There are few member posts I despise, but this is certainly one of them! Because…
capod2t The more people who think as you do, the less democracy we will have. Also the less democracy we will deserve to have. I very much hope
Adolf Hitler reincarnate, verses Stalin reincarnate, comes round to execute you because one of those people (please, please, take your “choice”
wisely) one of them was “the lesser of two evils”!
I know nothing about you except:
By spreading sheepish attitudes like yours, you can only increase (not decrease) your own chances, that (if
there is indeed any just God, or system of reincarnation) that you will be reincarnated somewhere in Iraq-Afghanistan or North Korea!
Here’s Why…
You are simply spreading a political disease, which (quite literally more than any other single phenomenon) is responsible for destroying Western
democracy (i.e. from the voter, ground upwards).
It’s this very non-intelligent, quite primitive, yet somehow (undoubtedly in part, because of our own mass media, perversive influence) that: “The
only votes that aren’t “wasted” are those votes for the complete filth that wins” (and they are complete filth, not least because everybody
thought just like you.
The second strain of this disease on our democracy goes…
“Your vote is not wasted, if you vote for someone who did not win, but ONLY if you vote was joined with lots of other votes, if your looser, has
less votes than other looses, then even though it makes no practical difference whatsoever, you are more of looser”
I.e. “You are more a looser for following your convictions, and the less you follow your convictions, the more you matter, and therefore the more
practically patriotic you are.”
GET REAL… Think… Think…
Who advances Western Democracy the Most?
1. The voter who becomes the 110th thousandth to secure a winning candidate, a victory they had anyway
2. The person who voted for somebody that did not represent their beliefs, but who did vote for someone 110 thousand votes sort of victory.
3. The person who voted for Ron Paul –the constitution, and therefore set a president which next time, would encourage others to do the same (he has
a son called Rand Paul, who will be his successor)
4. Or the person who was the first, and only person, to vote for someone nobody else voted for.
I have to tell you, but the is if you want to know the people who (in our current voting system) least waste their vote, you need to read the above
list from point 4 backwards.
Otherwise you are simply contributing to a problem. Therefore it would indeed be better if (no matter how hypothetically) the nation could swap you
for someone in e.g. North Korea –a person probably only suffering in North Korea because they did-do actually stand by their convictions.
I cannot deny that its useless voting for someone who only gets one vote, but nor can one deny they are a lot more useful in sponsoring the diversity,
competition, and therefore (entire) (real) point of democracy (as defined by “choice” being the ultimate objective) than someone to become the
millionth voter, to make a winning candidate, a winning candidate.
There are lots of other problems with American democracy: Voting machines, party donations in exchange for favours, and of course lobbyists
persistently destroying any well intended Congress legislation.
But we could (hypothetically) get rid of all these problems, and if there were enough voters thinking like you “i.e. that they must vote for a
winner” then we would still end up living in much the same failed democracy, -i.e. failing to represent either the electorate, or sheeple like you,
to almost exactly the same degree.
I trust you can easily see, that the above, is actually quite a true interpretation of electoral reality?
People who think like sheep are No.1 enemy of our countries democracy. This is the same for all Western democracies, any time, any place. I’m sure
the last people to vote against Hitler (before he abolished elections) may have thought their vote was wasted, but the reality is, the only thing
lacking in the German people, is that we could have done with a few more people who “wasted” there vote like that.
Another thing I hate most about your non-fighting, weak & sheepish attitude, is that it is popular –as well as a danger to democracy. Also the way
it gives power to CNN –the mainstream media more than any other view. This because: it’s the “black sheep” electorate who are the real
patriots, as they alone are the reason people like Ron Paul
get any coverage at all, as it would be the case with any other non-corrupt, media
industrial arms complex, favoured candidate, only any “side” of the political spectrum.
edit on 090705 by Liberal1984 because: (no reason