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The Mental Matrix

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posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 09:50 AM
Greetings, fellow browsers of the ATS forums. I come to you today with a philosophy of sorts.

Nearly all of us are consumers of mainstream media, which has a powerful bearing on this discussion. We all watch popular movies, listen to popular music, play popular games, etc. Thus, you may know what I speak of when I mention the Matrix.

Essentially, the Matrix is about humans being overrun by technology given artificial intelligence, which has decided to turn the tables and harvest humans for their energy. In order to prevent rebellion and simplify the harvesting process, every man, woman and child is "plugged" into a virtual world, keeping them ignorant of their true plight. This movie has instigated many discussions on the moral implications and philosophical ramifications of such a situation. And although many have suggested it, most say, "Nah, it can't be true.This world is just to realistic." But I say this: We ARE in a Matrix.

How, you ask? Think of it this way. The Matrix imprisoned the human race in a virtual world, which allowed them to control their movements by establishing a false reality. In doing so, the machines convinced the humans that this world is, in fact, real, and all the laws apply in very real ways. Comparing this to our reality, we are raised in very specific ways, taught very specific things, and act very specific ways.

For instance, consider theft. You have, perhaps, considered or even committed this act. But someone who has been raised by society and accepted its laws of reality will, when confronted with the option, act as though they have run into a wall. Yes, a wall. Much like a wall in a maze or a prision of mysterious proportions and dimensions. You are figuratively BLOCKED by your upbringing. You might say that this is a good thing; I would agree.

However, it does not stop there. The government in our world has handed down an entire schema of how society should behave. Because of the consequences of defiance and rebellion, society complies, demonstrating this schema of behavior and thought processes down through generations. In doing so, a prison of the mind is established throughout all of the nation.

What do I mean by "prison of the mind"? When I say this, I mean that there are certain thoughts or behaviors we are taught is bad, or wrong, or is simply ridiculous. After we encounter such things as a child, or are shown such in public or personal settings, we blockade that thought or behavior, effectively programming ourselves not to consider or do it. We close it away, putting a wall in front of it, so that we may not encounter the troubles that follow if we were to displease or refute the standard, accepted way of society.

This is all created by the government, and taught and enforced by society. We are prisoners of societal standard, of conformity, because it is the simplest way of controlling us. When we are conditioned to follow a certain path or response or behavior, we become limited, just as a jail cell will limit our physical freedom.

There is no arguing with the fact that government and society condition us. Pavlov has taught us exactly how this is done, and it is applicable in nearly all situations where control is desired, albeit in varying levels of complexity. We are slaves to the will and the convenience of our nations politics and economics. If you are dubious, look to how often our leaders listen to us, and actually accept our pleas. More often than not, if they actually listen, they will devise a way to reap more benefit than we do. And all the while, we continue to do as they desire, for that is how they planned it.

Essentially, we are bound in a mental Matrix. And even though we see those laws of behavior and intellect being broken more and more frequently, the government struggles ever harder to keep us within that Matrix. SOPA is a prime example of this. And so, I pass a message on to you, my fellow seekers of truth.

Fight the Matrix. Be free to be who you are, and not what you are programmed to be by our leaders and peers. The Matrix is not permanent, nor impenetrable. Break it. Break the conditioning.

Escape the Matrix.
edit on 11-1-2012 by Starchild23 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

The government will never completely own you. Your mind will always be yours, and if it's all you have left, you can always escape into it. Then again if they feed you drugs you're done for.

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Have you broken free? If so than how? By not following societies rules? You still use a computer that uses power that needs humans to make and generate that power...

So what if we are in the Matrix, and I believe we are. Be it virtual or spiritual. We are here for a reason. To learn something...

