Brother Arkaleus,
Of course, your opinions are yours by right to choose and keep as you will, so please don�t ever mistake my disagreements for a claim that I am
�right� and you are �wrong�, even if I should erroneously use words or phrasing that suggest otherwise.
As best I can tell, we are all prisoners of illusion, one way or another. So it would be foolish for me to claim that my illusions are better than
Still, it is fun to compare notes, and here are some observations of mine in response to yours, to perhaps give you a better idea of where I am coming
from on some things.
I apologize if I come across as dogmatic, which I try hard to avoid, and wish to reemphasize that I know I can be mistaken about pretty much anything
or everything.
Also, should you or anyone else see fit to roll your eyes and skip past my posts due to their prodigious length, I will certainly understand. Despite
my tendency to post at such length, I realize that overall, life is too short for long posts. Then again, life is a pretty big topic.
That said, let�s see where we stand on a few things:
The Weaker Sex?
Originally posted by Arkaleus
Rather than engage you in a discussion about women, I will stand my ground. My particular path is not one that can be shared with women. Women are
rather hostile to my Liberty, by and large. Very few of them are strong enough to approach what I worship. None of them can abide there.
Methinks the man doth protest too much. I can say without reservation that my experiences disagree with your conclusions, but then we do walk
different paths. As for standing your ground, I of course recommend that you stand wherever you wish.
I have no memories of being a woman in a past life, so I�m a �man�s man�, as it were. In one particular case, as a Greek warrior in a past life, I
also chose a path closed to women in pretty much every sense of the word. Ultimately, however, I came to see that the loss was mine.
Your experiences with women are no doubt similar to mine in some ways and different from them in others. However, I advise against painting with too
broad a brush.
By way of illustration, I am sure we can both call to mind many examples of men who are hostile to our Liberty, by and large, and lacking in whatever
manner you may choose to measure strength.
I am unable to see such things as either limited to or emblematic of the characteristics of women, since I have known many women who are respectful of
the rights of others and strong in ways I cannot match.
I have also observed that spiritual gender is more a matter of choice and temperament than assignment. As children of the Creator, we are all nearly
identical, except for the experiences of this one Cycle of existence among trillions.
While that�s not much of a difference overall, it is vital to our distinctiveness as individuals. Our choice of gender is but one of many choices we
each make in the process of growing and creating ourselves. It is important, but there are many other choices that are also important.
As for worship, I have come to realize that the only entities who desire my worship are those who are unworthy of it. To worship others is to deny the
truth that we are all children of the Creator, all indispensable to the process of Creation, not a one of us above the other in importance.
To either demand worship or give it is a sin of vanity -- the denial of who we are. This denial of self-awareness is, as best I can tell, the Original
Sin which marked the Divergence that gave birth to this Cycle of existence. Thus it is neither good or evil in itself, but necessary to the process of
But that�s my own probably rather opaque view, and opinions vary widely.
Society Or Religion?
Originally posted by Arkaleus
You guys seem to have your own faith. I am not hostile to that. But it is your own invention. Will it withstand the eternities? Will it withstand
the test of the forces and the powers? That is the only real estimation.
Don�t be confused by my association with The Society Of Light (TSOL), which is developing over time and ongoing. My experiences lead me to agree with
TSOL on many things, but to think that I have �bought into whole TSOL package� would be incorrect.
Most definitely I cannot and do not speak for anyone else in TSOL or for TSOL in general.
I am a skeptic, and I take my sweet time when it comes to choosing friends and associates, as well as what I may or may not believe at a given time --
and my beliefs will and must change over time if I am to grow. I also make mistakes, and know that I do, which can be helpful but is never
The nature of TSOL is, in fact, as best I can tell such that supplicants and sycophants need not apply, but that�s my opinion, and opinions within
TSOL most certainly vary. My impression of TSOL is that of the Libertarian Party of spiritualism, if that helps with understanding my view of the
As for it being an invention, my view is that none of us can really comprehend Objective Truth, and that to think we can do so is self-delusion. Thus
each of us will tend to model our views of reality to match our perceptions and assumptions.
I doubt that any two spirits really see TSOL in the exact same way, and would be suspicious if anyone claimed to. This goes double for reality in
general. We are all prisoners of our own illusions.
As for whether TSOL will withstand eternities, forces and powers, I don�t know. But I think the more important question is not whether TSOL will hold
up, but how each of us will, instead.
Associations come and go, but we are all of us eternal, though we may deny it.
Who�s Yo� Daddy?
Originally posted by Arkaleus
There is an old proverb given to us by our Hebrew Teacher, "Everything that was planted outside of the Father will be uprooted and cast into the
If you consider the Creator to be the Father, then the only thing to burn will be the chains we have bound ourselves with. Contrary to popular
opinion, the Creator is supremely efficient, and wastes nothing, most especially our souls.
We all serve a purpose, and while pain marks the path of darkness, and pleasure the path of light, no one may be lost or destroyed if Creation is to
succeed and continue.
Rhyme And Reason
Originally posted by Arkaleus
I find it better to perfect one's reason, and to discover the real power of the mind. Each incarnation of light that was the prophets, the great
reformers of religion, each had a commonality through them. This is is the foundation of the truth. Stand there, and you will not be
To reason is to think in rational, orderly ways. The greatest power of the mind is its ability to examine itself in abstraction. Using these tools, it
is possible to discover inconsistencies in our thoughts and seek to find ways to resolve them.
