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I can't think anymore.

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posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 09:26 AM
Also. Get out and do some hard manual labor. Work around other people. That will make you strong and strong minded. Also. See that everything you come into contact with is important and deserves the highest degree of respect that you can give. Do all this, and you'll feel better than ever.

Also. I don't know if you believe in God. But if you don't, just pretend you do, and see that the creator of the entire universe has the highest respect for you and loves you immensely. Therefore, he created you with big plans in mind.

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by MrUncreated

A new book claims the amount of time we spend on the internet is changing the very structure of our brains – damaging our ability to think and to learn

MY brain doesn't work right either, but I never was the brightest bulb, many of your symptoms sound like depression.

I have issues with trust too, who wouldn't?

Sometimes I wonder if the internet effects or minds.

How the internet is altering your mind
A new book claims the amount of time we spend on the internet is changing the very structure of our brains – damaging our ability to think and to learn

that the modern world's relentless informational overload is killing our capacity for reflection, contemplation, and patience – but that our online habits are also altering the very structure of our brains.

Now take into consideration cell phones and the rest of modern technology.

Is Google making us stupid?

This is the full-length version: an elegantly written cry of anguish about what one admirer calls "the uneducating of Homo sapiens", and a rewiring of neural pathways and networks that may yet deprive the human race of the talents that – ironically enough – drove our journey from caves to PC terminals.

Among the most hair-raising passages in the book is this one: "If, knowing what we know today about the brain's plasticity, you were to set out to invent a medium that would rewire our mental circuits as quickly and thoroughly as possible, you would probably end up designing something that looks and works a lot like the internet."

"After just five days of practice, the exact same neural circuitry in the front part of the brain became active in the internet-naive subjects. Five hours on the internet, and the naive subjects had already rewired their brains."

Step away from the computer put down your cell phones, spend time in the country, enjoy life, read a book, take up a hobbie, go fishing,

good luck

edit on 093131p://bWednesday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:04 AM
If this is true: "I think therefore I am" René Descartes. Then if I cannot think, I am not? Since you are able to post coherently, it follows that you can indeed, think. Perhaps your issue is remembering?

I also agree with all those who suggested walking, very helpful.

It is a bit more difficult to adress your depression. If it helps you are not alone, I can identify with your concerns and fears. Hope is a part of our makeup, cling to yours, on your walks speak with God, He will answer.

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Iamschist

Why using a computer can cause depression

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:14 AM
OP, I feel your pain.. recently (last couple of months)

ive been feeling the same way..everything seems so clouded and basic thought processes hit the wall...

Im glad im not the only one on in this boat honestly.

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by MrUncreated

In all seriousness ...

Coffee does marvels.

Also if you're having trouble focusing it doesn't hurt to give yourself a bit of isolation. I find when I want to focus I typically just throw on the old noise cancelling headphones and load up some ambient or classical music (Orbital, Tiesto, Mark Morgan, Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven).

After about 30 minutes I'm fully focused.

Edit to add ... On especially bad days I just go for a long run. Never underestimate a good workout!

If all else fails take a nap.
edit on 11-1-2012 by Xtraeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:54 AM
judging only from your avatar and siggy, it appears that you have a powerful agenda (or perhaps "slant") toward life. if this is so, then the source of your displeasure is likely your refusal to honor your personal integrity WRT this agenda. you knew this already, but apparently needed an externalized "permission" in order to make it so.

I ask you a simple question: do you remember for what reason (and at what time) you sold yourself short? you must "rebirth" yourself from that point.

if it was (too) long ago, or you think that the task is too large, here is your permission:....apparently you are suicidal (to some degree). the severity of this will become useful to you. you must now perform an "as if true" operation on the suicide. thus, you may now consider yourself to have died.

you are now dead.

because you have died, nothing that mattered BEFORE, matters NOW. I repeat: NOTHING!!!

the profundity of this simple transformation in your perspective should hopefully be sufficient for your successful rebirth....depending solely upon the legitimate severity of what you appear to be going through.

this, friend, is the opportunity you have been waiting for.

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Not sure if this will help but I have definitely had periods in my life where I can relate to feeling like this. For me, meditation was the answer, it changed my life.

