posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0
everyone has their own personal way of becoming more spiritual or waking up. and every one is right because every way is another way. so you find what
works for you, if you like reading at all what led me on this journey and still is, is the books by Neale Donald Walsch called "Conversations With
God". i have learned so so much from these books and i am still learning every day.
meditation is great but difficult so the one thing to remember while trying to meditate is dont try. dont think to how do i get to zen
or how long do i do this or how the heck can i stop talking to myself..instead just know that you are everything you ever could want to be, so choose
to be that in this moment. you will get there, everyone does. Also choosing to go on the path to awakening or whatever you want to call it, the
universe or god or energy or(again whatever you want to call it) will provide the things and the experiences you need to get there.
as far as your question about knowing yourself and you will know all....this is my belief on that. and as i said it is only my way of thinking there
is no right way or certain way or best way just what i feel...god energy or cosmic energy is in everything, nothing exists without this energy being
it. we are all energy, we are all connected as one. im guna try to say this as short as possible, dont want to go on forever haha which i could. but
if you truly know yourself as what you truly are..then you know god. you know the all. you know all that ever was, is, and ever will be. you know that
all the bad and negativity isnt really bad it is just how we see it. once you come to a new perception about life, your world will shift, you will be
living in heaven. literally. (in my belief) heaven is not a place, it is a state of consciousness. happiness does not come from accomplishments or
merits or things being the way you want them to be, it comes from you becoming more awake and aware and seeing life as it really is. life is a
wonderful thing, its a journey, its an adventure, its to recreate yourself in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about who
you are.
as i said i could go on forever on spirituality, but just wanted to give an idea, if you have any more questions feel free to message me, however as i
said at the beginning of this post. no certain way is the right way, no way is better, every way is just another way, so you do what you want, be who
you want to be, and you will get there, we all do. Live Love and Laugh, every moment of every day.