Doing so leads to intellectual growth. Failing to do so leads to intellectual (and spiritual) stagnation, if not outright death. It should not come as
a surprise that I advocate constant and unceasing self-examination as a consequence.
I agree that all prophets and reformers share commonalities to some degree or another, even if not all of them may agree on anything.
Since casting off the blindfold of Christianity, I have found what I consider to be fundamental truths in all systems of belief. Those things that
transcend specific religious doctrines and are common to all of them are probably true in some way.
Of one thing I am sure: to believe that you or anyone has hold of the Absolute Truth is a deceit and self-deception.
This does not mean we cannot catch glimpses of it, but even the Creator seems incapable of knowing all there is to know except at times of Convergence
(when we all rejoin and share what we have learned in preparation for the next Cycle) and that is itself not an instantaneous process.
Basing Friendships On Enemyships
Originally posted by Arkaleus
I am with you and your group because you are an enemy of my enemy, but I think our destinies are quite separate. I go to the place of youthful
liberty, and it is the abode of the faithful and true only. It is also a place where virginity is enshrined. I represent the male aspect of this
�The enemy of my enemy is my friend� is not a truth, but a false axiom that has been disproven repeatedly and painfully, and probably in both of our
lives. I advise against associating on such a weak foundation. Also, who we define as �enemies� can itself be a somewhat nebulous concept.
For example, these days I seek to move my path closer to Light, but I have walked most of it in Darkness. By moving closer to Light, does that make
those who at this time in their journeys walk closer to Darkness my enemies, who themselves are where I once was?
I suppose I could think that way, but knowing that we are all brothers and sisters, it seems to me an act of self-deception to think of them as
enemies, even if our purposes differ violently.
I have children, and they have struggled against me as they have grown and sought their own paths. Should I hate them for this? No! They have done
precisely what they are supposed to do, and what each of us must do if we are to follow our own paths, and I love them for it.
So it is between myself and my brothers and sisters who walk a darker path, even though they may see me as an enemy. We are kin who simply follow
different roads, not enemies in my sight.
While this may sound a bit corny, I really do see each of us as streams which burst from the same spring and mingle in various ways as we each follow
our own course, but that we all run into the same ocean in the end.
To enshrine any one of us above another is, in my view, to miss seeing the forest for the trees and forget who we really are.
Worship Service
Originally posted by Arkaleus
My brothers are them that worship what I do - we are a union of individuals, a nation of equals. We serve one another because that is our nature. We
do not admit those who require service, or those who are not full.
This seems somewhat self-contradictory to me, but maybe I�m not reading it right. In general, I have found worship of any kind to be a sin of vanity
against oneself. Whatever demands worship from us does not deserve it.
As for serving one another, to do so freely and without coercion is, in my view, one of the most rewarding and pleasurable things I can do, and have
ever done. In aiding our brothers and sisters, we aid ourselves and grow.
But it is important to remember that false acts of �self-sacrifice� or �self-denial� are just that, and sins against ourselves as well as others.
For service to others to be true, it must be honestly given in love, not in sin, and with no expectation of reward except that which naturally comes
from such deeds. All else is deceit and darkness.
In The Fullness Of Time
Originally posted by Arkaleus
We delight in bringng up those who are on the verge of fullness, and spare no kindness to them of the pure truthfulness. That is the pure male
nature. It is not one of war, but when we war the heavens fly away.
That which is on the verge of fullness is that which is about to spill. Kindness to others is really an act of kindness to ourselves, since cruelty is
always the author of its own destruction.
I doubt any of us is really truthful, due to our limitations, but I consider honesty a worthy alternative.
Kindness is most certainly not limited to the �pure male nature�, and may in fact be contrary to it, if we look honestly at the overarching roles of
the masculine and feminine principles in the schemes of Creation. But this may be a semantic disagreement, and perhaps we are speaking of different
things altogether.
As for war in the heavens, I am still very new and young in my spiritual awareness, and know little, except that I know little. But when it comes to
�spiritual warfare�, I am coming to find that victory lies in the embrace, not in the fist.
To try to �fight fire with fire� and meet perceived enemies on terms that they set is, in my view, itself a defeat. To prevail against any �enemy�
requires choosing and establishing favorable terms of battle and denying control to them. Succeed in doing this, and victory is assured. Of course,
opinions can and will vary on everything, including that.
Anyway, while we will no doubt choose to continue to disagree on many things, if not everything, I want to make it clear that while I consider my
point of view a better one for me, that it is not the One True Path or necessarily right for you or anyone else. I offer it as an illustrative
alternative, not a shoe that fits every foot.
We each pursue our own unique destinies, as well we should. I hold none above the other in importance, because we each benefit from the fruits of
every path in the end.
Thus it is that while we may agree on little, I do wish you fulfillment wherever your path may lead you. If it is anything like mine and every other
path that I am aware of has been, it will lead you into varying degrees of Darkness and Light.
But ultimately, I am confident that we will all meet again in the end as brothers and sisters, and as our true selves. I look forward to it, in its
[Edited on 9/15/2004 by Majic]