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Shocking Announcement about 2012 (Princess in Japan)

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posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
I personally don't know this woman but based on her title of "princess", I have to consider this to be pretty radical

So someone claims that they are a "princess" you believe them....

talk about gullible!

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by benedict9

It is often human nature to choose the path of greater comfort.

Which is why religion comes into play.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
reply to post by Xcalibur254

are you a chemist?

than don't seem so sure.

terence mckenna was a chemist.
strassman is a chemist.

them > forum guy

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by metalshredmetal

Actually my field is cognitive neuroscience. I look at the biological basis for cognition. In other words this discussion fits firmly in my field of research. McKenna had a degree in art history. He started a degree in biology, which he later switched to ecology and conservation. As for Strassman (who is actually a psychiatrist, not a chemist), as I said I'm not the only one debating his findings. Everything I've quoted can be found in the literature. The pineal gland simply does not produce INMT, which is essential for tryptamine to be synthesized into N-dimethyltryptamine. It is found in other parts of the brain in low amounts, which easily explains that trace amounts of '___' found in cerebrospinal fluid, but not in the pineal gland. Those are the simple facts. The pineal gland is capable of synthesizing serotonin into melatonin and vice-versa. It is not however capable of synthesizing tryptamine into N-dimethyltryptamine.

My god xcalibur if I could give you a million stars I would. I'm mostly impressed with the demeanor in which you answered, although the substance of it seems to be sufficient.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 02:56 PM
Well... this woman may not be of the current royal family, but I do think she is from one of the royal bloodlines. And she really has interviewed just about every "bigwig" in the world, so it's not like she doesn't have credentials. And I'm talking about people like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.
How can someone who has, over the years, had interviews with these people, come out and say these things about 2012? Unless 1) She really believes it, or 2) She's part of the NWO conspiracy, and this 2012 junk is a plot? Well, which is it?

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 03:11 PM
Here is her background:

Quite an impressive career!

That she calls herself, or probably one can say, is called Princess due to her geneology is really not clear cut, now is it. She is the granddaughter of the Meiji Emperor. And apparently the current emporers cousin.

But as to credibility. She has interviewed the worlds leaders and has had an impressive career.

Sort of like the Barbara Walters of Japan, obviously royal blood, so the concept of "Princess" is rather subjective now isn't it. She's probably been told that all her life by others.

edit on 8-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Princess Nakamaru of Japan - part 1 of 3

Another wonderful video. I really feel her spirit. Here she speaks more on the spiritual truths, and shares her husbands death and him visiting, and the message that it is much better for him to watch over and protect, help from the other side, it is much easier for him to do so, in that spiritual way than in the flesh. Of course this helps much more when people are awake and walking the positive paths in life, for it must be very hard to watch over family and loved ones who are caught up in dark things and have closed off their spiritual knowing and insight.

I know one thing, I would never disrespect her in any way, (knowingly, unless it perhaps occurred accidentally culturally or with not enough good manners taught), and if she is used to being called Princess Kaoru, then this is what I would address her as too.
edit on 8-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 03:38 PM
So, um... since we only have until December, can someone please tell me how to open my 3rd eye? I don't want to be born into another life like this

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by MrUncreated

The date is not known. She is speaking of research here, that she has come to this conclusion. But she may not be right, they do not know the date.

This year, and culmination occurring 2013, the Sun will peak then, in cme's and sunspot activity and so the earth changes we have already had, with signs of much volcanic activity and plate activity, even in December new islands rising out of magma on the faultline between Africa and the Middle East, so we would be clearly blind if we don't see that more things are coming.

But how long the period will be for, ie. I would suggest activities of unknown events may continue well into the year 2017, even into the next decade.

We don't know the date. The sun affects the core, mother earth could start rising, if that is the thing is going to happen,how would I know. That is what others say and its possibility.