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 12:10 PM
me thinks you give too much credit to the "government". is that REALLY who you think is running this show?!

did you know that from the Latin, religion (RE-LIGIO) literally means "to link backward"?

without pointing fingers by using the colloquial meaning of "religion", it is important to recognize that whatever (WHOMEVER) it is that links us backward has one thing in common with that which links us forward.....


in other words, there is not some faceless big-baddy that generates this "matrix". if you are looking for the source of this mess, you need not look at the government as much as you ought to examine your own life.

P.S. matrix-based threads are totally passe.

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 05:07 PM
As predicted, we have users denying the power of the government and society.

Some say that the only possible method is drugs. I repeat, drugs are not need for conditioning, as shown by Pavlov. Again, nothing is needed for the conditioning and formatting and demonstrating of our behaviors and such, as is displayed by our society. Merely the simple display of how they desire us to act is needed. You are welcome to your opinions of course; however, do not remain ignorant to the manipulation and programming taking place. However it happens, we are being used.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by abeverage

Haha. I love skeptics. It is refreshing to argue with a Devil's reminds me why I am right, or shows me how I am wrong so that I may improve upon my points and views.

In any case, have you ever heard of using the enemies' tools against them? Every device used by society is a double edged blade. Yes, I am using the products of the very things I protest. But I am using them in the name of those who created them, and to spit in the face of the government.

I am both honoring and protesting. There are benefits to everything created and done, but it is the intention, not the act, that bothers me. Just as one will say "It's the principle of the matter", so I say here: it is the principle.

Just because I don't appreciate outsourcing, does that mean I sell my car and walk on foot 20 miles to work every day? That's foolishness. No, there are more productive ways to do so. Here, I am getting the point out to every person reading this forum. And that, to me, makes my usage of the computer entirely worth it. And as the ATS Admin would likely say: Using the computer to access ATS and spread the word of denying ignorance is likely the best use I can make of these products, as concerns protesting....or in my case, informing and enlightening.

Thank you for your input.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by DAZ21

Quite simply, we are kept in the dark much more than I would like. Hence, how are you going to predict, or even have any clue, as to how they will attempt to manipulate us? You won't. Of all the secrets the government will impart to us (which they probably won't until forced, or they have a better card or strategy to play) why would they give us the most important: crowd control, on a national level.

If you watch tv, or even keep up to tabs with the news on this forum, you will know what I'm talking about. It's a matter of connecting the dots. And when you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, ask yourself: Have they even proven they are worthy of trust?

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

Good points and noted about the tools.

So what is on the other side of the veil so to speak and why should I care? If I am in a prison (to use Matrix jargon) I can neither feel nor touch what is my reason for escaping? If I am relatively happy as a captive would my life be so much more different am I free? If I love hot steak so much why should I leave this world bound for one (like in the movie) that was oddly worse, and a cold bowl of porridge? Many people who have committed crimes find this out that they are better off in a Prison where they are fed, clothed and housed.Not only that I do believe we are in a Matrix one for our souls so if I wake up in another place am I not still in a matrix if I am physical? I am only trading one reality for another and what if that one is worse than the one I am in where is the benifit?

To use the Matrix as you like too. They escape one prison only to end up amazingly enough into another, one they are actively fighting for. The machines control everything and the planet itself could be considered a prison as they are trapped deep within it! One in which there is truly a dying world possibly not worth fighting & dying for, in that case is not ignorance is bliss…?

Unlike possibly many trolls and viewers of this thread, even before that movie came out, I questioned this philosophy over in the deep end of the pool…

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Fight the Matrix. Be free to be who you are,....

You know, it is the strangest thing of all, see
a key..but we are that very Matrix, being we, our-own-selves in it made it out of it all by iT self alone and so . always staying in the middle of it
, each one of us the middle of the wire + - . and everything ..
i _.
edit on 12-1-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by abeverage

I'm not entirely certain you yourself are not trolling me...Would you choose to live in a lie because it is more comfortable? Next time you want to know who broke the window, do not accuse the culprit of lying when they say a bird did it, because that's a more comfortable version of events. Do you see what I'm saying? Comfort is a highly flawed excuse for preferring illusion over reality. It's akin to an ostrich sticking its head in the sand because it is frightened.

