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Still "Open Season" on Canada's First Nations people?

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posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by watchdog8110

Were there not also before the whites landed rogue gangs of Native American Indians ?

-Let us not forget "Why" they came to this continent in the first place.

1. Over population.
2. Religious persecution.
3. Prospects of a new world, (Gold etc...)
4. The over-all inability to "get along" with each other.
5. There might be un-enlightened "savages" over there who need our brand of "civilty".
---(Not to mention our religion). And "if there are Natives over there? ...Oh well!!!
---We'll smarten up those dummys and they'll thank us for it someday!

Just to name a few.

-Okay, so I embellished a little too much maybe on the "thank us for it someday" part.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by watchdog8110

In a perfect world sure , but when my former boss who is Native treats me like crap for not getting on his side with illegal activities does it make me racist towards him . No just smarter . Funny though how he bring the race card into it then . hmmm If someone doesn't want to sell them after shave or paint thinner to get drunk on the race card is played .

-About your former boss, you should have reported him. Good Greif! Have you ever "Seen" anybody drink "after shave or paint thinner", I think not! That'd kill ya!
-How is an Indian...(they're not the only ones ya know who do this) who drinks cough syrup or Lysol any different from a Non-native over-eating to "obesity" or "hoarding" to such hazardous levels that it presents health risks and breaks "by-laws". You DON'T see City Police or RCMP kicking down non-native people's doors down and beating the crap outta them, do ya.

For the sake of the debate , some old treaties still have yet to be settled . Some don't even want to come to a negotiating table to settle it once and for all . So throw on more to the pile of unfinished business .

-You make it sound "like" everybody's invited.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 02:24 AM
WOW.. its like all these problems only exist in native culture.. come on settle down everbody..
whites , blacks, chinese you name it, at least one person in every race has drank lysol or hairspray..
natives just got stuck with that title thats all.. if natives should be accused of doing anything
eccesively its bingo..

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 02:44 AM
Or vote!!! Something we "all" take for granted now-a-days, right?
reply to post by watchdog8110

Worst case scenario I was pointing to . The two cultures worked fine for awhile during first contact but it snowballed into culture shocks from both sides .

-Worked fine during first contact? Maybe for like five minutes.

Adopting the new arrivals way of doing things was hard to process for a lot and still is . Trying to hold onto the past is what the FN are struggling to keep while others see the glits and glamour of the big cities as enticing them out of their heritage ways .

-Adopting the new arrivals??? Hard to process? You make it sound like it was meant to be a friendly co-existence. In fact it was an invasion! An occupation, an overtaking and outright usurption because
"The Noble Savage"-(as someone put it earlier) wasn't even considered HUMAN UNTIL.......1930?

Or vote!!! Something we "all" take for granted now-a-days, right?

edit on 10-1-2012 by alilonthecheekyside because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2012 by alilonthecheekyside because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by Darkmask
reply to post by The Sword

That does not give the Canadian government (or any government for that matter) the right to treat them as second-class citizens.
What the hell are you talking about? If anything, the government treats the natives like first class citizens and then all the other minorities like second class citizens with caucasians being at the bottom of the heap.

The real problem is race based privileges. What we need is REAL equality. Everyone treated exactly the same, no advantages to any single group of people. That is the solution to the problem. Everyone needs to carry their own weight. NO freaking handouts to anyone.

What the heck are You talking about?
-One of the only reasons you say that is because you don't think that WHITE /caucasian people have a culture! And they DO! Everybody comes from somewhere!

-I believe the IMPORTANCE of "hanging on" to one's own culture is not only evident but more valid now than ever before. Before Forced Assimilation, it wasn't an issue was it?


-If we are not careful...we "WILL" end up like the BORG!!




TO THIS...!!!

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Scojen
WOW.. its like all these problems only exist in native culture.. come on settle down everbody..
whites , blacks, chinese you name it, at least one person in every race has drank lysol or hairspray..
natives just got stuck with that title thats all.. if natives should be accused of doing anything
eccesively its bingo..

You crazy wabbit!!! I ALMOST fell off my chair.
Not to worry we're on our near best behaviour...right guys??????.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Here, here!
Go Johnny go!

You do know, of course, that the law dictates that land was not to be seized from the FN, rather, attained by negotiated treaty. You should also know that in many cases, this was not who's getting the handout?

-Exactly, they were given "less valuable land. It's a historical fact!

-Now do these people look like bums...waiting for a handout???

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by Darkmask

Because......The Canadian Government won't be happy until...they have and own EVERY last scrap of land!!!
How does this apply to you?

Well, how would you like to HAVE TO MOVE again and again because The Government just sold your already small peice of land out from under you?

To top that off and add injury to insult...what if the BUYERS were American?? Don't think you'd be pretty happy about it.

Oh and if the police can rough somebody up just because of the way "they look" then there is NO TELLING WHO THEY'LL GO AFTER NEXT!

-(Not to mention The Borg Factor).

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by alilonthecheekyside

In all fairness these days its not only the government selling native land.. its chiefs selling it too for oil or diamonds
. and yes what if one day soon there is a north american union? how pissed off would you be lol.. natives are losing there rights and treaties all the time its only a matter of time before they are just regular citizens.. its not like there gonna rise up or something.. right??