Another thing is this, being aware of changes and keeping on top of this is good, I don't believe it pulls it in, unless you are Fear Based and Emotionally charged. But I don't know for sure again, what a collective consciousness picturing all of this, even without fear, just that random thought in the back of your mind, what its capable of. I Know, thougths are real, and made pink hearts appear out of stormy pink and black clouds. That miracle will never ever depart from my mind as it shows what thought can do. Perhaps angels were doing it, perhaps I helped them, or perhaps that is what the human mind can do. I don't know.

So, if there is a timeline split, perhaps its best not to say, well I only have until 2012, December, better get cracking. Perhaps that is your consciousness believing and manifesting 2012.

Perhaps we should be:




Growing our Light and Consciousness

Envisioning Eutopia, eden, a wonderful equal world, without slaves!

Clean energy and higher level technology.

Grass roots empowerment and leadership and free education, health care, dental, couselling.

A good world, one I would be happy to have any child born in, in any country of the world, no matter who they were.

Love/Peace/Joy. Really looking for solutions, positive problem solving.

edit on 8-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 04:17 PM
I'm on part 3 of the video I posted above. I like her. Him hmmmmm...... well Leo, you have lots of insight, and I've actually been gaining a lot of information from some other "white" hats and send them prayers that they don't perhaps know. One thing is, I can see the source. I understand that this is not what we call human race. Perhaps that race is more harsh and wants to balance the ying and yang, because they are different for now, in the school. Perhaps they're domination and creation of hard level tests for souls stems out of their natural form, and more predatory brain wiring. But amongst this race there are many pure hearts too I believe, even should they be of different wiring, so to speak or form. I think there are many teachers of that race.

But the balance of ying and yang, the dark side, is not progressive to another level of civilation. The more a civilzation progresses, ie. level 1, level 2, level 3, through the frequencies and channels, the more they are gaining in imbalance between light and dark. True transformation from animal beast to angel light.

However, there is a different ying yang or balance that takes us higher.. That is the energies of Father and Mother. Father is the seed that is the basis of all spirit life, the intrinsic principals of creation, and FREEDOM.
Even the freedom to lord it over others. But that is not progression. To progress one must be born from the school out of Mother's Womb, which is UNITY/EQUALITY, and Unconditional Love. The balance between light and dark is just planet earth, or at least, a slightly less corrupted earth, for that 50/50 is the entry point of the tests, not the progression.

Now its not adrogyny, as the illuminati maintain. Christ is a wise and wonderful man, which is why I recognize the Love and Light in him, and he also said not to shine your light under a veil or bowl. No mysteries!!!! He was seeking the balance of Father/Mother and Wisdom/Sophia, in Freedom/Equality and Unconditional Love. But its Unity, Not ONE. Not adrogyny.

And Sophia is not Lilith, who is still upheld by even white hats as the temptress and corrupter.

So the whole mystery school needs to really balance its intellectualism and symbolism with grass roots wisdom and common sense.

Its like math. Math is OK, but you can create anything with it, but unless it conforms to DATA and real life, and is applicable, alot of its distortions and constructs.

I appreciate the willingness to talk about these things, but I still prefer the purity and more common sense of Princess Kaoru's message, so hopefully, she isn't being led down that garden path, for its overgrown with weeds.
edit on 8-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 05:48 PM
Her message is what I understand, and anyway, its what I spiritually understand, should the coloring book have unknown pages in it, and earth still be in dire straits 100 years from now. That we are going up, beyond the duality.

Leo alarms me, when he throws all this out, alarms me. Here he says he signed the 9/11 orders and that he is saying he is crucified 2000 years ago. Metaphor? Don't know. But Christ is the Spirit of Peace and Love. There will be many who claim to be him, it is said. Maybe they plan in 2012, to bring in the anti christ, or appolyon or someone, and Leo the Lion is mentioned in all I've been reading. But he may just be foreshadowing, the arrival of someone else on the scene, someone coded, with the right astrology symbols at birth for all that they plan.

