posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 05:11 PM
It is a sad situation to say the least.
Unfortunately, there is no way it would escalate to a civil war. It would be a larger version of Waco.
While I tend to not see the Palestinians as innocent victims, I also cannot see into the motives of Sharon. Moshe' Dyan, upon seizing Jerusalem in
1967, would not allow orthodox Jews to occupy the Temple Mount. He saw a larger issue looming. But I am reminded of the times that Israel fought
for it's very survival....1928, 1956, 1967, 1973. Ironic, that without the infusion of Cold War muscle, the arab states have remained at bay.
But once the West Bank is surrendered, there could be another attempt, and the possibility of nuclear conflagration in the Middle East becomes an
alarming scenerio on the horizon.
The Spider