For a quick explanation, it works like this - you sit in a quiet space, no music, no nothing and focus on your breath. focus on the IN breath. focus on the OUT breath. Say in your mind each time - "I am breathing out" "I am breathing in".

You will do this for about 2 seconds before your mind gets bored and starts to think of some other # like girls, how life sucks, how jealous you can be, etc. THIS IS NORMAL. this is how the mind works. You just gently guide your mind back to "I am am breathing out" "I am breathing in".

At first you might only be able to do it for two minutes and that's fine. consider it a job well done! Just keep working at it every day that you can until the time increases. I can sit for 40 minutes now easy, at first, just one minute would kill me! Believe me, it gets easier!

So, whats the point of doing this? The thoughts in your mind are not yours. What? Sound weird right? The mind thinks, that's what it does. For some reason it thinks of negative things about 90% of the time. What was most important for me was to figure out that these thoughts are not mine. thoughts do not define us, WE ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS.

So we change our relationship to anger, fear, jealousy, etc. We can never get rid of these feelings, they are just a part of human nature but we can change the way we REACT to them.

When you are sitting, focusing on your breath, and jealousy comes by to hang out, you recognize it "hey wdup jealousy, thanks for hanging out, I am not YOU. I can not going to react to you". And then, YOU LET IT GO.....

This might sound dumb out of context. I did a lot of listening to audio and reading books about meditation before I actually joined a class and started my own practice.

If you are not a "new agey" person, Dharma Punx is a great organization that I enjoyed when I first started, they helped a lot. You can listen to talks about these topics on the website.

Here are some other links I recommend - (for audio in particular)

Of course, youtube is filled with great videos as well.

Take care man, it does get better. We just have to put in the effort to make the change. Thing is, our lives are exactly how we want them to be. We created them. Nobody else. If you don't like how things are, you can change it, simple as that. Not complex, not hard to grasp, we have to get out of the mind, it sucks in there. Get inside the heart. Its waaaaaaaay better in there!

Much Peace!

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 12:56 PM
I understand your feelings. It is only human. Who dares call themselves human if they had never suffered a total burnout before? It is only natural, as what you had believed once comes crumbling around you.

It is ok too to feel self pity, for only in self pity can one reflect upon past events. And past events are often a quigmire once one dwells upon it - the regrets, the remorses, of what could have been.....

It will take time to get out of it, some do it quick, some take years, but get out of it you must, for as long as you breathe, you do have control over your own fate and life....

Begin with small baby steps. Love is the greatest gift our Creator bestowed upon us. Love of oneself and others. You are no less a human than the President of the mightest state in the world. Never look down upon yourself, but neither live on delusions of granduer...

Take baby steps to live again. Love will lead you back to humanity. For love begins with commitment, and from commitment begets responsibilities, and from responsibilities when you acheive, it gives you confidence on yourself.

Some begin love with pets, but many begin by looking at the reflection on the mirror, and the rehabilitation of oneself starts....

Good luck.:-)

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by MrUncreated

soon with global war coming u will get what u want, if u r not well u cant do anything and noone whatsoever can when u cant bc u r one
one can only be well of a positive result so a true stable one

so all is to destruction dont fight ur negative state it u r actually smart, but i guess it wont last lucky u, u gonna rest fast and once dead u wont have to bare ur existential issue, while u could not b the reason of making ur situation worse by acting negatively towards ur negative self

so take that free idea positively, it is 2012 the year of all death

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 10:45 PM

edit on 30-11-2012 by jiaoyinyang because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by MrUncreated

I suspect that you may be dealing more with a problem of will rather than a problem of intellect. Is it that you cannot compose music or have you lost the sustained desire to compose music? Do you get bored part of the way through and allow your mind to wander? Can you not complete things because you no longer find any meaning in them?

You mentioned you lost your faith years ago, but what have you replaced it with? Did you lose purpose when you lost faith? Over time I've gradually lost many aspects of the faith I was raised with and the different philosophies I have entertained have, at times, caused real damage to my happiness through lack of purpose. If this is the case I would recommend reading the thoughts of those who challenge the theology/philosophy that has taken the place of your faith.

Those who have recommended changing your diet also offer great advise. This can make a huge difference. If your body can bear it, I would even recommend a fast. Don't be too hash - drink juice or broth if the need strikes you. No need to fast for 30 days right away. Two or three can put your mind in a slightly different state and may help you evaluate what's truly troubling you more easily.

