posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 03:31 PM
You are being purposely misinformed and don't make any mistake about that. There is a reason the great one is here. Notice the answers are general
and not exact.
From the information you are providing, can you say that it is "impossible" for anyone to pull code and/or log files and go back through time
and see what specific posts you have put stars on? I am not asking you "if" it is being done, I am asking directly, could it be done at all?
Notice this question was never answered specifically, only stating that it is not happening and won't be. That should tell you enough. You won't
be told that it is "impossible" for this to happen because it would plant seed of doubt and unravel the information already provided. If the system
can tell that you have already placed a star, then it can certainly tell "everywhere" you have placed one at any point in time. If you are
concerned about this then there is your answer since they won't give it to you directly. There is no reason to think otherwise by the semantics with
words that are being used to lead the masses.
My question was point blank and never answered directly, even gave it some time to see if it would be.
It's easier to misinform by manipulating language and making an appearance rather than just answering the question directly. It avoids the
possibility of walking into a trap for later down the road. Nobody here is going to directly tell you the truth which is, "yes, it could be done if
really wanted to be done."
By providing an answer of "it will never happen" is just an absolute statement that couldn't possibly be addressed because of untold circumstance
that the future could bring. Using words like "never" and "ever" are absolutes that clearly shouldn't be used if you just look through
Fact of the matter is if martial law was ever put in place, and your rights were completely stripped away, there is absolutely the fact that your
easiest fingerprint of how you think would simply be by taking servers from those that told you "it will never happen" to be proven liars.
This whole place is one big fingerprint. There is a reason the known agents are protected here and you aren't. If ATS isn't going to stand up for
you against this which is not a big secret, then what makes you think they are going to provide you with truth from false information?
No need to ban me, I am done
Best journeys my friends....