posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by OldCorp
Anything above the 45th is a great place to fish, hunt or skywatch. Being able to feed yourself like a native is always a plus with whatever is coming
in the future. On a off-topic question is there any ice on the lakes around you? I'm over on the Lake Michigan side and we haven't been able to get
out yet.
I don't know what the deal is with all the air traffic, it seems like last summer it just picked up out of nowhere. I can't even tell you how many
times a group of F-16's or A-10's have hauled a** overhead and sent my dogs into a frenzy.
I used to live work down by Selfridge and have went to a lot of airshows over the years so I'm pretty familiar what jets sound like but the noise I
heard in December has been sticking in my mind as high strangeness. I'm usually kind of skeptical with all the noises in the sky vid's but the
background noise in yours reminds me of what I heard. Thanks for sharing!!