on 5 Nov 1604) present in Brugges. Chateaux Amerois became public knowledge during the Marc Dutroux Affair; George Bush Jr’s twins were taken there for a Red Tent witchcraft ritual as well; killing children and writing the progress towards Satan’s New World Order with their blood is hard to keep secret, as is falsifying AF I flight logs, especially from Andrews (Cross of St Andrew is the X) AFB. After firing the shot left handed into JFK’s Temple, Jackie traveled to Delos “Island of the Dead” the mythical birthplace of the Goddess of Witchcraft “Diana” (Diana was Artemis; the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus was not only one of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World, it was a Ritual Mausoleum dedicated to Brother-Sister Incest) for a ritual “Greeting of the Sun” with illegitimate father of George Bush Jr’s mother Barbara, Aleister Crowley aka “The Beast”. Crowley’s “Book of the Goat” refers to Azazel the Antichrist “Scapegoat” of Lev 16:8; “Liber Oz” refers to Oz “Emerald Isle” (Lightning or Green Isle). Oswald means “Divine Strength”. From Delos she went to Delphi, the seat of the Eleusinian Mystery Religions (earliest form of Freemasonry; 2nd installment of The Matrix showed Persephone in Hell with the Merovingian “Sea Beast”; Cute eh?) and from there to Santorini where foreign Amalekite (Ishmaelite/Edomite/Canaanite) rulers of Egypt were buried by 180ft of volcanic ash after being expelled during Israelite captivity just before the Exodus; the resulting Tsunami destroyed Minoan Crete. In myth Zeus impregnates Minos’ wife Europa creating a Beast; it’s also just coincidence MINOS and NuMI (cute little play on Money eh?) just proved Neutrinos (“Little Neutral Ones” like Switzerland’s “Gnomes of Zurich” are International Bankers; cute eh?) travel faster than light and the European Union is failing. NOT!
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by metalshredmetal
I didn't understand all you posted but Gog and Magog invasion i understand. Read Revelation concerning Gog and Magog and then take a look at who all has gone to the middle east. All the key players in Gog and Magog are in the middle east right now. This upcoming "war" will be what sets the stage for the anti-christ to take power. Were in prophetic times.
reply to post by metalshredmetal
interesting that the 9.1 in japan happened almost exactly on the Purim dates...this would imply that the EQ was manufactured...i think i remember some guy...(BF)..who claims that that EQ was manufactured. anyway...since no one else cares to rsearch more, here's more food for thought for this thread!
Originally posted by AnimositisominA
He's pretty close.
It will actually be March 3rd.
... Dont ask.
Originally posted by Drezden
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by metalshredmetal
I didn't understand all you posted but Gog and Magog invasion i understand. Read Revelation concerning Gog and Magog and then take a look at who all has gone to the middle east. All the key players in Gog and Magog are in the middle east right now. This upcoming "war" will be what sets the stage for the anti-christ to take power. Were in prophetic times.
I partly feel this way too, but let's look at WW2, the entire world was in war, there was a charismatic evil leader.. that was truly a more disturbed and violent time than now.
your assumptions that the "change" of "2012" IS the war of gog and magog, is depressing to say the least
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by metalshredmetal
your assumptions that the "change" of "2012" IS the war of gog and magog, is depressing to say the least
Take it anyway you like it, i'm presenting my findings with what i know. I'm sorry if you don't like it, youre not the only one whose not going to like it.
Biggest junk of pseudo-science i have ever seen.