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Afterlife - Why No Communication?

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posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by tkwasny
You are time dwelling inside your "recording", which is all matter, energy and space itself within your efffective range for electromagnetic and electrostatic fields you produce as well as static and kinetic spatial displacements, all in the PAST from conception to death.

Your a time dweller when you die, communicating with and serving your still embodied self as the presence of your CONSCIENCE. Your conscience (you after you've died and now know what's "on the other side") is trying to get you to record the Presence which is the opened escape Door. Your time dwelling self needs a way out and away from your still embodied self.

Time is a recording medium much like recording tape holds impressions of electromagnetic variations that we have machines convert into sounds and/or video.
edit on 8-1-2012 by tkwasny because: Addition

Heyyyy! WOW! So OTHER WORLDLY... correctly, concisely and so eloquently put. THANKS!

edit on 8-1-2012 by neotech1neothink because: add star

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by schuyler

You are partially right. There is fraud everywhere. However, some mediums are real and they can communicate with the dead or become a channel for them. The vast majority of people need them to interact with the dead. The ones who don't are mediums at some degree themselves.

At least in one case, the evidence was so concrete that it was accepted in a court of law. Charges were dropped because the dead "spoke" in favor of the defendant. Providing details that no one else could.

But of course this subject is very controversial and just as you are skeptical about it, most people will only accept it when confronted with a real experience.

By the way, I have a good friend who can see and hear them. It is freaky, scary sometimes but it is true. And she is just a regular woman seeking nothing but living her life. It is more of a burden than a privilege.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by survivaloftheslickest

You bring up the topic of ways to communicate so I want to point you to a thread I authored a while back where I recorded what I feel is plenty of evidence. I think you're partly right in that some may not know they're deceased and are some how still in a "place" that communication on some level can be received via the proper frequencies.

At your leisure please take a look:

I Discernably Hear Dead People **Recordings added Page 2**

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by survivaloftheslickest

Originally posted by mandroids
How conceited and new atheist of you to assume that nothing or no one can exist outside of where you happen to be. Naive realism at its most shameful.

Nothing was brought to the thread by this response. Therefore, save your ad-hominems and go for a walk. Nobody needs your attitutde here. Mods, please take note next time such a fecund response appears.

Mine was the most essential post made in this suspicious thread. No apologies, because I am right. Read it again and ask yourself if you’re angry because I am an idiot, or because my post was right.

Just to answer the thread at face value, I believe the passed on can communicate with us in dreams. Whether we choose to listen or not is up to the individual who receives the message…

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 06:37 AM
I feel that it has to do with pure love and positive energy from both sides to whether or not you are going to give or receive messages. Faith in God is probably a big factor too. Being at a higher frequency of joy probably makes the brain work like a radio and tune into messages and or visits from another spiritual person. Ever wonder why some people see or feel ghosts and others don't? I have also felt there were rules, such as: they can't visit when you are naked, or that you can't unload your problems onto them, or they can't give you the answers to your problems. It wouldn't be rest in peace otherwise. Maybe you feel their presence occasionally or have short dream visits. What is awful, is missing someone tremendously after they die, and having this feeling extend over twenty or more years. You learn to cope, but the emotional pain of incredible loss is always there.
edit on 9-1-2012 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 06:45 AM
I kinda of like to think of death as like reincarnation. After you die you just become another person, with no prior memories or sense of self of you're former life, and it might not even be you're former life. Its hard to explain, its not a soul thing or a contentious consciousness to another shell but just living again as another person. I mean what really makes us, us?

I like to think that after I die, I'll experience the life and personality of being another person. That or everlasting bliss. Truth is my beliefs hold no water what so ever, its just something I would like to happen but if not well what can you do but just enjoy you're one free ride the best you can?

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 07:34 AM
Maybe the reason we are here is to learn?

If that is true, it would make sense to me that those who have passed cannot communicate freely with us because it would interfere with why we are here.

If they could freely communicate with us, they could probably tell us a lot of secrets about life, which would mean there would be no point in working them out for ourselves.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Some lovely words. Brought back my own memories. I hope he knew you were there and took comfort from that
edit on 9-1-2012 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 09:00 AM
it makes more sense to me that the main reason behind lack of common communication from our loved ones would be because they don't want to interfere with our experience in this life. imagine if we are here to learn from our lives how could we do that if we already know what's next. class rooms and education would do little for students, if the teachers just gave us the answers all the time.

edit: nuclear paul i missed your post, and yes you said it well.
edit on 9-1-2012 by LittleBlackEagle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 11:54 AM
I never said mediumship never works, just that it is full of frauds like Sylvia Browne. I don't have a problem with people who want to speak to Grandma. It's a highly personal thing and insofar as it gives comfort to someone, fine and dandy.

