posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:05 AM
I'm in West Virginia, pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, not near any airports, and I've been hearing something similar for several months.
I'm not sure about nights, I hear it during the daytime. At first I think I'm hearing an approaching helicopter, which freaks me out a little
because a few months ago they were flying really low around mine and a few neighbors property. Like, REALLY low, so low I thought they wre going to
land in my field. That went on for several days. I hear a sound like you describe every couple of weeks or so. I always grab my binoculars and go
outside in case it's another helicopter so I can write down the numbers. When I get outside, it sounds more like a rumbling engine, and the sky is
white ever time. It usually persists for a few hours, then fades.
I didn't notice it before the helicopters came a few months ago. i guess that made me a little paranoid about it.
For the record, the nearest neighbor to my left has a gas line on his property that gets vented twice a year... this overhead sound is completely