Greetings, fellow browsers of the ATS forums. I come to you today with a philosophy of sorts.
Nearly all of us are consumers of mainstream media, which has a powerful bearing on this discussion. We all watch popular movies, listen to popular
music, play popular games, etc. Thus, you may know what I speak of when I mention the Matrix.
Essentially, the Matrix is about humans being overrun by technology given artificial intelligence, which has decided to turn the tables and harvest
humans for their energy. In order to prevent rebellion and simplify the harvesting process, every man, woman and child is "plugged" into a virtual
world, keeping them ignorant of their true plight. This movie has instigated many discussions on the moral implications and philosophical
ramifications of such a situation. And although many have suggested it, most say, "Nah, it can't be true.This world is just to realistic." But I say
this: We ARE in a Matrix.
How, you ask? Think of it this way. The Matrix imprisoned the human race in a virtual world, which allowed them to control their movements by
establishing a false reality. In doing so, the machines convinced the humans that this world is, in fact, real, and all the laws apply in very real
ways. Comparing this to our reality, we are raised in very specific ways, taught very specific things, and act very specific ways.
For instance, consider theft. You have, perhaps, considered or even committed this act. But someone who has been raised by society and accepted its
laws of reality will, when confronted with the option, act as though they have run into a wall. Yes, a wall. Much like a wall in a maze or a prision
of mysterious proportions and dimensions. You are figuratively BLOCKED by your upbringing. You might say that this is a good thing; I would agree.
However, it does not stop there. The government in our world has handed down an entire schema of how society should behave. Because of the
consequences of defiance and rebellion, society complies, demonstrating this schema of behavior and thought processes down through generations. In
doing so, a prison of the mind is established throughout all of the nation.
What do I mean by "prison of the mind"? When I say this, I mean that there are certain thoughts or behaviors we are taught is bad, or wrong, or is
simply ridiculous. After we encounter such things as a child, or are shown such in public or personal settings, we blockade that thought or behavior,
effectively programming ourselves not to consider or do it. We close it away, putting a wall in front of it, so that we may not encounter the troubles
that follow if we were to displease or refute the standard, accepted way of society.
This is all created by the government, and taught and enforced by society. We are prisoners of societal standard, of conformity, because it is the
simplest way of controlling us. When we are conditioned to follow a certain path or response or behavior, we become limited, just as a jail cell will
limit our physical freedom.
There is no arguing with the fact that government and society condition us. Pavlov has taught us exactly how this is done, and it is applicable in
nearly all situations where control is desired, albeit in varying levels of complexity. We are slaves to the will and the convenience of our nations
politics and economics. If you are dubious, look to how often our leaders listen to us, and actually accept our pleas. More often than not, if they
actually listen, they will devise a way to reap more benefit than we do. And all the while, we continue to do as they desire, for that is how they
planned it.
Essentially, we are bound in a mental Matrix. And even though we see those laws of behavior and intellect being broken more and more frequently, the
government struggles ever harder to keep us within that Matrix. SOPA is a prime example of this. And so, I pass a message on to you, my fellow seekers
of truth.
Fight the Matrix. Be free to be who you are, and not what you are programmed to be by our leaders and peers. The Matrix is not permanent, nor
impenetrable. Break it. Break the conditioning.
Escape the Matrix.
edit on 11-1-2012 by Starchild23 because: spelling