posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:56 PM
Right here was your mistake , that is leading you blue about the whole break up
"after this mess i should have ran but like a moron i stayed "
Walk away like a man , put a smile on , and forget that clown
In a few weeks of months don't worry shes going to come back like a sick puppy and want another chance.
After she sees how good you were to her ,the other guys won't compare !
Heres what you do tonight
Call up the boys , hit the strip club , then a regular club .
Go in with the mentality " if you don't shoot you don't score"
You'll find a nice little hottie to take home.
Take out all your anger out with some good manly jack rabbit sex,
Start your recovery process.
Men don't have broken hearts , just brused ego's
which can easily be repaired !