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The World Bank Group / Committee of 300 Secret Documents

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posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Afterthought

I believe you are....the top picture with the three signature is the one on the "secret document"...the three seperate pictures below it are actual signatures from those three people in the first picture.

edit on 10-1-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Equ1nox

Interesting comment.

This also reminds me of the supposed multi-trillion dollar account that allegedly existed after undermining the Russian economy in the late 80s.

It was supposed to be returned to the American peoples but instead it disappeared and no one ever heard much about it since.

Also perhaps this type of activity has been going on in many nations, perhaps even the majority of nations? This seems possible considering the type of folks we are dealing with here and their activities in relation to finance and economics and their penchant for theft.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:26 AM
so for a long time the money was controlled by people not hell bent on destroying the world. The phillippines, and even just one person, had authority over the money. But things changed and there's two possible scenario's really.

1)The signing of the agreement in 1986 was done in good faith by Reagan, the money was then distributed through central banks across the world. This is when it was hijacked/stolen by TPTB who couldn't face the people having it and wanted it all for themselves so effectively stole it.

2) Reagan actually pulled off an audacious scam, by setting up this agreement to help the people when the whole intention was basically to steal the cash and pull off a huge scam. They found out about the absolute enormous wealth and wanted a slice so they went and pulled a scamarooo to get their hands on it.

fascinating, the accounts matured in 2005 but nothing has been done, i guess they just want to steal it all and play their games. So the money should still be there, it was intended for the situation we are in now, to save a financial meltdown and help the people. Only problem is TPTB have their hands on it and certainly aint gonna let it go.

Another reason why this isnt as secret as we expect, because the money is known by many, and the purpose is clear and its all "accounted for" in bank records, the money is there to save the people.

But what good is a bank statement if the bank doesnt let you withdraw any cash

really fascinating lol, so the japanese stole it from many asian countries, then the phillippines (or one or two guys) stole it from where the Japanese had hidden it, but now, unfortunately for them, it seems TPTB have managed to get their hands on it and have basically stolen it from the people who stole it from the people who stole it from various asian countries around the time of the war.

The signing of the agreement in 1986 is interesting, would we say the world has evolved much more rapidly in the last 20 years than normal? maybe it's because these guys suddenly found themselves a nice bank account with hundreds of trillions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in it!!
edit on 10-1-2012 by Equ1nox because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2012 by Equ1nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:35 AM
The money does not belong to the Philippine people.

The 999 and 777 and 555 burial sites are all looted from Asia and stored in the Philippines by the Japanese during WW2.

It belongs to all of Asia and i would say probably mostly to China and Taiwan.

To make it clear to everybody these Bank Accounts are the laundering accounts for the stolen treasures that were deposited in secret stashes all over the Philippines and also Indonesia.

999 billion yen, 777 billion yen, 555 billion yen, are the designations for the 172 recorded sites, there may be more, Ferdinand Marcos only got his hands on one map.

The Japanese were also filling up hospital ships with Gold and Diamonds etc and then sinking them for later pick-up after the war.

The Japanese thought that they would retain the Philippines after the war, major mistake there, so the West got wind of it and instead of repatriating that huge wealth they set about stealing it themselves.

So i say it again..this loot does not belong to the is ALL stolen.

It is all also the records the records Diamonds.

I dare say Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan would be the ideal buyers of the Gold and Silver seeing as they are short in physical, kinda explains the big drops in price this last year, as this new physical is brought out from the black.

As for the signatures on the documents, i have no doubt whatsoever that they are indeed genuine.


posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Equ1nox

One issue that needs to be dealt with is the supranational nature and scope of the entire scam.

It would cause great global strife if the people of the Philippines were given a million dollars each, and every other nation on Earth had to sit back and watch while not having their wealth returned at the same time. This would cause major instability economically and it would incite strife and discontent globally.

We would be dealing with all kinds of issues like price inflation in the local economy as a result.

How exactly could we even begin to return this wealth?

And also, at least speaking about the USA and the social security system, supposedly each SS # account represents a million dollars in value (from what I have heard, not confirmed to my knowledge). Perhaps this ties in directly with this same 'hidden trillions' issue?

What if everyone around the world were considered 'resources', or 'chattel', or 'slaves', and were considered to be owned property? Each slave having a specific value based on a security fund (possibly the same funds as revealed in the OP documents).

What if all of these accounts were merely securities (illegally obtained) and are held in conjunction with the 'human resources' aspect?

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by isyeye
Here is a closer look at the signatures from the "secret documents"

"secret documents"

Here are pictures of their actual signatures:

Lars Thunell's signature is forged on the document

The Queen's signature is forged on the document

Robert Zoellick's signature here is the EXACT signature used in the document......cut and paste ......forged

These "secret documents" appear to be a forgery, and may those involved be prosecuted by the Queen, Lars Thunell, and Robert Zoellick for their crimes.

There may be important information contained in this thread, but the source document IMO has been faked. I believe someone is creating this fake document to move focus away from some of the issues about the Philippines and the money involved there. This document may be a fake, but the agreements made in the past are real, and the gold, and wealth may be real as well.