My contention is that if we are to truly advance as a species on this planet that we need to do more than talk to Grandma. We need science to figure out the nature of capital-R Reality from a practical, technical perspective. I believe that science CAN figure it out, but it lacks the perspective to do so. It considers this subject religious mostly because only religions have attempted to explain it, and they haven't done very well. So the whole thing is a pariah to science.

Every time we talk about this there are people who will insist they have the right answer. Just look above. They'll say how "love is the path to understanding," or use even more flowery language about existing within your own wavelength. All that stuff is religious mumbo jumbo that does not speak to the issue. Instead, when it expands, it turns into another crazy religion that does more harm than good and ultimately kills more people than it saves.

First we need a theoretical framework. We don't have it right now. We are in the position of those people in the Middle Ages when the prevailing attitude was that the Sun orbited the Earth. There were torturous explanations that attempted to fit what we observed to that theory. They involved epicycles, complete with mathematical formulas, to explain the orbits of planets we saw, until it was pointed out that you don't need all that complication if you assume the earth orbits the sun, a perfect example of Occam's Razor. The Ptolemic view of the universe was replaced by the Copernican view, a completely different paradigm..

Right now we have religions which attempt to deal with the issue by replacing fact with faith and an appeal to our emotions and also the atheists who believe no such thing exists at all. Getting on this thread and saying that you believe one side or the other is beside the point. You are certainly showing what the problem is, but you are otherwise in the way. But the fact is we don't have a good theory to replace either point of view, and we probably need that before we can construct an iPhone for talking with the dead.

But that's what needs to happen. We need an iPhone that is as easy to use as a real telephone that anyone can use at low cost to verify for themselves that the Other Side exists. Once we open up that level of communication, I believe wonderous things will start to happen here and that our species will be transformed into one with a much wiser and deeper understanding of the cosmos.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by survivaloftheslickest

I thnk if Tesla type SPIRIT techs were presented many would not think there was no commuunication... So I think there is some communication now even in the 3 dimension...

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by NorEaster

Most simply give up after a few attempts, and some get a quick sequence of some sort through after taking the effort on as a challenge to be overcome. One typical strategy is to affect the external/internal data stream that's flowing into the human brain's short term memory section, and manipulate the data clumps with image sequences, sounds, physical sensations, and smells that they hope will represent them to the person they are trying to communicate with.

My father died 17 months ago. I was with him during his illness, and his last hours. I held his hand, I brought him the picture book of National Parks that he asked for. I fed him bites of melon. I sat on the bed beside him while I was reading silently.

Before he became less responsive, I had said to him, "Daddy, in case I don't see you again, when you get to wherever you are going, could you please let me know where you are, so I'll know where to find you?"

He died the next day. I had become emotionally overwhelmed after our last time together, and I had written him a card. I asked my brother and mom to make sure to read it to him. It contained the words from the song "Love, Me."

If you get there before I do,
don't give up on me.
I'll see you when my chores are through,
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down,
Daddy wait and see.
So between now and then,
til I see you again,
I'll be loving you....
Love, me.

The day after he died, my mother gave me his watch (long story, but a very sentimental gesture with symbolism behind it). I put it on my wrist. I noted the time, to the second, where it was set (it was no longer keeping time).

A couple of days later, while grieving alone, I looked at the watch while thinking of him. It had advanced about 10 seconds. It had no working battery.

I considered that to be ADC, and in a most touching and significant way.
Was it real? Very much so, to me.
Was it just the watch being joggled by motion? I don't believe so, though I am sure there are people who would say, "That type of watch does that, they have a known glitch."

But no one can prove it either way.

In my heart, and mind, and deepest soul, I KNEW it was my dad letting me know he was okay.
--wt (who is silently weeping now for having had this opp to share that and remembering how much it moved me).

Your dad could've requested a much more experienced person (it's a long and very technical explanation, but we each have a "team" of sorts that assists our transition) do something small that you could notice, and then to have that person "alert" you to notice it, by way of putting that heads-up into your short term memory input data stream - as I described above. It was a small gesture, but you were obviously alerted to notice it, and while that's not hard proof of ADC, it did comfort you, and that's all that really matters between you and your dad. I'm glad he figured out a way to reach back to touch you for a moment.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 04:52 PM
Communication between this reality and the spiritual dimensions is controlled/filtered. Your existence in this reality has a purpose and to "spill the beans" would defeat the purpose of you being "alive".

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by survivaloftheslickest

Unless when we die, we are reincarnated, in which case we may have lost access to the memory/ies in which to communicate with. Or we are in some other dimension where it is not possible to communicate with ours..

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

(it's a long and very technical explanation, but we each have a "team" of sorts that assists our transition)

Lay it on me, bro!! Please!!
And thanks for your response....

I want to know more about this "team".

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by mailboxuser2009
reply to post by schuyler

You are partially right. There is fraud everywhere. However, some mediums are real and they can communicate with the dead or become a channel for them. The vast majority of people need them to interact with the dead. The ones who don't are mediums at some degree themselves.

