posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 04:06 PM
That was pure poetry.
But in all seriousness, I absolutely agree that the tapes ought to be released. Think about it logically. If there is nothing to hide in Gerry Adams
past, then the tapes have no value to anyone investigating him. Therefore, the investigating body who are petitioning to access the tapes, ought to be
allowed to have them for a time to examine them anyway, because it would be like preventing an investigator eating brocoli during an investigation. It
would have no nett effect on the case, if it were lame evidence with nothing on it.
Equally, if there IS something to hide on that tape, then those investigating the man have a right to hear or see the damned truth if they can get
it. For any organisation to have solid artifact evidence, or recorded evidence that contradicts the words a man speaks to keep himself in power, in
respect, and above all out of jail, and not hand it over to interested parties once it is known that such a tape or record exists, is just down right
shady, and as much an admission of guilt on Adams part, in this case, as having a video of the man cutting up children and making them into sausages,
or burning pentagrams into the foreheads of babies or something equally rotten.
Wether one chooses the only legitimate standpoint when discussing the "Troubles" ( I.E. that of being disgusted at every single person who was ever
involved in any way, on any side wether that be republican, unionist, police, or army) or chooses to be an utter buttock and throw thier lot in with
any of the utterly broken idealologies involved, the fact is that there are only two ways one can do things. Truthfully, or wrong. If Adams has done
wrong, then he should be arrested , charged, and if guilty of a crime, convicted of it, and punished as if he were any other man, rather than the
giant of Irish politics he has been for decades. If he has not, then he, and people who respect him, should be transparent, and there should be no
beating around the bush on the part of anyone who has evidence relating to his case.
What we should also remember, is that VAST numbers of the giants of Irish politics these days, were murdering, psychopathic, vile, drug dealing
nutters back in the day, so no matter which ones are getting the eye of Justice swept over them on any given occasion, it should be in the interest of
every free person of peaceful intent, to see justice done.
However, I do have this one thing to say, which may point to a reason I can think of for why this descision is not being made with a more speedy
gusto. It may be that the information is so destabilising, that the British and or Irish government have gotten wind of what it is , seen how awful
whatever this record contains could be for stability in the UK, and have ASKED the U.S. to delay the release of this information, until say, after the
biggest target for terror acts in thirty something years, has passed, namely the Olympic Games in London.
If I was some face saving Secret Service sap with more interest in keeping Britain looking "well 'ard" and unruffled during the Games, than in
honour and decency, I might request that the diplomatic service look into getting a favour done by someone the other side of the water, say in the
organisation that keeps the evidence that we are talking about. There are bloodier and more pointlessly dangerous ways to keep information under
Dont forget also, that ANY bad news about a major figure in Irish politics at this time, especially over something so potentially divisive, has the
chance of fracturing things quite nastily. We have just seen in the news the police in Ireland have recently arrested someone over the murder of one
of thier own not too long back. What ever cancerous muck remains from the troubled times past, will not be eased by revalations about one of the
biggest players at the table over there right now.
I know there are those out there who would rather see truth at ANY cost, and to them I say cheers and the very best of luck to them, for they are the
best examples of humanity, unafraid of trial and tribulation, but unprepared to hide from reality , no matter the consequence. However, many others
out there will be thinking " I just want all this to go away, to wake up tomorrow and have the last hundred god damned YEARS turn out being a bad
dream." That last group there number in the majority. People who are sick of the he says she says, and the they killed us, and then we killed them,
so its thier fault BS that folks spout when pissed, who just want to get on with thier lives without having to keep an eye out for folks who look the
type to enjoy a friendly kneecapping.
Who do you please? Appease the one, and the others will rebel!