posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN
Hey seriously if this person is telling me to get out of dodge because of "something bad", well I would like to check it out for myself. I live
here, I can help but without any information other than the university name and a story it kinda hard to confirm what a guy on the internet says. The
Professor at the end of my street would be in the engineering wing so I do not think he would be in the astronomy hall but if all these scientist are
getting out of here, do you not think they would tell at least their own university colleagues? Since it was 3 Kings Day down here there was a long
weekend, I will check the university tomorrow for you and get a roll call of the "scientist" just to let everyone one know these "scientist"
Earthquakes happen ever few weeks in the area, not a biggie but looking for a time frame so the author can not just claim the next to be the big
event, and anyone's name that can get past the military without paying them off I would like to know and learn that trick, it would be useful since I
live down here......Hell, what if I got some names called around and could confirm this crazy story, since the author of the story wants it secret and
300,000 people to die in the event would it not be wise to warn the population, which I can do since I live here. I would also like to know and leave
myself but that is me being selfish, I know, so sorry to try to save my a$$ and family.
tinfoil hat on: check
sun is shining: check
I am still alive and the port has not been destroyed as of now, will check back in later to see if questions are answered or if wild allegations just
keep coming, just trying to help confirm/deny know the deny ignorance motto.