Hi guys as an amateur producer in EDM music, for 10yrs, i also work part time with a friend for a professional sound engineering company based in
London who works on sFX for video games & Walt Disney, infact i was offered a job there full time just this week, which i need a few more sleeps
As far as i can tell, with my trained ears and knowledge in sound and effects etc etc
There are only a handful of REAL videos out there concerning this strange sound, and they are all in the USA
I haven't heard them all of course maybe 10 in total, Some off them are blatant & obvious fakes, such as people playing sample cds in the backround,
while others are just combine harvesters cutting the crops, some are just normal city ambiance, and you can easily tell this by the way it effects the
cam/mic in some cases, the real sky sound produce a low end rumble, which others do not on the spectrum analyzers, indicating the sound is not as
strong and much rather from a nearby source such as a monitor/speaker. kinda like echo location, it also had a reverb to it, the original real sound
was far more bigger/powerful and all around,
As i also live next to a farmer field all my life, at least two of the videos was farmer cutting there crops, i believe this was a video from Denmark,
for 30yrs i have heard that sound every September, funny enough so was the video dated Sep 7th, obvious hoax there
If there are any other videos pls post them and i will give my opinion on them to, right now IMHO there are only 2-3 videos that are actually
mysterious, and as i said they're all in the USA
I have no idea what they are, but they do sound like a mixture of thunder rumbling low end, with a mid, close to that of a kettle boiling and a jet
engine whistle/sweeps mixed in, very odd indeed, you could probably go about creating that sound with a few samples of the above, but you won't be
able to play it and get it to sound as it did to the camera mic unless you put a 1 billion watt sound system up in the atmosphere with some serious
bass bins,
edit on 11-1-2012 by BRITWARRIOR because: (no reason given)