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my abduction case

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posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 06:43 PM
I'll try to be as brief as I can, please bear with me...

Some five months ago I got into this whole ET thing, beyond more than a mild interest or hobby, and I began having open discussions with members of my family, which were not received well.. My grandmother especially thought I was crazy, but then my family is very religious and conservative. I expected their reactions, but I was interested and just wanted to talk to someone about it. Soon they started in with the jokes, and somehow it got to the neighbors and some of the instructors in a school I'm in. I'm having trouble with this now.

Today I registered on this board after many months of trying to and encountering errors in your software. I've lurked in this particular forum for a very, very long time. I wanted to be more outspoken here for one reason: because recently I believe I've been being abducted. This is not a joke.

The first occurence: It was on a day that my father and I had a financial disagreement and he stormed out of the house. I closed everything up, and remained inside the house. About a week later he had not come back, and he calls to inform me that he's staying at his brother's and is helping with some landscaping. A few more days pass, and I wake in the morning and oddly find myself wanting to sleep in longer, because I think somebody will be in the kitchen (and I don't want to be bothered talking with them). This is when I realized that no one was in the house, because everyone besides my father was on vacation and had no way of getting in without my father or myself, and my father had no way of getting in short of my personally letting him in, which I had not done. So it confused me for a minute.

Then I stood up and felt a very sharp sting in the lower area of my calf on my right leg. I immediately reached for it like I'd been bitten by something. I didn't see anything. When I sat down and really tried to look, I was surprised; I found three small holes (yes, holes) in an equal triangular formation at about 4x4 inches. In the center of this formation, I had a deep kind of abrasion, as if my flesh had been scraped away, literally speaking. The wounds were fresh, probably done only a few hours before I woke. I have a cat; no cat could have done this. I was very alarmed and actually could not walk on the leg. I mostly stayed in bed for the rest of the day, and I want to point out: This took place.

The second occurence was on following night in which I know something happened again.. Because this time I was able to confirm it, because I woke up in the midst of it. My eyes opened, and I felt like there was a person standing over me (intuition I suppose). I quickly tried to turn around, and I actually caught something in the corner of my eye - somebody was in my bedroom, in a locked down house in the middle of the night, standing over top of me. I was not able to turn completely around, because I was no longer able to move. The best I can describe it is as frozen in place, like a frightened child. I had no control over myself, and I don't know why.

I don't feel like this was a dream, because I've had dreams in which I "wake up" while still actually dreaming, and this was not that.. I felt conscious, like waking up and having to shift myself because something is cramping. I was definitely awake.

I heard a buzzing. It was very low in pitch, and I could feel the bass of it inside my chest (very loud). I then lost my vision and fell back unconscious. The next morning I found these same abrasions however not in formations; they were above my elbows on my upper arms, and I was not able to move my arms. This was serious. My arms were numb throughout most of the day, similar to the feeling of having slept on them if you know this feeling.

I did not jump to the conclusion that ET was doing this. I believed that somebody broke into my home while I slept and fooled with me. But I know my father could not have been there, and I furthermore don't think he would do such things. The next day, he does call me and tells me he'll be back later that night. And he comes back, and he's just shocked by what I tell him, and he sees the wounds and is further shocked, and he goes on to deny having any involvement. From the conversation and the circumstances, I believe him. I'm guessing he thinks I did it to myself.

Weeks later I saw a physician (of course by this time everything had healed) ... I was casually told that I must have slept the wrong way or fell out of bed in my sleep. I really don't think so. It has never happened to me before, and this does not explain the holes/punctures found in a triangular formation at the base of my leg.

The main issue is this: I have been having nightmares or whatever you want to call them, reoccuring nightmares, of the same event or same basic event - every other night to every night. I am being more than serious. I feel like I need to keep saying this.

Always it is the same scenario: I am in my home, it is late in the night, and I can see intruders, large people, roaming on my property, but I don't feel threatened. I stand by and watch, and each of them will approach me, one by one in formation, and lean down into me (I am humble at 5'6") and touch their eyes onto my forehead (that is what I said).

