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Operation Shield: DHS Officers Armed With Semiautomatics Running Unannounced ID Checkpoints

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posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by Pervius

3HO the islamic-hindu spinoff religious cult with a Compound in Arizona has the Federal Contracts for Security of Federal / Military buildings.

Who are these DHS Officers? Does that mean the religious Cult 3HO is losing their Federal Security contract?

hmmm... is this one and the same?

Interesting. Never made the connection as I had no idea about 3HO. Are you sure of this?


posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by SpaceJockey1
reply to post by Pumastar

So WHEN are you going to DO something about it?

Fool me once...

It appears we don't have time to do something. According to Guinness Book of World Records 2012 the average American watches 34 hours of television per week. That means 1/2 of Americans watch more than 34 hours and are so "dumbed down/pacified" that they can be eliminated as targets of DHS attention. So the population has already been halved for them, how much threat can someone be while spending 5-10 hours planted in front of a TV? Do the same with assistance, as long as they are receiving it you can pretty much eliminate them. Throw in the brainwashed and less perceptive who are unable to discern the threat of this type of thing, you know them, the "I'm not doing anything wrong so why should I care" crowd. Before you know it you are down to a pretty small percentage for them to focus on.

These checkpoints are probably done to "fine tune" the process of who to watch and who is not important. Just try not showing your ID as suggested earlier, boom, on the list for you. Basically it comes down to "will you give me your ID, or must I take it from you?", either way they will get it. From the license plate on your car to facial recognition, there are ways to get it, like it or not. .Do something, yes. What? I'm not sure yet. When? The "trouble makers" will start disappearing and you'll know. But standing up to the dummy DHS guy asking for ID won't do anything but get you branded as a "trouble maker" on the list unless an overwhelming number of people are doing it.. The best thing for now is to avoid any interaction with them and stay "clean" and "under the radar" as long as possible. That or plan on making smores with the other FEMA campers, while the rest of us are on the other side of the fence "doing something".

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by jude11

I called The Red Eye Radio Show early this morning while at work. I wanted to get their opinion of Operation Shield. The call-screener linked to the article in the OP for the hosts to be made aware of as to why I was calling.

The hosts knew nothing of Operation Shield but was very interested as to why this took place in a somewhat smaller city. They speculated it might simply be a regional project. Nonetheless, they questioned why there wasn't (at least) a sign informing the public that this was a drill.
I'm leaving out a few more comments from me and also from the hosts (I'm pressed for time atm but will be back later)...
As soon as my call ended, guess who the next caller was?
A Federal Protective Officer (F.P.O). This "F.P.O." wanted to share with the audience what their objective is. He said it was for the sake of "deterring".
He added that the training wasn't a regional or local project but a national one. The officer told the host that they already held many training's in the city the radio station is located in. This gave the hosts an eye opener.

There were more callers who gave their personal opinion as to why Operation Shield is active. One said it was to prepare the recipients for when the dollar crashes and S.S. is broke. The other wanted to say how ironic it was that Eric Holder and the others are fighting I.D. checks for voters but checking I.D.'s for this.

This particular station is called Red Eye Radio and they usually post daily podcast's on their website. The last webcast posted is from last Thursday, at this time, it might take a few days before they post todays show.
I find it interesting that a F.P.O. was listening to the radio station, at that particular time, on this particular day, lol. I also question if he was, in fact, who he said he was, although all I can assume is that he was honest, LOL.

The one question that I would LOVE to ask this F.P.O. is... If you're project is intended to "deter", then why isn't there any MSM coverage?
Deter from who?
Oh, the caller also claimed that Operation Shield is to keep the employee's in-check, also the rent-a-cops. So if the project is for the workers.... to surprise check the workers, then why is the public ... under the gun and also under the noses of the ???-sniffing dogs?

I might know the answers to my questions but that's common sense and also me parroting what I've heard or read. What I want is each individual person's answer of who I interview.

Thanks, I'll be back later with a link to The Red Eye Radio Show.

I apologize for the quickie. More later


edit on 16-1-2012 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by sweetliberty
reply to post by jude11

I called The Red Eye Radio Show early this morning while at work. I wanted to get their opinion of Operation Shield. The call-screener linked to the article in the OP for the hosts to be made aware of as to why I was calling.

