posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 05:22 PM
First, how do I post pictures on here? I have about 4 or 5. Now, the time was 5:20pm here in Ohio. I was driving towards Columbus, OH from Sabina, OH,
on I-270 Dayton. (Have a picture of that too, in case) Now, I should have recorded a video, but I was in my car and had only my phone, so the distance
isn't too great. However, EVERYONE ON THE HIGHWAY saw this thing. It appeared at first to be a light blue moon shape in the sky, behind clouds.
Immediately I thought it was just the moon. The Sun was behind me(took picture of this to show that too) This moon object in the sky began turning
into a more orange-sun color, as it also appeared to descend. My pictures of my Samsung Flight II aren't the best, but at least you know there aren't
any lens flares( even took a picture SHOWING a lens flare)
edit on 8-1-2012 by football6 because: (no reason given)
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8-1-2012 by football6 because: (no reason given)
edit on 8-1-2012 by football6 because: (no reason given)
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8-1-2012 by football6 because: (no reason given)
edit on 8-1-2012 by football6 because: (no reason given)
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8-1-2012 by football6 because: (no reason given)