posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 08:47 PM
Given the recent SOPA and PIPA legislation that could possibly be passed through The Senate on the 24th of January, I was hoping the community on ATS
could create a thread to discuss how those people who wish to protest against SOPA in anyway possible can mobilise against it. If anyone has any
suggestions please post them.
Other then signing petitions and talking to senators (which we the people who are not American citizens can't do), we can still write to local media
outlets, national media outlets, international media outlets and foreign media outlets demanding they report on the SOPA and PIPA legislation.
Those who wish to can post information about SOPA and PIPA on their facebooks, twitters and YouTubes. They can also provide ways to fight this
legislation on various social networking websites. A good link to provide would be this one: -especially for those who
live in America.
Other then that, we could also send out many emails to all our freinds, family, co-workers, classmates or whom else it may concern.
Once again if anyone has any ideas feel free to post a comment and if this thread is in the wrong section or has violated the T&C in any manner, I
apologise, I was unaware.