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Is no one noticing a high number of UFO sightings in the last few months.

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posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 12:40 PM
There has been so many sightings of UFO's in the last few months, it reminds me of that thread which was called something like

"Aliens will come back in a big way this year"

I dont know how plausible the person was and the information he was giving out but it seems to be correct.

We have a report about the number of "Black Triangles" saying that there has been thousands of sightings.

We have had quite a few members posting plausible UFO images on this forum and alot have them have not been debunked.

I remember someone saying (i think it was in the aliens will comeback thread) that it will start off slowly (i take that he means sightings)

Its very strange how many people are seeing UFOS recently.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 02:17 PM
UFO's are everywhere lately. Specially around military bases. If I were an alien, why would I hang out at these sites? I think they're back visiting from the future (those not ours) and I dont know if they will ever actually land and state their purpose. has a lot on this subject. John Titor, the time traveller said by 2032 (year he's from) UFO's still not known what they're about. Its just one of those things governments will not divulge. Time will tell.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 02:21 PM
UFO sightings are increasing all the time, although we do not know either they are military or et flying objects. I didn't get the point of this thread. Whoever is visiting us - Lockheed or Aliens, doesnt change a thing. They are visiting, so what?

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 02:32 PM
I think that with the advancements of digital cameras and camera phones it has become alot easier to document a ufo encounter. This could be one of the reasons it seems like the sightings are increasing.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 02:52 PM
IMO, any percieved increase is due to the high profile Mexico UFO video that was released back in early May. Increased publicity of this subject has always brought with it an increase of sightings. For the most part people just don't look in the air for anomalies if they aren't alerted to their presence in some other fashion such as a news report.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 05:06 PM
Another reason (or if you in the government, excuse) for the increasing number of sightings, people (who dont know about this site) are seeing things, telling their friends, then they are taking out their trash some night, they'd ussually be looking at their feet or something else, but now that their friend saw something, they are looking at the skies, they see things, tell their friends, who do the same thing, then eventually someone they tell knows someone who knows about ATS and reports it, the people in their area look to the skies, see strange things, and they report things, and so on and so on (sorry about the rant)

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