posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:13 PM
April 19, 1963
A tornado in northwest Assam killed 139 people and left 3,760 families homeless in 33 villages along a 22-mile-long path. The tornado traveled towards
the southeast. The Assam Province is northeast of Bangladesh.
March 17-18, 1978
In the northern suburbs of New Delhi, near the University, 28 people were killed and 700 were injured by a tornado that cut a path 3 miles long and 50
yards wide.
April 10, 1978
About 150 people died in a tornado in the Orissa District, mostly in the villages of Purunabandha and Keonjhargarh.
10 April, 1993
Scores of people were killed when a tornado struck the eastern Indian state of West Bengal yesterday, razing five villages to the ground.
24 March, 1998
A violent tornado or tornadoes killed 160 people and injured 2000 when it tracked through 20 coastal villages in the eastern states of West Bengal and
Orissa. Many of the homes were constructed of mud, with thatched roofs, and people were pinned underneath when they caved in. Ten people were killed
when the boat they were traveling in was lifted 20 feet into the air and smashed against the banks of a river. In Chakislampur, near the town of
Danton, nine laborers who had been harvesting potatoes were killed when they were swept up into the air by the winds and then slammed back to earth.
Fifty passengers of a bus were injured when strong winds blew it into a nearby canal. Local villagers cut open the doors of the bus to rescue some of
the passengers, who were later hospitalized. Thirty-five children were crushed to death when a school building being used as a shelter collapsed at
Goborghata in the Balasore district in Orissa. The tornadoes flattened 15,000 homes and left more than 10,000 people homeless.
ok so there is some! hope everyone is ok over there!