I don't get any of this stuff. They say the end of the world will follow a bunch of wars, famine, disease, and all that stuff. But if you look in
history, these things have happened a lot. I also don't understand people that just seem to want the world to end. We also have to look at the people
who wrote this stuff. The Mayans disappeared without a trace, the Bible says one man built a boat big enough to put two of every animal on it, and who
knows what else the other people that predict a 2012 doomsday believe.
people believe that it is the end of the world, as the mayan calander ends on the 21st of Deccember 2012. I dont believe this as i cant see people
bieng able to predict a 5125 year future, its just not possible by anybodies count. the calender had to end sometime, because the Mayans couldnt keep
on translating the calaender. it had to stop sometime. i do not believe it is the end of the world.
hey, i just wanted to let you know that it is raining here and the world has already ended so make sure you have got an umbrella. dont tie up your
animals because a t-rex will most likely eat them, sometimes when im at school and i daydream i like to think about how the person that did didnt do
that thing he did but he didnt really! oh and i like writing: notice, if you notice this notice you will notice this notice is not worth noticing, so
thakyou for noticing but attention to your notice but this notice was pretty noticable for a notice that wasnt worth noticing.
I swear, watch like nothing happen on 2012. All these stupid people who believe in it will get owned! Only if your negative you would think it would
end in 2012.
21 of dec 2012 is just a usal date which comes and will be gone like normal dates ,,,,,,,,,,,,, instade of panicking u guys got to yhink about real
knings which will knoock ur feet off before it,,,,,,,, m just saying
Will the world end in 2012 or will our world continue to go on? Who knows? The Mayans have their beliefs along with everybody else's beliefs, so
therefore there isnt a gaurantee that their prediction is inevitable. All I have to state is that if anything happens then it is acceptionally meant
to be, otherwise it was a false prediction. But, keep your mind open though as well because there have been many predictions in this life and some
have made sense. It may not necessarily have happened or been true but you have to think about something....why do you think these predictions or
thoughts that people have even come to mind? Something out of the blue just pops into your brain and you then have a feeling of uncertainty like
something tragic will happen. Sometimes this process occurs and for the past years up to this present day, there are more and more predictions being
made up. Even if it sounds like nonsense, just listen and understand because in case you didnt notice, its only certain people who have the ability to
obtain and see and feel other things and they aren't having these feelings of uncertainty for nothing...
I totally agree with you but you have to open your mind...there are many sayings but you dont necessarily have to agree with them but its good to
state your own opinion, because everyone opinion counts
For more information about 2012 and the potential for personal and global transformation, a shift in consciousness, the wholistic understanding of
Oneness and global unity, click here:
Heard a theory today regarding 2012 I though was pretty interesting. Not sure if it has been discussed on here or not. This theory is based on the
fact that the U.S. Government knows something about what is going to happen on 2012 wether it be an asteroid hit, earthquakes and volcanos or
whatever. The U.S. Government isn't going to come out and confirm what they know so how do they "train people to survive" without actually telling
them? Plaster the "how to" survival shows all over the T.V. in form of reality shows like Man vs. Wild or Survivorman. Show the people what will
happen over time with the majority of civilization gone by the show Life After People. Obama released plans to send Astronauts to an asteroid instead
of going to the moon......... seems like he might know something. Thought this theory was pretty interesting.
You are right about people seeing the astral plane. I though I was the only one who knew. Have you ever projected and went there? pretty interesting.
Id like to talk to you! so we can enlight between us. If you d like plz contact me
Well, since the end of the world is supposed to be 21/12/12 i'll be sitting on the pontoon out back on the lake, cohiba in one hand, glass of Rhum
Charleston 1940's in the other (from the only bottle we've keep in the "celler" a spit roast behind me, with me mates and the missus. If the
worlds over i figure might as well go out in style.
Either that, or if the world keeps ticking, we'll have had one hell of a night