The hosts knew nothing of Operation Shield but was very interested as to why this took place in a somewhat smaller city. They speculated it might simply be a regional project. Nonetheless, they questioned why there wasn't (at least) a sign informing the public that this was a drill.
I'm leaving out a few more comments from me and also from the hosts (I'm pressed for time atm but will be back later)...
As soon as my call ended, guess who the next caller was?
A Federal Protective Officer (F.P.O). This "F.P.O." wanted to share with the audience what their objective is. He said it was for the sake of "deterring".
He added that the training wasn't a regional or local project but a national one. The officer told the host that they already held many training's in the city the radio station is located in. This gave the hosts an eye opener.

There were more callers who gave their personal opinion as to why Operation Shield is active. One said it was to prepare the recipients for when the dollar crashes and S.S. is broke. The other wanted to say how ironic it was that Eric Holder and the others are fighting I.D. checks for voters but checking I.D.'s for this.

This particular station is called Red Eye Radio and they usually post daily podcast's on their website. The last webcast posted is from last Thursday, at this time, it might take a few days before they post todays show.
I find it interesting that a F.P.O. was listening to the radio station, at that particular time, on this particular day, lol. I also question if he was, in fact, who he said he was, although all I can assume is that he was honest, LOL.

The one question that I would LOVE to ask this F.P.O. is... If you're project is intended to "deter", then why isn't there any MSM coverage?
Deter from who?
Oh, the caller also claimed that Operation Shield is to keep the employee's in-check, also the rent-a-cops. So if the project is for the workers.... to surprise check the workers, then why is the public ... under the gun and also under the noses of the ???-sniffing dogs?

I might know the answers to my questions but that's common sense and also me parroting what I've heard or read. What I want is each individual person's answer of who I interview.

Thanks, I'll be back later with a link to The Red Eye Radio Show.

I apologize for the quickie. More later


edit on 16-1-2012 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

Thanks so much for going to great lengths for us!

What else have you heard or seen since?

Great job on the radio thing and so glad you brought it out for others in the area.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by jude11

At approx. 25:40, on "hour 4" of the podcast you can hear the other caller who claims to have been hired, at times, for FPS, who also enlightens the hosts that the Dallas area already experienced this exercise.
The hosts, Eric and Gary, hadn't a clue their area had also experienced exercises such as the one in the OP.

I'm in email contact with two reporters, one in Miami and the other in Atlanta. There's not much to add about that except that Operation Shield is unknown to anyone I talk to.

I visited the Daily Commercial this past Monday. The receptionist was helpful in locating any other article published on Operation Shield.
The following is from Voices a letter to the editor (Daily Commercial).
I'm in the process of trying to locate this person.

Whoever authorized this kind of
conduct should be brought before
Congress to answer these questions,
and then fired. Arming a bunch of
goons and sending them unannounced
into public spaces saying you’re being
proactive against terrorism, is terrorism.

The reporter of the original article in the Daily Commercial must be on vacation because when I asked for a meeting (in person or via phone call) with him, I was asked to leave my number and he will be back in the office this coming Monday.
I want to make it clear to him that I don't appreciate having to do his job for him. I don't mean that in a snobby way... I mean that as in... who's the professional reporter here? I have to wonder if this reporter is ready to retire, I remember years ago seeing his name in the newspaper. Nevertheless, I'm going to give him any information I've gathered such as quotes and emails from SSA, DHS and FPS and the link to the caller from the radio station podcast, and what that caller said.
The same information (or more, depending on what comes in and who I am able to see in person) will be given to the inept reporters of the Lake County Orlando Sentinel.
I phoned the Social Security office in the OP. The recepionist who answered either played dumb or .... I dont know... anyway she wasn't familiar with FPS and referred to them as our police. Her name was Ms. Bell.
After being on hold for at least 20 minutes, she gave me the number to The Atlanta Region Public Affairs: 404-562-5500.
I phoned A.R.P.A and spoke with a Mary Ann, who took my name and number and said someone will call back.
A Frank Viera called me within about 20 minutes.
I found it a wee bit frustrating that he couldn't answer some of my questions that pertained to the S.S.A. and not the F.P.S.
I say that because he kept saying ... paraphrasing... "That might be something F.P.S. could better answer".
The questions I asked him was...
If I were to apply to a service offered by the S.S.A., could you tell me where I'm informed as to these spot checks from these officers or any other government drills, training, exercises that entail semi automatic weapons, trained dogs and strong suggestions that I produce proof of who I am?
I asked if it was in some fine print somewhere or on a separate form?
He suggested I email their department with the questions and they would do their best to answer them, if they couldn't answer them, they will give me the information I needed to contact DHS or FPS and they could possibly answer my questions.
I'm almost finished with the email and intend on emailing it today (to ARPA)