I feel (really feel) a kind of serenity and everything goes black... I have this dream almost every night. This is more significant to me than I can express... Lately I have been waking to feel extremely exhausted. I find myself easily sleeping more than 14 hours a night, and I am now beginning to take to sleeping during the day instead. It's like I'm having these recollections and I can't concentrate on anything else. I quit working for a time... Nothing else in my life seems very important to me when I try to put this into perspective..

I think they are greys. I don't want to say this, but it's what I'm consistenly seeing. Some of them are greenish in tint... Most of them are grey. They are 7' in height at least. Sometimes I'm wondering now whether I'm only dreaming this or if it's actually taking place, because it feels so real. I have found no more of these markings on my body, but tonight, I know I will have this dream.. If not tonight, tomorrow. I am frankly scared to see a professional about this because I don't want to end up in some institution.

What's more: I know someone is tapping my phone. For a long time I heard clicks and voices in the background of my calls. I asked my provider about this and was at one point told, I quote, "your line was probably tapped and there's nothing we can do, I'm sorry." I wish I could say that these people were just telling me what I wanted to hear, but I think they were being truthful.

It doesn't matter though, because I switched over to another company and it's still present. I had all the lines in and around my house re-wired. Still present. And I bought new phones, and it's still going on.

I have never had things like this happen to me before, and I'm getting very paranoid and worried. I don't think this is all in my head. I am a very rational person, but this is just what I've come to: I feel as though I was or am now currently being abducted by definite beings who are sentient that appear to be greys, while someone has maybe taken an interest or is a part of it, likely my government, and is now monitoring my life. I don't know if I'm really crazy or what...

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 07:02 PM
Interesting story. If you aren't a part of any government agency and are simply some random victim of ET abduction, then there really is not much you can do other than accept that it has happened and may continue on into the future. Remember though that these beings, if they have been messing with you physically, could have done much worse. I have no clue why they do these things but I suspect its something akin to how we humans capture, treat, and release wildlife. A galactic conservationist scheme or scientific study. If they really wanted to harm you, they would have already and you likely wouldn't even be around to see the text I just posted.

As for telephone tapping, there are so many ways our government can tap phones legally that you don't have any ground to prevent it, no matter who you are. As long as you aren't a criminal, there isn't much they could do with your telephone conversations anyway. Simply listening into a person who has been abducted likely will not gather much information at all. I would suggest using a cel phone, but I doubt that would help either.

IMO, you have done the best thing possible by coming forward with your abduction experience if you want it to stop. If there is one thing our government and ETs obviously hate, its publicity. Sure you can make yourself look foolish to the world by coming forward, but its the best method to scare away those that wish to commit subversive acts upon you.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 07:20 PM
wow.. thats very weird.. you should videotape the room one night with a concealed camera.. and see what happens.. that MIGHT proove some things

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:48 PM
Well, May-be u should set up a camera and pst ur findings on Ats 8)

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:52 PM
Thats what i said O.o

