posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 09:48 PM
As weird as it may sound, I would not be against closing down either the Breaking Alternative News or the Breaking General News forums, having one
breaking news forum that is for both alternative and general breaking news and then turning the extra one into something else.
The Breaking news forum is supposed to be for breaking news dealing with the paranormal and alternative subjects, but it is used mainly just for any
kind of breaking news....
Would it be dumb to maybe have just one breaking news forum that deals with both alternative and general topics and use the other one for something
else? That is what the BAN forum is being used as most of the time anyway.
That was something I thought about the other day, but did not bother to even mention because I figured not many people would go for such an idea.
I guess my point is that it would open up a forum for something new, such as the rumbling sound...Not that they can't just make a new one, but you
know what I mean.
Throw it away if it is a dumb idea, but I figured maybe I would throw it out as a mere thought.
Peace and love.
edit on 11-1-2012 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)