Another person I'm waiting on to phone me back is the Mayor of Leesburg. Her office said she's retired and gave me her home phone number, lol... I'd rather not share that
It could be found easily if anyone wanted it.
While talking to the receptionist at the City Managers Office, I asked her if she knew if the mayor was aware of this training. The receptionist said she knew the Leesburg Police Dept. was aware of it but she didn't know if the Mayor was notified before hand.

The Leesburg Police Department, Sgt. Joe Iosey (sic), should be returning my call today (anytime now).
I first spoke with a non-emergency dispatcher who misunderstood my question when answering me. She said "no resident phoned the LPD on that day asking questions about the incident". She added that there was a few other surprise training's in the area before and since Operation Shield. I asked her which one's? She wasn't sure so that's when she connected me to the Sgt.'s voice mail. I'll ask the Sgt. but I suspect he'll say it was S.W.A.T. or something like that.

My intentions are to educate myself/us as much as possible on who knew of this exercise beforehand. Next, and maybe for me, most important... Why isn't this in the main stream media?
Before I move further ahead in who I question... I think I need to wrap up a few of these things that are still open.
More to come...
edit on 18-1-2012 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:13 PM
I ran out of room on the last post and didn't finish writing what my intentions are, although it's unexpectingly growing...

The bottom line for me is to get the word out and hopefully to get a things changed or added to the application forms offered at the Social Security Offices. Namely, that they (hopefully) inform applicants of the possibility of armed wanna be power rangers. (at least)
I want this "out there" and hopefully it will happen without having to protest in front of the S.S. Dept, the Daily Commercial, Orlando Sentinel (Lake County division), the mayor of Leesburg... ect..... (ugh, I don't have time for that but I'll find the time ... in time)

It's going to be interesting when I'm in contact with F.P.S. (eeekkkks!).. but I'm not going to stop (with them) until I get some logical answers, I hope.

I found this quite comical.
Patty Duke is on the cover page of the S.S.A. website. She's now at retirement age... I'll quote her....

I retired online at home in my pajamas. You can too!

I couldn't help it... I emailed her!
edit on 18-1-2012 by sweetliberty because: add link

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by sweetliberty

My intentions are to educate myself/us as much as possible on who knew of this exercise beforehand. Next, and maybe for me, most important... Why isn't this in the main stream media?

sweetliberty...You are truly my newest hero and I thank you for taking the stand that so many should also be doing. I know that if I was in your area, you would have me right there beside you.

"Deny Ignorance" isn't just an expression or slogan, it's a way of life and you've slammed it out of the ball park for all of us.

Thanks again and I look forward to being updated as to your discoveries on Operation Shield.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
reply to post by jude11

Well, They kept saying it would never happen in THIS country. I am vindicated.

Thanks, jude, for the lovely picture of the police state encroaching.

its amazing but i also have a feeling of vindication now too. all the losers out there who were in denial got no where to run now

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:59 PM
I'd also worry about the psychological profiles and attitudes of these people. I personally know someone who does this for a living, and sorry to say this, but he's batpoop crazy, got let go from a county deputy sheriff's job for too many counts of excessive force but was snapped up by federal law enforcement. As a four-tour, twice shot returning vet with what I'd say is clearly severe PTSD and probably some TBI thrown in for good measure, I don't know how the hell he was ever hired into a position where he carries a badge and a gun in this country when what he clearly needs is help. This man has just got crazy in his eyes, is a loner, and gets along with absolutely no one. To hear him talk is a frightening experience, and what he says goes beyond the pale. I'm thinking this is already a problem on many police forces and is only going to become worse.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
I'd also worry about the psychological profiles and attitudes of these people. I personally know someone who does this for a living, and sorry to say this, but he's batpoop crazy, got let go from a county deputy sheriff's job for too many counts of excessive force but was snapped up by federal law enforcement. As a four-tour, twice shot returning vet with what I'd say is clearly severe PTSD and probably some TBI thrown in for good measure, I don't know how the hell he was ever hired into a position where he carries a badge and a gun in this country when what he clearly needs is help. This man has just got crazy in his eyes, is a loner, and gets along with absolutely no one. To hear him talk is a frightening experience, and what he says goes beyond the pale. I'm thinking this is already a problem on many police forces and is only going to become worse.