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by alilonthecheekyside

The genetics are pretty solid. The conclusions drawn are perhaps a bit shady. There has been replacement, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the replacement didn't include significant admixture of pre-human groups.

Out right discrimination is unacceptable.

That some natives aren't themselves involved in this process when most of the populace hasn't any interest in being discriminating seems to be lost on people.

edit on 2012/1/10 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by alilonthecheekyside
reply to post by watchdog8110

In a perfect world sure , but when my former boss who is Native treats me like crap for not getting on his side with illegal activities does it make me racist towards him . No just smarter . Funny though how he bring the race card into it then . hmmm If someone doesn't want to sell them after shave or paint thinner to get drunk on the race card is played .:

Yes, I have seen people drink after shave, and lysol.
edit on 2012/1/10 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by alilonthecheekyside

This is an example of what real culture is. Defend THIS, not the other nonsense.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 11:15 AM
Awhile ago I ran across rev. kevin annett when I was on my hells angels/pickton pig conspiracy kick.....I forget how they got linked exactly, but it was all rather strange.

Does anyone know what the deal is with this guy and is there any validity to his claims of 25 million native peoples genocide?


posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I see your point, maybe the truth is... I would like to party like its 1499.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
A few years ago the federal government build a whole mess of housing in in Labrador for the Innu, I believe. A few months ago a number of complaints start up about mold problems and such. So they roll some footage shot recently in, ah, Natuashish, I believe. They pan across a row of houses, and what stands out? Broken windows! At least a half dozen ground-floor or below windows broken and patched with plywood! Now, keep in mind this is Labrador, possibly the coldest place on the North American continent, with snowfall averages measured in meters. And these people are complaining about mold in houses that are completely open to the elements! And not only that, but they actually blamed the federal government for it, claiming shoddy building quality!

Clearly, you don't know all of the facts because IT IS shoddy building quality (and they have admitted it, just not to the media). Labrador isn't the first nor will it be the last example of utter incompetence and discrimination within "Our Government" and "some" lower levels as well. If all you can see when shown such a thing, is broken windows then maybe you are part of the problem. Well, at least your attitude is.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by alilonthecheekyside

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
A few years ago the federal government build a whole mess of housing in in Labrador for the Innu, I believe. A few months ago a number of complaints start up about mold problems and such. So they roll some footage shot recently in, ah, Natuashish, I believe. They pan across a row of houses, and what stands out? Broken windows! At least a half dozen ground-floor or below windows broken and patched with plywood! Now, keep in mind this is Labrador, possibly the coldest place on the North American continent, with snowfall averages measured in meters. And these people are complaining about mold in houses that are completely open to the elements! And not only that, but they actually blamed the federal government for it, claiming shoddy building quality!

Clearly, you don't know all of the facts because IT IS shoddy building quality (and they have admitted it, just not to the media). Labrador isn't the first nor will it be the last example of utter incompetence and discrimination within "Our Government" and "some" lower levels as well. If all you can see when shown such a thing, is broken windows then maybe you are part of the problem. Well, at least your attitude is.

Truth is, there are societal and social problems on the FN territories that add to this kind of scenario. They, too, need to be addressed. Again, I point to education, health care and healthy living, and leadership...all things that the Kelowna Accord was supposed to deal with...and among the first initiatives squashed by Steve. Now he plays 'blame the victim'. Nice.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by alilonthecheekyside

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
A few years ago the federal government build a whole mess of housing in in Labrador for the Innu, I believe. A few months ago a number of complaints start up about mold problems and such. So they roll some footage shot recently in, ah, Natuashish, I believe. They pan across a row of houses, and what stands out? Broken windows! At least a half dozen ground-floor or below windows broken and patched with plywood! Now, keep in mind this is Labrador, possibly the coldest place on the North American continent, with snowfall averages measured in meters. And these people are complaining about mold in houses that are completely open to the elements! And not only that, but they actually blamed the federal government for it, claiming shoddy building quality!

Clearly, you don't know all of the facts because IT IS shoddy building quality (and they have admitted it, just not to the media). Labrador isn't the first nor will it be the last example of utter incompetence and discrimination within "Our Government" and "some" lower levels as well. If all you can see when shown such a thing, is broken windows then maybe you are part of the problem. Well, at least your attitude is.

Truth is, there are societal and social problems on the FN territories that add to this kind of scenario. They, too, need to be addressed. Again, I point to education, health care and healthy living, and leadership...all things that the Kelowna Accord was supposed to deal with...and among the first initiatives squashed by Steve. Now he plays 'blame the victim'. Nice.

How right you are.
However, it still would've been nice had more people 'ave stayed on topic...The Police's use of excessive force whereas people of Aboriginal descent are concerned.

The term "Open Season", in my mind, does indeed accuse the Police of going on a human duck hunt!. In plainer terms...discrimination and unjustifiable murder!

The fact that this disturbs only "a few" here on ATS", concerns me and leaves me shaking my head wondering, if WE as a species will ever, grow out of OUR infancy...

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by alilonthecheekyside

There were homes that were created in Manitoba that would be perfect for the reserve systems.

The guy who created them got screwed. When people trying to do their best by reserves, they get screwed and they aren't allowed to take them to court about it.

The problem is more extensive than "the government did it."

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Aeons

Ahhh, to stay on topic or not to stay on topic, uhh what was the question.

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