Mods feel free to move this thread to the Hoax bin if needed because of the possible forged documents used in the opening post, or let it be noted at the beginning of the thread that these documents may have been shown to possibly be fakes.
edit on 10-1-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

OK, just so I'm clear, I've quoted the post,
(Mods, please don't remove for long quote. It's necessary. Thank you.)

Where you state that the queen's signature is forged, this is the real signature? This is the one where I'm seeing all the differences like the loop at the end of the 'E' and the complete loop in the 'z'.

Compared to her signature on the document above, I have to say that the signature you've posted that's standing alone is the forgery. The one on the document above this signature has all the same characteristics as the ones MuzzleFlash posted. So, then they may be legit after all.

Where did you get the signature that has the loop at the end of the 'E'?

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

from what i can make out the $1mil - $2mil idea is the proposal of this "foundation" , that if people join with them to claim the money back they will get that reward. The general intent of the money seems to have been much more general, to save countries from catastrophic events like we find ourselves in now, to help rebuild and re balance countries and stop a worldwide breakdown.

That is now happening but alas TPTB have managed to get their hands on it a few years back and so it wont be coming our way any time soon

perhaps this all ties in with why we all "know" that our governments are nothing, that there are far superior beings behind them, because really, instead of using money from the worldwide fund for humanity, our governments actually have to go to the corrupt powers to get cash and run their countries. TPTB have effectively taken control of the worldwide money system because they know that they can get whatever they want, make us puppets, because they control this unbelievable unlimited fund, when really they shouldnt be there at all, they've put themselves right in the path and now control all of us because without TPTB we would have 0 money, so we have to dance for them just to be allowed to live a semi decent life.

Imagine what life would be like if the other people controlled it and wanted to help countries to prosper, we go to them for money to build our future, instead of some slimy greedy evil power that has total leverage over us and complete power to make us do whatever it wants, it really does make sense

it's making a lot of sense to me, this unlimited world fund, evil greedy powers have been able to take control of it and now pull all the strings, its the ultimate mafia style setup.
edit on 10-1-2012 by Equ1nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

You bring up a good point. But at the same time I feel the scope of just assuming it was all stolen from Nationalist China prior or during WW2 is limited and possibly inaccurate.

It could be a conglomeration of sources, for instance Korea and Hong Kong, among other locations the Imperial Japanese raided and looted during the war.

Also this doesn't even take into account what happened in Europe with the alleged Swiss involvement in covering up looted treasuries of many nations. Perhaps that information is contained within additional documents, for instance the documents in the OP are limited and do not show the entire global scope of what is going on in relation to hidden wealth.

Then we have the US-Russian Cold War era funds which also are unaccounted for.

Also we could go back 100+ years to the time of Imperial Spain and their looting throughout the world and how much of that wealth disappeared as well.

There are all kinds of aspects here that are difficult to take into account because we don't have full documentation to cover all of the bases. We will certainly need more information if we are to ever sort these issues out. I would love to see the bank accounts for places like Switzerland, Monaco, Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands, etc.

We are only seeing a super small sliver of what is going on here and in order to figure it out we have to obtain more documents, a lot more.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Afterthought

It's the first link on that post....I found it on an auction site that was auctioning a letter from the Queen....They may be auctioning a fake by the looks of it.

After examining the signatures on the documents produced from Muzzleflash, the documents in question may be real secret documents.
edit on 10-1-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Afterthought

Where did you get the signature that has the loop at the end of the 'E'?

I think I did see that one somewhere while I was Googling "Elizabeth II signature", but didn't copy it because I felt like it was the one you are addressing specifically.

I will look around and see if I can find it again.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by isyeye

Yeah, it seems that they are auctioning a fake!

Look, I have to run for now, but I'll be back to go through some of the documents. Seeing the new information about the signature comparisons from the documents and those that MuzzleFlash posted, I'm going to say that they are the same. I'll go out on a limb by saying that I believe the documents from the World Bank are real.

edit on 10-1-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:51 AM
I agree that these stashes will include Treasures taken from Korea, Hong Kong etc.

But this isn't a sliver...this is the mother load...add it up Muzz, 172 X 777 billion yen = 172 X $200 billion dollars , and that was at 1945 !!

That is also leveling all sites as 777, many were actually 999.

I need to calculate what that means in today's values, i already know it's an astronomical amount.

I have to go out... i shall be back with the numbers..


posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:52 AM
Here is something interesting I don't think I linked this one yet:

Scroll down to the third photo / signature.

Notice how on the top of the E there is a small triangle shape. I found that interesting. Not sure the dating of the signature though.

I believe the one in question has a similar marking on the bottom of the E rather than the top of it, which I find somewhat perplexing.

Also I have noticed that the Queen apparently likes to make the 'cross for the T' over the H rather than the actual loop for the T. I find that interesting as well.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:52 AM
My friends, we may well have a grand conspiracy here, and I thank each of you for your comments.

This is what ATS is truely about. Exposing truth.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
I agree that these stashes will include Treasures taken from Korea, Hong Kong etc.