Yes, we do trade one Matrix for another. But the fact is, just because there is always a Matrix of sorts, you desire the one that seeks most to restrict your freedom of mind and soul? The Matrix of the body does trap the soul and consciousness...but think: is that truly a bad thing? It acts as a vessel, just as a computer both holds, transfers, organizes, and generally allows data a means of expression and mobility. The body restricts us only in the physical sense. Without the body, we are blind. So does the body restrict us more than it enables us? Is it an even trade? Would you rather be a mind without a body?

Freedom from manipulation is the subject here. The freedom to be who we are, and not have our leaders determine how we should act on a personal level. Gay rights, religious beliefs, the ability to speak our minds, freedom of information...all of this is either ignored or guided (forcibly) on a national level. I speak not of perception...although that is one of the tools they use. I speak of freedom. Personal freedom, and not sycophantic conformacy for the sake of pleasing those political or religious factions who pull the strings in determining the constants of our lives.

Above all, there is one other thing I have to say in response to your argument. You ask, "Why not live in lies? If it's more comfortable, go right ahead." Here's my answer: CAN YOU NOT HANDLE THE TRUTH???

Thanks for your input.

edit on 12-1-2012 by Starchild23 because: revision

edit on 12-1-2012 by Starchild23 because: revision

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 10:52 AM

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 10:55 AM

edit on 12-1-2012 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by nii900

There are different ways to look at "getting free"...but the worst thing to do is give up. Give up, and you say hat you aren't strong enough. Give up, and you say that oppression and subtle manipulation and the blatant controlling of the masses is not worth fighting. Give up...and you help in condemning your fellow man.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23

edit on 12-1-2012 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

^å .....

The Matrix imprisoned the human race in a virtual world, which allowed them to control their movements by establishing a false reality. In doing so, the machines convinced the humans that this world is, in fact, real, and all the laws apply in very real ways. Comparing .....Text

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

I assure you I am not a troll, I am a seeker.

And as such I question just about everything, from my state of mind to the existence of everything. That said yes most people would choose the truth depending on how much it is going to hurt. If it is going to hurt a lot, they might rather choose a lie.

To me I am Free to think my own thoughts; I am Free to decide my own reactions, emotions, and direction my life takes (At least currently in America). I live comparably speaking in a free country where I can say as I like and do as I choose within reason and within the laws most of which I agree with. I am free to choose a career path (mostly lol) I am freer than say a peasant 100 years ago, or a Chinese fabric worker of today.

How am I not free? Well... I still have to have a job there is that to pay for all the junk I deem important. I am not free to travel to certain countries but this is because they won’t allow me not because my country wont. I am not free to commit crimes which my society tells me are wrong and again most of which I concur. There may be a few more ways I am restricted but I am not seeing them.

Now then you still have not answered my question. What is on the other side? What am I missing? What Freedoms have I lost? If I escaped would I still need all the common things I have the freedom here to survive, a job, a home, etc?

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by abeverage
reply to post by Starchild23

How am I not free? Well... I still have to have a job there is that to pay for all the junk I deem important. I am not free to travel to certain countries but this is because they won’t allow me not because my country wont. I am not free to commit crimes which my society tells me are wrong and again most of which I concur. There may be a few more ways I am restricted but I am not seeing them.

Now then you still have not answered my question. What is on the other side? What am I missing? What Freedoms have I lost? If I escaped would I still need all the common things I have the freedom here to survive, a job, a home, etc?

Ah, yes. I had forgotten to answer that. Quite simply, you are doing exactly what they want you to do, and you are unhindered in it. Furthermore, you see those doing as you are doing as free to go about their lives. But there are so many issues that, while you may remain oblivious to them, are continually pestering people around the nation, and perhaps the world.

