posted on Apr, 14 2003 @ 12:22 PM
fellow members of ATS. there is a serious problem facing us all, while many of you are not american, your decisions have an effect just as important
as ours. we are a country at war, we are divided amongst ourselves between those who are progov't and wish to be imperialist. those people want
america to take up a stand against all. they are foolish, george bush is a blind man, blind to the veiws of the rest of the world, and doesn't listen
to the word of war that will be sang once we go too far. iraq, we took it, and it gave the people support for this war on terror. the region is ready
to explode, are these people not tired of fighting? what do we do but watch it on cnn? the people must realise the faults in our regime, and change
it. here is what i say....
we the people are letting this happen. we the people are the only ones who can stop it. we are the ones who must let the gov't know that
we will not stand for this, that this is not what our nation is! we must refuse their plans for war, and if they go, then we will revolution! our
government belives it is unstoppable, bush is blind to the consqequences. he belives no foriegn nation can stop us, but he must fear his people. his
fellow americans will rise up and fight. there are too few who see the truth. who will take a stand? who will sit by and let us fall? stand up and we
shall be the symbol of hope for the people!!! stand up, spread the word, get bush out of office, protect your freedom, your liberty, or soon the war
will bite us in the arse! this is the last stand of america, but is it the gov't america, or the people's america. long live the people, long live