But this isn't a sliver...this is the mother load...add it up Muzz, 172 X 777 billion yen = 172 X $200 billion dollars , and that was at 1945 !!

That is also leveling all sites as 777, many were actually 999.

I need to calculate what that means in today's values, i already know it's an astronomical amount.

I have to go out... i shall be back with the numbers..


It should be over 40 trillion dollars I believe (if I did my math right yesterday). *In today's US Dollars*.

But if this is just the Asian stash how much is in the stash acquired throughout Europe, Africa, and the Americas? Any glance over history books will reveal there was an active campaign of looting in many instances throughout the last several hundred years in all of these locations.

We could be talking a grand global total of over 100 trillion dollars in assets here, but it's hard to determine that without documents from all over the world showing all of the major bank accounts. We are missing a lot of the puzzle I feel.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:58 AM
i'm sure there are more than one of these funds around the world, the one with the documents in this thread seems to represent the Asian portion of world money. The thing about royal familys all putting money together to create a fund to save their countries in the future could well be true as well, it would represent the european portion of the wealth.

What seems to be the very sad thing is that these funds evolved or were made to do good in the world, it was like our safety net, to protect against catastrophe. The saddest part is that if only a few funds control 99% or whatever % of the worlds money, it's obvious that evil greedy powers have managed to get their hands well into it and now basically use their control over it to make countries do what they want, and it's why we all know we are controlled not by government but by a "select few", they could shower us all with cash or they could close the tap off altogether, quite scary really if your entire country can be effectively blackmailed by just a few people

So, if you're american there is a chance that Reagan signed a deal which basically secured your entire countries future and stability, by gaining access to part of the 30%-50% of the vast fund that was intended to help other countries around the world. Unfortunately for US citizens it seems like either the money was basically stolen by future powers after Reagan or that he was part of the scam to just get access to vast sums for their own good, saying it would be used to help the US in a time of catastrophe, either way, the time has arrived when you need the cash but it's no where to be seen

The whole economic situation may have resulted because these powers found this unlimited treasure trove and just went wild for a year or 10 or 20.Think about it, unlimited money to do what you want with. No wonder our country is screwed now, we are like the aftermath of a non stop 20 year party. Banks were gambling with wayyyyyyy more money than they ever had, why were they so careless and free, gambling such huge amounts they could never cover? i think the powers got a bit drunk on the cash and now it's all fallen down they aren't so quick to go handing it out to us to recover from, instead they use the people to pay it back
edit on 10-1-2012 by Equ1nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Equ1nox

It's a type of extortion it appears.

Instead of extorting these funds from us, they stole them a long time ago and then hid them and everyone forgot they existed (or never knew in the first place).

And then they created a system of false debt and got everyone trapped into it, and now are extorting us for our current wealth value through unfair taxation and central banking practices. And using this leverage to force our nations and peoples into compliance with some totally unjust and unpopular actions such as austerity among many other types of control mechanisms.

So actually we are looking at a incredibly large rap sheet including countless acts of extortion, theft, racketeering, conspiracy, loansharking, obstruction of justice, etc.

If any of these actions were legit than they would have been open about it and made this information available and worked out a plan. However instead they covered it up and keep it secret. So that to me alone reveals there is a major criminal act going on here.
edit on 10-1-2012 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2012 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:14 AM
Someone pointed out to me that all of this may have something to do with "Foundation X"
It would make some sense.

Did somebody just try to buy the British government?

Hansard is the official printed transcript of the proceedings of the houses of parliament — in other words, the working log of the British government.

It is an authoritative primary source, and records every speech made in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Interestingly, it also records words spoken under parliamentary privilege.

So when an eminent member of the House of Lords stands up six hours into a debate and blows the gaff on a shadowy foreign Foundation making a bid to buy the British state, and this is recorded in Hansard, one tends to sit up and take notice. And one takes even more notice when His Lordship tip-toes around actually naming the Foundation in question, especially after the throw-away about money-laundering for the IRA on behalf of the Bank of England. Parliamentary privilege only stretches so far, it seems, and Foundation X is beyond its reach.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by isyeye
Someone pointed out to me that all of this may have something to do with "Foundation X"
It would make some sense.

That's a great point, it does make sense.

No one ever properly debunked the Foundation X claims either, and it quietly disappeared in the background.

That is a great observation there, thanks for bringing it back up.

Supposedly "Foundation X" has wealth on par with what we are talking about here in this discussion.

But imagine the level of extortion we are conjuring here in relation to this. Stealing all of the wealth in the world and then using it against us to get us on our knees to submit to their dictations (to save us from the same false debt they put us into in the first place through racketeering and loansharking)?

It's quite a brilliant scam if it turns out to be true.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

yes exactly, they have control over it and with so few funds having such huge sums in them there's no where else to go, no safe place to turn to that has that kind of money to help countries.

Power and control seems to have succeeded over helping countries grow and everyone prosper. The control it gave over entire countries, and obviously ever expanding populations,was so huge. Instead of using the money for its intended use which was to provide a safety net to an entire country, it's been used to control the world

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