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The war on drugs just got better:Flesh Eating Disease Discovered In Cocaine

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posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 01:03 PM
now coc aine literally is a hell of a drug...

some of my friends snort coke every weekend and they've been doing this for several years. next time i hang out with them, i'll look at their nostrils, ears, and see if they have some of this so called flesh eating bacteria.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 01:06 PM
This seems as though it's becoming a prolific problem among drug users. I'd started a thread about a news article where a woman lost her arm from injecting the stimulant known as bath salts into her arm. She also began suffering from flesh-eating bacteria and had to have her arm removed. Unfortunately, a mod decided that you can't speak about bath salts on ATS, but it seems as though coc aine is fine since this thread is still up. Quite puzzling if I do say myself. Especially when we ATSers are discussing the dangers surrounding drugs that can save one's life or limb -- literally.

Considering the war on drugs, we already know that the government plays both sides. What if they've decided that these dangerous drugs (coc aine, manufactured stimulants like bath salts, meth, etc.) aren't killing people fast enough, so the drugs are being laced with this bacteria on purpose? Seriously, I wouldn't put it past them.

Carry on, folks. Hopefully this thread will remain up, so anyone who's considering using these foul substances can learn and decide against indulging.

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