reply to post by nii900
The origin of Indo-European civilisation began in Asia Minor — the western region of the most ancient agricultural and stock-breeding, which in
9000-7000 B.C. started to supplant hunting. It was precisely this new type of husbandry, which then spread over the vast plains of Oikumena.
As a result of demographic changes of those who bore this new type of husbandry, of its attraction for neighbouring hunters, and in the search for new
fertile soils, the Indo-Europeans of Asia Minor not only rendered habitable the Danube valley between the sea and the Carpethians as early as 6000
B.C., but created there the first state in the world—Aratta, "the ploughmen's state".
Then how were the interethnic relations regulated, and how did mutual influences spread? The new facts help answer these questions. The data can be
divided in three groups. The first, the most evident one, is a system of the sanctuaries-observatories dated from 5000 to 1000 B.C., along the
northern border of that day's arable forming from Transylvania to Britain and middle Dnipro river region, and then — to the inter-mountain of Ural
and Altai. According to the testimonies of Herodotus, Diodor us and other ancient authors, the wandering priests used that system as late as 500 B.C.;
spreading to the South and to the North, and this system existed in Europe and Asia until the adoption of the Christianity (see picture 1). The second
group of data — more than 100 clay tables dated 4000-3000 B.C. with the inscriptions of the Sumerian type, which come from different archaeological
cultures of several countries in the middle Danube valley. The third group — the genealogy of tribes and heroes, which is preserved in Greek
mythology, but came (as modem science testifies) from the pre-Grecian, Indo-European mists. Similar ethno-chronological analysis, drawing on modern
archaeological and linguistic data, has already begun.
The Aryan's spread Aratta's fame from Greece to Palestine and India — where the rests of its culture are still preserved in Hinduism.
When I started digging in arkaimskoy Valley, archaeologists said the scientist to the world that discovered the ancient city, whose age is more than
four centuries, and that it inhabited by people of ancient Indo-European civilization. Researchers began to call Arkaim cities, temples, observatories
Who are interested in the hypothesis of scientists can read them in the literature.
I'll pass that told me about Arkaim de darling Anastasia. The logic of his thinking is much more accurate and more interesting than the logic upon
which to make scientific hypotheses.
He once said:
- Arch - this is not a city and temple.With respect to the observatory is true, but it is quite nonprincipal. Arkaim - this academy, so you can call
it today's term. In Arkaim lived and worked as a teacher of the Magi. Here they are engaged in research of the universe, we determined the
relationship of cosmic bodies, their impact on humans. His greatest discoveries, they are not recorded and did not speak in public, with long
speeches. From years of research, they counted ceremonies, presents them to the people, observing later, "whether they are effective. If necessary,
make adjustments. Long-term studies, they could eventually include one or two short words, behind which was the essence of discovery.
Ancient Tibetan shamanism and animism, the pre-Buddhist spiritual and religious culture of Tibet, was known as Bon, and a practitioner of these
shamanic techniques of ecstasy and ritual magic, the methods of working with energy, was known as a Bonpo. Bonpo is still the designation for a shaman
in many tribal regions of the Himalayas. But increasingly, over the centuries, the ecstatic shaman has been replaced by the priestly Lama or ritual
expert, and so later Bonpos in Central Tibet also came to fill a role more ritualistic than ecstatic. There exists a parallel here to what occurried
in ancient India where the Rishis or ecstatics of the early Vedic period, who communed directly with the celestial gods during ecstatic flights into
the heavens, were later replaced by Brahman priests, experts in the performing of rituals and sacrifices in order to invoke the powers of the gods and
ensure their cooperation for human benefit and prosperity.
Originally the word Bonpo meant someone who invoked the gods and summoned the spirits. Here there seems to be a strong parallel of the role of the
Bonpo in ancient Tibet.
Ibrahim Zeradust aka Zoroaster aka Brahma aka Abraham. All leads to triangle Arkaim-Aratta-Ararat,Lake Urmia.