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Faster then Light Travel ??? Facts and Theories...

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posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 06:23 PM
Hiya everyone, im sort of new to the this site an i would like to say IT ROCKS!!! hehe anyway this is my first post so i hope i dont make too many noob mistakes.

well here goes: i was on ATS a couple of days ago reading bout aliens and how they are here on earth and that the grays dont seem to be very nice(disturbing thought...) anyway that sparked my brain and i started to think HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET HERE. i mean isnt the closest star (not counting the sun) is like 4.2 light-years away, so if they want to make good time to earth they would probably have to travel VERY fast, i.e. faster then light. now heres the problem, didnt einstein say no material object can travel at or faster then the speed of light. hummmm so i made this post to find out if anyone here knew how they do it or if they have some logical theory about how they could... pz post if u got any idea or links.

here is my theory... general relativity states u cant accelerate to the speed of light cuz ur mass would be infinite ( impossible) RIGHT but lets say u make an anti gravity device which could counter act the mass of your ship so your ship would have no net mass. Since u have no net mass there is nothing stoping for acceleerating all you want, up to the speed of light and beyond...hell u can almost any speed since there are no more limits. anyway i got how idea hot to build an anti gravity device so i stumped right now...

pz post any ideas p.s. i hope this wasnt posted before (slaps self) and if it was im sorry, guess i should have looked better, anyway pz post here also because maybe some new ideas came up since the last post

[edit on 11-9-2004 by beyondSciFi]

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[edit on 11-9-2004 by beyondSciFi]

[edit on 12-9-2004 by John bull 1]

here is a link for this guy's and my general idea ( i thought bout it independent of him a couple of years ago) also lol, this guy did some more calculations bout it then me, great site:

[edit on 12-9-2004 by beyondSciFi]

[edit on 14-9-2004 by beyondSciFi]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 07:34 PM
Not bad for a new user (it is forbidden to say newbi* on ATS). Actually that was really good post, I have never heard of this theory (we have pretty good science and alien guys here.)

It is either that Aliens are so advanced that they have found a way to achieve light speed or they have been travelling for a very very long time.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:02 PM
yeah but traveling for so long would suck. lol i just know they are going faster then light, humm i wonder how much faster...

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:09 PM
Ive had a similar Theory for some time beyond, But i think they travel fast but they must clone themselves to make it here considerin how long it would take!

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:29 PM
yes but lets say if they traveled 1000 times the speed of light (possibly more) even the longest trips would be only a fraction that of the duration of light. so at about 1000x light speed a trip from earth to proxima centori (4.2 light years away) would only take a day and a half (earth days), no need for cloning. mmm...

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:39 PM
What i was saying/ if they traveled at just the speed of light/ they would have to clone b/c it would take a few hundred of years!

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:44 PM
Acceleration is not the way to go. Gravity is used to bend the space/time continuom bringing distant places closer and avoiding the need for breaking Einstein's laws. Welcome to ATS

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:49 PM
heh, im new too.. And my theory is also that they bend space and time using gravity... element 115 is susposed to be stable enough to use as fuel for these kind of generators

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:04 PM
Yes, but 115 is incredibly difficult to manufacture, or their planet would have too many ultra-heavy elements to sustain life. The stuff does not occur naturally, that we know of anyway.

I do believe the possibility. For instance, if they travelled as fast as some like Lazar have said, and come from the Reticuli system, they would be treavelling at approximately 12.88 million miles per second in order to complete the trip in the stated 93 or so earth days. That's over 69k the speed of light. Pretty damn fast (too fast) if you ask me.

I support the gravity drive theory, but we're still probably talking years to make a trip, or at least months (like six or more) for even short (less than 100 light yearss) trips.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:22 PM
The way it works is space (containing only one hydrogen atom per square meter) is actually a fabric like substance...if you can exert enough of an intense gravitational field it can be pulled or warped and stretched. The gravity amplifiers inside the craft (there are three of them) are focused onto a distant point, say several hundred thousand miles away. The gravity amplifiers are turned on, focused and amplified and with an intense gravitational field draw a tiny portion of that space it is focused on and wrap it around the ship in a heart shape. The gravity amplifiers are them switched off and the craft is 'united' or 'coalesced' or 'fused' with that space/time we have pulled toward our craft. Each cycle of the on/off of the gravity amplifiers is 12 milliseconds. I do not know what the maximum range of the amplifiers are. Where the element 115 comes in is that there are 2 types of gravities, gravity A and Gravity B. Gravity B holds us on the earth, the satellites and moon around the earth etc. Gravity A works on an atomtic scale currently labeled the strong nuclear force. When 115 is bombarded with protons and one plugs in it becomes 116 which instantaneously decays back to 115 while radiating or throwing off anti-matter and access to the gravity A wave which is accessed and amplified for the space travel. The anti-matter from the instantaneous decay is used to mix with matter creating heat used with a thermionic generator to create positive voltage to run the other stuff in the craft.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 12:44 AM
There's a major flaw in your theory. You've confused weight and mass. Weight varies according to the gravity (ie: you weight 100kgs here, but you only weight say, 20kgs on the moon). However, MASS cannot be changed. Mass is a constant. You have just as much mass as you do on the moon, so antigravity would actually work by creating some sort of field which negates the affect of gravity on the mass, thus making it have no weight. I can't remember the equations but you would still be unable to achieve travel at the speed of light because your speed is limited by your mass...which cannot be changed. Sorry I can't give any links or proofs...just something I remember from way back in high school physics.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 12:49 AM
Physics, bahh, isnt this topic about trying to bend these laws of science? lol

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 01:24 AM
LordGoofus, I think he meant mass, but used weight accidently.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by everlastingnoitall
I do believe the possibility. For instance, if they travelled as fast as some like Lazar have said, and come from the Reticuli system, they would be treavelling at approximately 12.88 million miles per second in order to complete the trip in the stated 93 or so earth days. That's over 69k the speed of light. Pretty damn fast (too fast) if you ask me.

I support the gravity drive theory, but we're still probably talking years to make a trip, or at least months (like six or more) for even short (less than 100 light yearss) trips.

If a craft could go over 69k the speed of light wouldnt time be effected a great deal. So wouldnt that 93 earth days not seem the same to anyone in that craft.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
If a craft could go over 69k the speed of light wouldnt time be effected a great deal. So wouldnt that 93 earth days not seem the same to anyone in that craft.

Interesting...If I remember correctly time stops as the speed approaches light, so there will no time. That would be wierd.

If there is no time, then there wouldn't be anything, I think??

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 01:55 AM
technically, time is just a way to keep track of things. and by stopping time, that would mean that you ... bah i got lost.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 02:04 AM
So time stops once you hit light speed? What the hell happens from there? Does your space craft get frozen up in the fabric of time ?

If aliens were so smart can't they just make worm holes and use that rather then light speed?

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 02:06 AM
I know the faster you go the slower time gets for the craft and anyone in it. But at speed far beyond light speed Im not really sure what happens. Would a trip that would take 100years seem like a few seconds to anyone going that fast?

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by SpockO_o
If aliens were so smart can't they just make worm holes and use that rather then light speed?

Maybe they found that worm holes aren't stable and often collapse on themselves or used light speed because it is cheaper? *I am just guessing.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 02:45 AM
I was recently looking through a copy of Webster's New World Encyclopedia and under the word "light" there was a paragraph that said,

"The speed of light is allegedly the fastest speed in nature, but in 1971 a jet from galaxy 3 273 was calculated as travelling at three times this speed, which should be impossible."

I found it interesting and thought it somehow related to the topic.

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