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Japenese cult experimenting in doomsday weapons and the huge explosion in the Australian outback..

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 04:17 PM
Great job ,good post and interesting topic.Still reading the thread and links but Im just posting this here for easy tracking

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
reply to post by Misterlondon

Loved this thread, not really much to add other then a flag and thanks for the read.

Thanks for the reply...

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 05:05 PM
without doing any research on this subject and having little if any prior knowledge about this cult and their actions. I am faced with some thoughts I want to share before I dive into more research.

2001 2 of the most prestigious most recognized buildings in the world coming down from the Top due to fire? and another building of high intelligence bldg 7 coming down in the same exact fashion.

2011 many major catastrophes never seen before or rarely seen such as animal deaths en mass with no logical explanation other than Natural causes. Very large earthquakes and extreme changes in weather. around the globe. again natural occurrences.

the global economy and control system of paper money being demolished for the farce that it is. America and its allies moving their power around the world faster than before WW2.

The US Gov out of nowhere declare their power in Aus and are starting to move its resources into Aus. how soon until. blackwater XE or some other secret security/entity, decides to purchase this land?

I am sure there are many more coincidences I am overlooking these are just a few that are popping into my head as I read this thread.

the same sort of media psycological warfare has been played for the last 100 years or more just look at what happened to tesla and his research compared to edison or einstein who for lack of a better word "sold out" to TPTB and profited from their support. while making some of the most WORLDWIDE inventions of Control we have ever seen to this day... a bit strange to say the least and it is all accumulating to 2012 compounding like the timewave theory...

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
reply to post by agentofchaos

Maybe the Sarin attack was a test run for them..? I don't think they intended on getting caught. It has also been speculated that they were planning to move on to something bigger after this attack.

If this cult actually did make a WMD and test it under their noses on Australian soil.. You can be certain that would be covered up by the various governments..
edit on 6/1/12 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

It could have been, or maybe getting caught, or worse was not that big a deal. Thats not new. I have long been worried that "end of the world nuts" who do not include of lot of hugely bright people, but also do include some with true technological skill. And zero sense of morality. They seek "immortality" by causing chaos. Armageddon would be one for the record books, and that of course would be a history written by those left after the fact. For some strange psychology, some people think their memory will build whatever comes "after". Well, not all of us are just passive observers. When it comes to chaos I hope never to have to deal with it. Whats really scary is how close we've come to all hell breaking loose so many times. Wonder if the Temporal Cloak had anything to do with changing "our present"? OK, perhaps not....

As for some yahoo testing a WMD in Australia, considering that its almost as big a continent as is the continental United States, we got at least 312 million people here, and Australia last I checked? Population still between 23.2 and 29 million on the very outside. You can do a whole lot in that kind of space... As for Australia covering "anything up", they would probably love to know about something like this. If it indeed happened. I can't rule it out.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 05:49 PM
Ok the huge explosion in the sutralian out back is news to me and Im right there.

Maybe thats why Obama is kindly occupying our country with 5000 ground troops before 2015.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Glad you researched it further...

Well, I spent the afternoon searching for more from Mr. Mason and found an interesting article on Lake Voshod (or however it's spelled) in Antarctica as well as another seemingly unrelated article. Both were from the mid 2000's. He also posts comments to articles on including a particuariarly scathing response to Bill Mahr (sic.).

Also a few blog sites carry snippets from the original Bright Skies article (some making a connection to 9/11), but none seemed to have any new information.

A search on Coast-to-Coast's guest roster produced no results, so I emailed George Noori a link to the 6-part article along with a suggestion that Mason would make a great guest.

Finally I did something that I have never done before. I emailed Mr. Mason through a link on rense and I await his reply.

Is this the beginning of an obsession? LOL

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Tholidor

nah its called footwork. thanks for putting your time into this research I look forward to hearing any result.

edit on 1/7/2012 by -W1LL because: sp

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Tholidor
reply to post by Misterlondon

Glad you researched it further...

Well, I spent the afternoon searching for more from Mr. Mason and found an interesting article on Lake Voshod (or however it's spelled) in Antarctica as well as another seemingly unrelated article. Both were from the mid 2000's. He also posts comments to articles on including a particuariarly scathing response to Bill Mahr (sic.).

Also a few blog sites carry snippets from the original Bright Skies article (some making a connection to 9/11), but none seemed to have any new information.

A search on Coast-to-Coast's guest roster produced no results, so I emailed George Noori a link to the 6-part article along with a suggestion that Mason would make a great guest.

Finally I did something that I have never done before. I emailed Mr. Mason through a link on rense and I await his reply.

Is this the beginning of an obsession? LOL

Thats excellent! good work Tholidor...
I eagerly await any replies..

To you and all members that have added some great contributions to this thread..

Found a video from a segment from a MSM TV show about the event, which has interviews with Harry Mason and some of the eye witnesses..

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

This is the reason I come to this forum. Excellent thread - well researched, free of fantastical opinions and well written to boot.

Well done.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:35 PM
Had no idea about any of this,especially the explosions and fireballs in Western Australia.

I'm thinking that it was probably something to do with the military...

