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The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO Disinformation.

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posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:23 PM
Heard about "Star Trek" & "Star Wars" made as disinformation films, so what about "Matrix"? There are some quite interesting things in the movie.
Basically talking about another world, as this would be a virtual one, also do you believe in disinformation such as mass media at all? What do you think?

For instance, read this:


And if you are interested, get a copy on this:

* Bruce Rux, Hollywood vs the Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO Disinformation (1997).

[edit on 11-9-2004 by partykid]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:29 PM
UFO disinformation? Err they're movies! they're made up. Fantasy. Entertainment. Admittedly sometimes movies are made as propaganda, but not disinformation, because most people know they're not real anyway....

(Of course, I work in the movie industry, so this could be disinformation...

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:32 PM
What's sad is how expert some of these people are who control the media. Advertising agencies study how to "brainwash" people through media engineering into buying their products. Pollsters learn how to influence the public into supporting a position, or to go against it. Restaurants and shops manipulate our moods using colors to make us hungry, thirsty, contempt, so they we will buy their goods.

And these are just the people we know about. I'm sure that people would be horrified to know the truth about how we have no freedom, no choice, and how people control us like pawns in an elaborate chess game.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by muppet
UFO disinformation? Err they're movies! they're made up. Fantasy. Entertainment. Admittedly sometimes movies are made as propaganda, but not disinformation, because most people know they're not real anyway....

(Of course, I work in the movie industry, so this could be disinformation...

That is your opinion, i believe otherwise, and try to read the link which i provided, sounds interesting to me.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by partykid

Most people I know actualy consider "The Matrix" as more of a "In your face, this is whats going on, but noone dares to admit it", then disinformation.

When dealing with messages of a movie, you have to look at the concept instead of the content.

The Matrix's message to me was that human kind is emprisoned, slaved, to serve a group of people or entity. Without really realizing it.

We work every day, we pay income taxes, we pay taxes on everything we do an buy. We even pay taxes for going to the toilet or washing ourselves. We pay taxes to goto church, to go for a swim, to share views with other people(in case of internet, pay taxes on your internet fees, in case of going to a pub or other gathering place, taxes on income, drinks and so on).
Not to mention all the things we buy that we don't need or sometimes don't even want, but buy none the less, because society makes it nearly mandatory.

We live in a world where we live as catle to fill the wallets of the top 1% of the richest people in the world. We live as catle to be sacrificed in so many ways to further the agenda set forth by the few, to controll the many, with no other motives then that those few want to have ultimate power, want to be more then everyone else, in other words, they want to be gods.

Yet there are people, like many here on ATS, that "wake up" and see what is going on, and those people are supressed, killed, sometimes locked up and laughed at.

No matter what face you put on those wanting to controll the many in a movie, let it be goverment agency's, rich people, machines, aliens, it doesn't matter, its just a reflection of whats going on around us. Truths noone dares to admit.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by thematrix

Originally posted by partykid

Most people I know actualy consider "The Matrix" as more of a "In your face, this is whats going on, but noone dares to admit it", then disinformation.

When dealing with messages of a movie, you have to look at the concept instead of the content.

The Matrix's message to me was that human kind is emprisoned, slaved, to serve a group of people or entity. Without really realizing it.

We work every day, we pay income taxes, we pay taxes on everything we do an buy. We even pay taxes for going to the toilet or washing ourselves. We pay taxes to goto church, to go for a swim, to share views with other people(in case of internet, pay taxes on your internet fees, in case of going to a pub or other gathering place, taxes on income, drinks and so on).
Not to mention all the things we buy that we don't need or sometimes don't even want, but buy none the less, because society makes it nearly mandatory.

We live in a world where we live as catle to fill the wallets of the top 1% of the richest people in the world. We live as catle to be sacrificed in so many ways to further the agenda set forth by the few, to controll the many, with no other motives then that those few want to have ultimate power, want to be more then everyone else, in other words, they want to be gods.

Yet there are people, like many here on ATS, that "wake up" and see what is going on, and those people are supressed, killed, sometimes locked up and laughed at.

No matter what face you put on those wanting to controll the many in a movie, let it be goverment agency's, rich people, machines, aliens, it doesn't matter, its just a reflection of whats going on around us. Truths noone dares to admit.

"The Matrix's message to me was that human kind is emprisoned, slaved, to serve a group of people or entity. Without really realizing it."

I thought "Matrix" slavery was the cause of machines. A very strong post though. No one dares to admit the reality, whatever it is. Good point.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:55 PM
As I said, read concept instead of content of a movie.

and I also said this:

No matter what face you put on those wanting to controll the many in a movie, let it be goverment agency's, rich people, machines, aliens, it doesn't matter, its just a reflection of whats going on around us. Truths noone dares to admit.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by partykid
That is your opinion, i believe otherwise, and try to read the link which i provided, sounds interesting to me.

Thanks, I will. You hadn't posted the link at the time I replied.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 04:19 PM
Cheers for the link..

IMO though, with regard to MIB, the Matrix, and films like that you, and the writer of the article, are reading too much into it. What you must remember is that the scriptwriters are well aware of the issues, conspiracy theories, philosophies etc of the time, and will of course try to tap into that way of thinking so as to broaden a films appeal.

The idea from the Matrix for example; that the world we know is just an artificially created illusion is not a new one. I remember discussing the same idea myself as a kid, and that was back in the 70's. The premise behind MIB is the same. Of course film makers will reference the various ideas and theories around at the time. Why not?

Like I say, there is propaganda sometimes. There is often basic level "manipulation" of the themes within movies, particularly those with a military slant.

It's a fact that if you want to make a film involving the US military, and it shows them in a positive, heroic light( e.g. Black Hawk Down), they will go out of their way to provide aircraft, tanks, soldiers as extras, locations etc. If you want to make something less than positive, like Buffalo Soldiers for example, then you're on your own buddy!

With regards to Alien / UFO type scenarios though, I 'm sorry but I really don't buy it. Any connection, or uncanny resemblances to particular issues is more than likely because the screenwriter or producer happens to be interested in the theme anyway.

anyway.. as you say it is just my opinion I guess, but there you go!

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