Yep, a lot of these people should be locked up, fired or at the very least on some serious medications (many are probably there already) but...

I have to say that I am still laughing at the term "batpoop crazy"

Don't know why but my funny bone got tickled just right.


posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I'd also worry about the psychological profiles and attitudes of these people.

This is one of two major reasons that's driving me in this.
I've seen the abuse's handed down onto unsuspecting people, personally, and as a witness, by these so called authoritarian figures.
That's why I refer to them as power rangers, stormtroopers or rent-a-cops, lol. From what I'm learning, it's a luck of the draw, as to who is properly trained and thoroughly examined in this Federal Protective Services agency.

I personally know someone who does this for a living, and sorry to say this, but he's batpoop crazy, got let go from a county deputy sheriff's job for too many counts of excessive force but was snapped up by federal law enforcement.

I wonder if we know the same person, lol. The guy I'm referring to actually converted his living room into a library. A law library and a mental health library. He delights in people's ignorance which in turn, feeds his monstrous power and control trip. Last I heard, he's decided to take on the Veterans Administration for as long as it takes until he's considered 100% disabled from a psychiatric disability, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
I guess he's out-grown the limits of his profession. He's tasted the success of winning a few law suits and settlements... gaining either monetary gifts, "lifetime admittance" to places such as Disney World and AMC Theaters, or the satisfaction of putting people out of business. It matters not which profession he chooses, he's always armed.
I'm 100% pro 2nd Amendment and also more pro-cop than not, but with that comes some pretty bad apples in the mix... and that's scary.

...but was snapped up by federal law enforcement.

So true. I talked to Sgt. Joe Iozzi, Leesburg Police Department, who also mentioned losing a number of his guys to federal law enforcement. He said within a few years, their salary is the equivalent of the local Chief's.

To Jude11:
I wish you lived close.... I'm sure there would be quite a few questions answered already.
*** just to update... this is a slow process (esp due to the stupid work-responsibility-life-thingy) but it's still in forward motion.
I'm drafting up a flyer and mapping out the locations to churches Leesburg. If the pastor's, priests... approve my wishes, I'll have a flyer pinned up on the bulletin boards. It will inform the members of the January 3rd surprise drill from the FPO's and it will also have a request to contact me if anyone actually encountered the officers that day.
Yesterday I sent out quite a few emails to various law attorneys in the area asking for any information pertaining to our rights when confronted with this.
This might have been a waste of time but at least this particular (local) story is on their minds, ... I hope.
I'll post again later next week when and if I have something more to add that actually get's to the heart of things.

Have a great weekend.

edit on 20-1-2012 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by seasoul
All you need to do is Google the terms, "Israeli and homeland security" to find out who's actually behind these emerging DHS trends.

DHS and its brutal programs are now in America, thanks to that altruistic country, Israel.

It is Israel that has conceptualized and is profiting from a carefully engineered "war on terror."

You are spot on, check out this old thread of mine...
Suspect Detection Systems
We have former Mossad and IDF running Big Brother type software and security at our international airports. Mossad in charge of security at American Airports, the bozo that developed the software literally quoted the film Minority Report's 'Pre-Crime'.

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
It appears we don't have time to do something. According to Guinness Book of World Records 2012 the average American watches 34 hours of television per week. That means 1/2 of Americans watch more than 34 hours and are so "dumbed down/pacified" that they can be eliminated as targets of DHS attention. So the population has already been halved for them, how much threat can someone be while spending 5-10 hours planted in front of a TV?

300 million americans, 30 hours a week, that's 9,000,000,000 9 BILLION man hours we could be spending kicking people like BP's asses.

I also wanted to edit this post to give a big thumbs up to sweetliberty for the groundwork, amazing.