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

thanks for the Vid. more and more I get this feeling... like the Nukes that were just found on their way overseas by sweden? on a frieghter bound for korea then china?
like the terrorists who were allowed to carryout 9-11 in part by our own CIA FBI NSA goons.

this terrorist organization was funded heavily by WHO?
this Aum Group was Allowed to perpetrate this travesty in the subways but then ALL of them were easily caught, which seems strange with all the confusion during the events how were they apprehended.? and by whome.

like the 7/7 bombings as-well, there are so many loose ends and ignorant Patsy's in all of these cases it seems like the Ignorant patsy who died for the Reichstag fire in Germany. when we all know now who was at fault.

this Aum group was allowed to get as far as they did for a reason. once their value was used up the group was systematically disbanded and imprisoned. yet as the guy at the end of the video points out there is still a real threat because Terrorist can make WMD's in their Bathtub ! anywhere ! OMG...

the real people behind the money given to the Aum have the technology that was used in Aus. to create these large explosions and lights how do we follow the money in this situation?
edit on 1/7/2012 by -W1LL because: sp

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:42 PM
Initially, I discounted the cult involvement in the larger issue of the existance of Tesla weapons. But then I realized that the cult had some fairly high-powered (and no doubt government funded) scientific talent at its disposal. Not academicians, but rather hands-on practical scientists in some rather exotic disciplines.

We have every reason to believe that they were highly interested in Tesla technology. Various governments have suppressed this tech for 80 years which is not to say that they haven't continued its development. There seems to be evidence that the U.S, Russia and Japan have Tesla/EM weapons programs. There are suggestions that Israel also has such a program. A rogue weapons program could not be tolerated.

This is a weapon that has the capability of delivering nuclear-scale destructive energy to any spot on the globe, and against which there is no possibility of defense. With the added "bonus" of being indistinguishable from a natural earthquake, thus precluding any retaliation. Thats a frightening thought.

Certainly reason enough for the Japanese government to obliterate the cult by any means necessary - perhaps including a staged sarin attack on the Tokyo subway.....

Just sayin'
edit on 7-1-2012 by Tholidor because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-1-2012 by Tholidor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:36 PM
The group itself was real and what they did in Japan was real. This was a real terrorists group that is real. The rest is just made up. Enemies of reason are at it again.
edit on 7-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by -W1LL
without doing any research on this subject and having little if any prior knowledge about this cult and their actions. I am faced with some thoughts I want to share before I dive into more research.

2001 2 of the most prestigious most recognized buildings in the world coming down from the Top due to fire? and another building of high intelligence bldg 7 coming down in the same exact fashion.

2011 many major catastrophes never seen before or rarely seen such as animal deaths en mass with no logical explanation other than Natural causes. Very large earthquakes and extreme changes in weather. around the globe. again natural occurrences.

the global economy and control system of paper money being demolished for the farce that it is. America and its allies moving their power around the world faster than before WW2.

The US Gov out of nowhere declare their power in Aus and are starting to move its resources into Aus.

Fantasy The U.S has no power in Aus. No military bases no power base just a joint observation posts and that's it.

I am sure there are many more coincidences I am overlooking these are just a few that are popping into my head as I read this thread.

the same sort of media psycological warfare has been played for the last 100 years or more just look at what happened to tesla and his research compared to edison or einstein who for lack of a better word "sold out" to TPTB and profited from their support. while making some of the most WORLDWIDE inventions of Control we have ever seen to this day... a bit strange to say the least and it is all accumulating to 2012 compounding like the timewave theory...

Everything you just said is fantasy.
edit on 7-1-2012 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by vrlsh6
by the way, greater london is about 15 square miles, not 200 plus

Kind of makes a person wonder what else has been blown out of proportion and just made up fantasy.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by jazzguy
i live in perth western australia and have never heard about this, interesting
Because it's not true.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by steveknows

everything you just said is false...

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:47 AM

everything you just said is false...
reply to post by -W1LL

You missed Steve's point, the US may well be here, but they cant just go and blow some country up from our bases, and that is a fact

I agree with you Steve,its a cover up on the larger scale, now way these guys could have built those weapons here, You fart in those country towns and every single person will tell you what you had for dinner


posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by truthinfact
I don't believe possible. Obtaining the proper quantity of highly enriched Uranium is impossible, well impossible for anything less than a massive government operation...

Three people built one atomic bomb in less than One year? HAH

Irans been feverishly working on their nuclear program for decades.. and still almost no where yet!

When you add in that to mine the uranium they would have had a very large mine.
Uranium-235 is an isotope of uranium making up about 0.72% of natural uranium

That means less then 1% of the uranium. so what did they do with the other 99.% the depleated uranium.

I don't buy the nuclear part.

But i do buy into testing a massive truck bomb.

By burying a truck bomb size explosive charge deep underground they would have a idea of its power.

Did Australia sell prilled ammonium nitrate back then with out a permit.

5 truck loads, 100 tons buried deep underground in a mine may have not left a crater.

The other part is a nuclear explosion has a very distinctive signature in seismographs.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by Agit8dChop

It's currently for sale for $2.5 million.

photos in the first link.

edit on 7/1/12 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

Wow cheap land.
Only $2.50 an acre!
Good place for when TSHTF if you've got a spare 2mil lying around.

edit on 8-1-2012 by Flighty because: (no reason given)

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