At least in one case, the evidence was so concrete that it was accepted in a court of law. Charges were dropped because the dead "spoke" in favor of the defendant. Providing details that no one else could.

But of course this subject is very controversial and just as you are skeptical about it, most people will only accept it when confronted with a real experience.

By the way, I have a good friend who can see and hear them. It is freaky, scary sometimes but it is true. And she is just a regular woman seeking nothing but living her life. It is more of a burden than a privilege.

What you said in the second paragraph is what annoys me about out and out skeptics. The police do and have employed psychics to help solve cases on many occasions, and theres nothing more establishment than the police force

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 06:36 PM
As for the no communication, that depends on the person, many experience visits, communication. Earth is a school so you don't get the answers handed to you.

Aside from numerous experiences of my loved ones, and others who have shared the same, I'll never forget two cousins whose mother had passed away and after the funeral they were at home. They were young men at the time. One experienced his mother telling him, she was alright and not to worry. And he was running up stairs to tell his brother, but his brother was running downstairs with the same message.

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by NorEaster

(it's a long and very technical explanation, but we each have a "team" of sorts that assists our transition)

Lay it on me, bro!! Please!!
And thanks for your response....

I want to know more about this "team".

Damn, I'd sorta have to sit with you for several hours with PPT slides and an armload of reference links to prove that what I was telling you was at the very least plausible and a better explanation than the standard afterlife statement that we all have "Spirit Guides". In net effect, I suppose that you could call these folks "Spirit Guides" if you believed (1) in spirits, and (2) that any of these "spirits" know any more about what's real than the average person who hasn't passed on yet.

When I say that it's technical, what I mean is that you'll need a lot more of an informational foundation in stuff that counters the convoluted inanity that currently sells as wisdom before you can even make sense of the existential requirements that are being served by such a group of passed individuals. But I will say this - the group itself is what's being served by their association with whichever corporeal baby they've chosen to hover over. There's no "pull" coming from the person being focused on. The draw exists in spite of the target of their interest, and it's completely primordial as well as misunderstood by the "team".

I've written a book that explains it all, but if you're only looking to answer that one question, then this book might be a bit to bite off and try to swallow. I only devote 5,000 words or so to this issue (out of 136,000 words) and to internalize it as plausible information, you'd have to sit through and fully comprehend way too much that might not be of interest to you. I'm sure you'd be capable of it, but I'm discovering that most people have limits to what they will go through to learn the small slice of real that actually interests them.

Short answer is that all people have their self-serving motivations to do what they do, people will generally pack together in unfamiliar places, and if something "feels good", then it's a no-brainer to engage in whatever it is (1) that other people are doing and (2) that does make one feel appreciably better. Bottomnline - no one changes who they are after they've passed on. They've just shed the corporeal gestational placenta, and have finished their physical development process. If you want to know why "spirits" do what they do, just think of them as people, and you'll be that much closer to figuring out why they do what they do.
edit on 1/11/2012 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 08:01 AM
also, if there is an afterlife, it will be a place where there is no such thing as "time", so perhaps they are already talking to us

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 06:23 AM
"The main argument of people who KNOW there is no afterlife is simple: if there was an afterlife, surely we would be able to communicate with the deceased?"

first off, this makes no sense.if you or they "know " there's no afterlife, what is there to argue?
that sounds like a question from someone who has not had an experience.
second," if there was an afterlife, surely we would be able to communicate with the deceased? " are you asking? or implying that if there is afterlife we would SURELY be able to communicate? because if you think that we would surely be able to communicate your wrong and right.WHO IS WE?
( people DO communicate with the afterlife all the time, just not YOU )
and even if there was barley communication, that means NOTHING.
afterlife exists.PERIOD. how do i know? because ive seen ghosts. i have pictures of my father showing up in photos in his favorite hat, and jacket with his flip out collar and his shades on. clear as day. after he died. ive seen ghosts of the guy who killed himself in our previous home before and we had to move because of the bs this entity was stirring up.
i saw my fathers ghosts COME TO ME and SAY GOODBYE the instant he died as well.. THAT WAS CRAZY STRANGE.. and i was in another STATE! literally...
if ghosts are real..afterlife is real.end of, energy cannot be destroyed. our energy lives on forever.

"The deceased are trying to communicate with us but something is making it difficult. "
you got that right. there a LONG list making things difficult and most of the things on that list are because of how were taught to perceive this universe.etc.

kids speak to ghosts all the time..all over the world. that's communication my friend. problem here is, SOME of us "KNOW" the truth and MOST people like yourself do NOT simply because it has not happened to you YET. this "argument" should be about the amount of communication and only involving those who "know" so we can skip the millions of ?' the others have about HOW we know there is an afterlife. we just dont know what "OUR" afterlife will be like.. is it heaven or hell? or is it that our conscious creates the world around us in this life and the next.when you pass, and become one with universal consciousness your energy(positive/negative) might determine the eternity you spend in this vast open space.
if you want to know specifics ..just ask

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