I used to get involved like that until I got a threat or two and slowed way down, it's not something I'm proud of but I really had to start taking my family's safety into consideration. Some advice though, be careful, back things up, take notes, let people know where you are and what you are doing, and rely absolutely on your 'Circle of Trust'.
edit on 20-1-2012 by twitchy because: My Coffee Got Cold

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:52 PM

The mayor never returned my phone calls and I decided not to call her back too many times because she’s old and “retired”. I did however, make a phone call to the next in line to the thrown.
Mr. Evans, the city manager, returned my phone call.
That’s why I’m growling. Mr. Evans seems like a very nice man and he’s the first person to actually have a real conversation with me butttttttttt
His answers sort of mimicked the answers of the Sheriff I spoke with last week.

He said he wasn’t told ahead of time about the drill. He doesn’t think anyone was told about it. That it’s probably because the Federal Government needs to operate on virgin ground.
He sees no problem with the training exercise. As a matter of fact, through questioning him, he said (paraphrasing but most likely a perfect quote)…. “We have to have faith that the officers are professional and the government knows what it’s doing”.
That was his response to my “they’re nothing more than rent-a-cops”. He confirmed my rent-a-cop statement by saying “we have to have faith they (Fed’s) know what they’re doing”…

Sorry for repeating myself but I actually couldn’t believe his “have to have faith” statement.
As a matter of fact, I questioned his faith statement quite a few times. This is why I say he seems nice. He didn’t get rattled that I couldn’t understand how he could just allow such an overkill to happen that involved using unsuspecting people.

He equated the people who went there that day to “actors”. That the exercise, in his opinion, was a test to see how responsive they (the officers) were and the people were actors in this.

His main argument was that he hasn’t heard any complaints, no one was harmed.

I directed him to the Daily Commercial article, asking him to read the comment section if he wanted to hear the complaints. He said that’s what most bloggers do. Their comments are usually negative. In other words, he wasn’t going to read them. I have to say, my community failed in this one, the people, oh, I mean actors… they should have voiced something to the City.

Mr. Evans told me “it’s the Federal Government” there’s nothing he could do, that the Fed’s wouldn’t listen to him. He said he could make a call to our Senator but “…it’s the Fed’s…”.
He said AND I QUOTE… “We have to have faith that they know what they’re doing”. (Grrrrrrr).
As for mimicking the sheriff, they both said… if anything did happen, the public would have screamed… “why did you do something before this happened”. He parroted the sheriff with the damned if we do, damned if we don’t sentiment.
I argued with him that the FPO’s need to be there EVERY DAY then. That bad things happen and unless the officers are there every day, what good is the argument? What good is the exercise since it’s an after-the-fact exercise.

So in short:
The City Manager feels he has no power or say in this since… “it’s the Fed’s”
As far as he knows, no one knew about the exercise.

Our conversation confirmed these “officers” are contracted and simply security officers.
The City Manager’s response to my questions of… Are these security guards back grounds thoroughly checked? Are they tested for any psychiatric disabilities? How do you know the people in your community are safe with contracted “officers” brandishing high powered weapons?
He said the government contracts with other agencies all of the time… he referred me to the Blackwater contractors.
In the end, I told him this was, imo, overkill and that I can’t “have faith” that we are safe with contracted officers.

edit on 26-1-2012 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by jude11

Seem like im hearing more and more if this training.

US Special Forces Were Operating Over Los Angeles Last Night During The Lakers Game

You know that LAPD also has an Apache in there arsenal. I found this out when flying over in the big sandbox. So I'm cursing along in the hawk 60 at night, then I'm told the LAPD Apache ( using different chalk not the LAPD name) will make contact at the next way point at grid XX .I shrugged this off and said yeah right, LAPD over here in the Sandbox with an Apache? Then behold off my right joining the formation. An Apache from LAPD ! with the ID LADP on the side. There were training with the US Army in actual combat. how Bad is it in LA that they need an Apache ?

edit on 27-1-2012 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 02:11 PM
Wait what?

In a country where you can't even ask an illegal for id they get to do this?


posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by neo96
Wait what?

In a country where you can't even ask an illegal for id they get to do this?


I think they gave up on the illegal thing a long time ago. Now they are just getting ready to treat everyone like an enemy regardless of citizenship or not.

And if they keep doing the same, they'll get their wish as everyone will be fighting back.


posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by jude11

Well Can't card and illegal you can't card at the voting booth but you can get carded if you might be a terrorist.

It's total garbage since they can do neither of those but they get to do that the only people who aren't being treated like terrorists are illegals.
edit on 31-1-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

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