Just because you do not see it, does not mean it isn't there. Do you have to experience the issue for it to exist? One cannot miss a thing if one has never had it...and since none of us have ever been outside government control, none of us knows what that is like.

Something I would like to mention here: anarchy. I do not support anarchy, and probably never will. The gov't does an excellent job of keeping things under control...but the problem is, there are things that it should not control, and certain matters it is biased in. And due to this warping of their perception, they seek to control us. Think of a world where the gov't protects and provides, but does not dictate or ignore. That is the world we should have. That is the world we do not have.

The Matrix our our minds ties into this in one very simple yet complex way: we are trained to accept how things are, and to continue keeping our world that way. We are trained to obey, and not to question. That is our Matrix.

What are you missing? Apparently nothing. If you are content, so be it. But don't restrain the rest of us for your satisfaction.

Thanks for the discussion.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

So you dream of a Utopia? A perfect governing body that does not interfere with our lives yet that is why we need government. Because over time it has become apparent that one or more people cannot control their own actions which is why we created laws.

I do agree there may be a better form of government but unfortunately it will still be run by imperfect beings and therefore inevitably flawed. But we will continue to strive toward that goal.

I see where I am controlled in my life (Ads, commercialism, restrictions, etc), If anything I am not typical (I could go into detail but I don’t need to share my “statistics” and leave it at that.).

What would you rather I do? And I do not have to experience war to know it is wrong and I do my best to prevent it. So again I ask what should I do? If I do as you ask is that not a form of control? Also tell me how my actions or what I am doing to restrain “the rest”?

If I remember correctly in the movies there were two ways (possibly only one true way) to escape the matrix one was overt (join the rebellion, take the red pill) one subvert “self substantiation” (Kid's Story ala the Animatrix & Reloaded) suicide.

Take the red pill (obviously leaving the matrix by choice possibly death???) or self substantiation which basically means death…neither of which sounds appealing to me.

All I am asking is how does one escape this so called matrix?

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 12:32 PM
Pfft. I don't need to know anything about you.

You assume that the government WOULD work toward this goal. Unfortunately, great power brings great corruption. Instead of struggling to bring people the equilibrium that we all desire, the government decides to cement its position, thereby allowing it permanent control, and us a permanent seat at the children's table. We are no longer a part of the governing process, as we should be.

It has become a socialistic dictatorship. The government pretends to listen to us, uses our messages to justify its demands for power and its gropes for control, then squashes us when we protest.

How do you free yourself? There is no need. Why would you want to be free when you are content as you are? Don't ask me for instructions on how to ruin your happiness. This thread no longer concerns you.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by nii900

Fight the Matrix. Be free to be who you are,....

You know, it is the strangest thing of all, see

just words......btw.. .

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
As predicted, we have users denying the power of the government and society.

It's not that I would deny such a thing but at the same time I believe no one holds any power over me. This is because I believe there are 7+ billion different realities on this planet and in each reality power is different. If I were to believe otherwise, sooner or later I would become a mindless drone being programmed by whatever a politician would state, I would no longer be able to exert power over my own thinking but instead would need politicians to convince me of issues.

Ultimately every one person inhabiting their own individual reality grants power to others (which are nothing more but imagined individuals themselves, mirror images of the real thing), in a way it's possible for an individual to grant a degree of power to another on a particular subject in such a way another has more power than the individual who grants it. Now I believe there are people who don't see 7 billion realities but only 1 either because they can't bear the thought to be alone (and make themselves believe they are together to combat this) or because they are taught it's like that and it isn't anything else.

Point being if one wants true power it can only be over oneself that will be permanent. Any person who gives power to another can take it away once they understand it. Why I believe this is so important is because an individual can only convince themselves, wether they perceive themselves as being imprisoned or being free, being happy or being sad. No other can convince another of this; not until science has invented brain implants allowing people to convince others directly from brain to brain.
edit on 12/1/2012 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

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