Remember, we live in a world that's much easier for those who do not question purpose or seek meaning.

Also, read a good poem. Finding someone who shares your pain is often better than finding an answer.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by MrUncreated

I want clarity of thought. Maybe I never had it... but it would make all the difference in the world, if I weren't stumbling around through life, like a blind man in a maze.

Are you sure you aren't fooling yourself into believing your brains are scrambled? I'm sure it took more than five minutes to create this perfectly clear, perfectly structured thread. So, you can definitely hold onto a thought. There wasn't one sentence that was obscure or hard to read.

Just going by what you wrote, I'd say your mind was running at 100%.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by MrUncreated

There are other therapies besides medications. Group therapy or individual therapy. Mindfulness. Self-help groups. Getting out of yourself. Spirituality. I understand your plight believe me. You are going to have to fight. My thoughts are with you.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by MrUncreated

Mr. Uncreated I have to say that I have pondered deeply on what is going on??? I have noticed the same thing. It feels like there is a barrier in the way the brain processes that never used to be there before. Making it literally impossible to be creative, concentrate or have brilliant moments of thought connection.

I have noticed that it is NOT natural in the least but something that has been altered in us. It feels like 'something' has invaded and replaced the normal thought processes with static or something. I have spoken with colleagues who also have felt this strange 'happening'. People that were once motivated and mentally very astute.

Now suddenly, it feels like this 'thing' is stupifying us. I know exactly what your referring to and honestly it scares me because I have noticed this infiltration and it doesn't feel natural or genetic. It feels like our brains are being micro-waved or something.

I know this is strange to some people but I do believe that we will hear more and more of this phenomenon as time passes.

All that comes to mind is to remove all technology and eat organic but even so, we are surrounded in our every day lives by everything that is degrading us on a cellular level, including our brain waves and brain cells.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by MrUncreated

I've lost my faith, many years ago. I don't know what to believe in.

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

FIRST things first, THEN you will be Refined and Restored in the Ways our Creator sees fit. Focus on your Father in a Love, Trust and Reverence of the many Blessings you do have, for the Creator is the Foundation that all else is built upon. Disregard the Foundation and you will be further 'swept away' in a worldly despair. I hate to be blunt but people do not seem to acknowledge just how important it is to cleave unto Him with adherance, especially in these most dangerous times of snaring and overcoming with the many increasing spiritual corruptions upon this temporary state of dwelling. Heed the times you know are coming and choose your standing wisely for many will lose their bearings and fall greater still.
edit on 1-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by PrimeLight
reply to post by MrUncreated

I've lost my faith, many years ago. I don't know what to believe in.

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

FIRST things first, THEN you will be Refined and Restored in the Ways our Creator sees fit. Focus on your Father in a Love, Trust and Reverence of the many Blessings you do have, for the Creator is the Foundation that all else is built upon. Disregard the Foundation and you will be further 'swept away' in a worldly despair. I hate to be blunt but people do not seem to acknowledge just how important it is to cleave unto Him with adherance,
especially in these most dangerous times of snaring and overcoming with the many increasing spiritual corruptions upon this temporary state of dwelling. Heed the times you know are coming and choose your standing wisely for many will lose their bearings and fall greater still.
edit on 1-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

I'm greatful you wrote this. I can understand how living through this beat up life can bring a person down to a place of despair and hopelessness. Making one forget their first love, and the truth....................which in Grace preserves us, edifies us and build's us in strength inexplicably with a hope that is not earth bound.

The enemy constantly tries to defeat us so that our flame of truth is diminished in hopelessness. So that we are brought to ruin of the heart and soul. The fire is still there even if it is just a little ember.

Thank you for those uplifting words. I hope a great seed is planted as well in Mr. Uncreated bringing him the hope that is before his eyes.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:47 AM
Don't worry about that, we are getting ready for transformation. Soon enough it was all come back to you, when one door closes, there is always one that opens.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 02:49 AM
Try studying Religious Science, or Unity School or Christianity, or Christian Science.

They have a different perspective about life that has helped many people out.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 06:21 AM
I agree, It happens with almost all of us and in that period, it is important to relax and meditate for a few minutes. If you will feel relaxed, Your mind will gain strength and you will feel motivated.

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