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 03:25 PM
Well, I must say this is very interesting! if you do talk to a proffesional or whatever, make sure it is anonymous and COMPLETLY confidential. and for those tapped phones, if you really dont want a call to be monitered, the only sure way to make untapped calls would be to use a pay phone, and one that is far enough away from your home (just in case) also, the waking up in the middle of the night part reminds me of something I saw on tv, the people would wake up in the middle of the night and feel as though someone was sitting on them, or they couldent move. I will check that out for ya and post what i find.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 10:09 PM
yes the thing where u feel something is on your chest or people are watching you has been reported for hundreds of years. most say its some kind of mental thing and nothing more but others say its et's.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:43 AM
Aye, as a wee one many years ago, I too know all too well this act and feeling.
The last visit I can remember was one year ago. Sleeping on my belly and for some reason I needed to get up, but I could not open my eyes, or move at all. I forced my eyes opened and I could see someone that was short standing in the door way of the bedroom and everything went blank again. Felt like a rock and weighted down. It did not matter where I lived, they would find me. I have not told too many people of my experiences since I was 4 years old when the first visit happened. I believe that all of mankind is tagged so to speak of observation, like big brother watching. Through the years I felt very anger for no reason and very depressed. I have hearing loss at age 41 service connected, hearing aids used. Hearing loss is just part of the depression, the other is not sleeping at night and I always check the windows and doors at night a dozen times before bed. The last 7 years I had been on medication and it helps with the depression and coming to terms of the visits to a certain point, but it nevers goes away. You are not alone, AlieNation, keep sailing on and you will get stronger. I also have time missing that I could not account for many times through the years. I smoke outside for the past 18 years, and I guess they knew my habits and did a check
Aye, lass, don't let'em snuff your lit candle out, just a wee time in this world to love, to enjoy family, and survive the depression. Atlast, I must set sail and leave you with your adventure. May you heal in time, lass, for their is one who created the universe that will call our souls home where we belong. Never set sail without a compass, unless you have a know it all parrot that can guide you, to where I have no idea but it is fun to explore.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:11 PM
I just felt that I had to post in this topic, I had an experience when I was around 6-8 and I have only spoken of it twice to family members but I have never forgotten about it because of it's abnormalities. I just remember waking up from my sleep and immediately going upright as if I had been startled by something, I then got the strong urge to move and get off my bed but at that point beyond my control it I was being forced back to sleep and I remember my eyes just shutting. At 10 I suffered an unexplaned major loss of hearing in one of my ears, why this hapenned is still completely unknown by specialists and I thought this might be relevant to the above poster.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by heelstone
Remember though that these beings, if they have been messing with you physically, could have done much worse.

I agree, since my alien abbduction I've developed a twitch, have turets where I shout "Kill me" whenever i think of something that really embarassing happened to me, and my memory is really bad.
good thing is, they cured my painful migranes.

maybe they used me as a medical test subject or something.
anyway, good luck.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:16 PM
If you know that you have been abducted, you should also know that others in your family have too. They usually go from one generation to the next, taking sperm, eggs, skin samples, dna, etc. There may two reasons for this. The first is because your dna is the right kind they want, and secondly, because somewhere in your family's past, Nephilim blood entered in and they are using it. Try and see who in you family relations has had "experiences". Or, if they have certain sychic powers etc. Or if there were true witches in your history. Witches are the women who secretly marry the fallen ones or fallen angels. That's how they learn their craft due to the fact the fallen ones are watchers. It was first called the "watchers craft" or "watchcraft" now referred to as "witchcraft". They were taught socery and the making of potions (mind and body altering drugs). Anyway, before I go off topic, just see if others in the family have had experiences.

My personal advice would be to ask for Jesus to save you, and then say to your captors to stop in Jesus name. They will stop. Try it the next time your are taken, and if you can't remember when they come, tell yourself to do it when they do, and they will trigger the response when they take you.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by ancientsailor
Aye, as a wee one many years ago, I too know all too well this act and feeling.
The last visit I can remember was one year ago. Sleeping on my belly and for some reason I needed to get up, but I could not open my eyes, or move at all. I forced my eyes opened and I could see someone that was short standing in the door way of the bedroom and everything went blank again. Felt like a rock and weighted down. It did not matter where I lived, they would find me. I have not told too many people of my experiences since I was 4 years old when the first visit happened. I believe that all of mankind is tagged so to speak of observation, like big brother watching. Through the years I felt very anger for no reason and very depressed. I have hearing loss at age 41 service connected, hearing aids used. Hearing loss is just part of the depression, the other is not sleeping at night and I always check the windows and doors at night a dozen times before bed. The last 7 years I had been on medication and it helps with the depression and coming to terms of the visits to a certain point, but it nevers goes away. You are not alone, AlieNation, keep sailing on and you will get stronger. I also have time missing that I could not account for many times through the years. I smoke outside for the past 18 years, and I guess they knew my habits and did a check
Aye, lass, don't let'em snuff your lit candle out, just a wee time in this world to love, to enjoy family, and survive the depression. Atlast, I must set sail and leave you with your adventure. May you heal in time, lass, for their is one who created the universe that will call our souls home where we belong. Never set sail without a compass, unless you have a know it all parrot that can guide you, to where I have no idea but it is fun to explore.

Did you talk to the aliens as if you were a pirate then too?

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