Christ would never sign in 9/11 or harm anyone ever. Love does not harm and only helps. Period.

So does he mean he stands in the footsteps of his dna, to say this? Like I said metaphor?

This is the whole thing, the concept of going up and progression, spiritually. Or the concept of just a change in this reality. It can be all metaphor.

I'm holding out for the real thing, Love, Equality, Progression. Healing for everyone. I try analyze all the trails.

One needs understand what Love is, when Love is understood for what it is, then the fruit determines the tree.
You couldn't fall for the lies.

Leo Zagami the 2012 Armageddon

edit on 8-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

This year, and culmination occurring 2013, the Sun will peak then, in cme's and sunspot activity and so the earth changes we have already had, with signs of much volcanic activity and plate activity, even in December new islands rising out of magma on the faultline between Africa and the Middle East, so we would be clearly blind if we don't see that more things are coming.

Unlike most claims here are testable issues.

Studies of volcanic activity have seen no change in volcanic activity over the last 50 years. That is true today as well. Plate activity appears unchanged as well. Of course, this is a nebulous phrase since the sort of activity has not been stated. The Red Sea island is on a spreading ridge. That's what happens on a spreading ridge.

Here is a list of volcanoes from that area.

The sun affects the core

Can you provide any evidence for this?

Although the rest of the post disintegrates into random, unrelated thoughts, the early part simply tells us about confusion about what is and is not normal.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Its[sic] like math. Math is OK, but you can create anything with it, but unless it conforms to DATA and real life, and is applicable, alot of its distortions and constructs.

That is not what math is about. Math can be applied, but it also is something in and of itself.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Math is a fantasy realm. What science prides itself in, is ignoring DATA, and anything they can patch up with a some fantastic math they do, to try and cover their holes they do, instead of chucking the erroneous postulates.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Leo Zagami is either a charlatan or deluded (he has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals).
1. He advocates the reptilian theory
2. He is the leader of a new religious movement based on the movie the Matrix - I am not making this up

Religious laws specific to Matrixism include; The abrogation of the use of the human image in advertising, the legalization of file sharing, the abrogation of pornography, the legalization of same-sex marriage, the abrogation of professional sports and the legalization of both polygyny and polyandry.

3. He thinks he was a member of the fictional Illuminati
4. A telephone conversation posted online between Zagami and person that faked the infamous letter from a Norwegian politician
5. Claimed between 2003 and 2006 that in part his problems were due to Martians
6. Zagami's name did not appear in a list of Masonic members and was not mentioned as a leader as other were (18,000 names listed)
7. He claimed at times to be the reincarnation of Alistair Crowley
8. He claimed at times to be James Bond
9. He claims that the west will undergo "Nazification"

Hilarious, each and every one of these items.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Math is a fantasy realm. What science prides itself in, is ignoring DATA, and anything they can patch up with a some fantastic math they do, to try and cover their holes they do, instead of chucking the erroneous postulates.

Now that is fantasy.
Science does not ignore data. The gullible ignore data. The close minded ignore data.

Examples of baloney:
1. electric universe theory (there are many flavors and many failures)
2. pole shift
3. Nibiru
4. Zagami
5. Icke
6. Hancock
7. Velikovsky
8. Geryl
9. galactic and planetary alignments
10. 11:11
11. web bot
12. TWZ
13. vibrational energy claims
14. Calleman and Lungold

edit on 8-1-2012 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 09:36 PM
"...ever since my third eye opened, I could communicate with the UFO, errr the people inside it. Also the beings inside the Earth..." - Princess Kaoru Nakamaru

Does that sound like the opening sentence of someone who's been enlightened? She a fraud.A quick search results in those three clips being created sometime between 2008 and now. She's a self-proclaimed 'visionary' and 'princess' is NOT her official title; in the early 70's she began using the title and being as how there was no way to verify her bloodline while abroad, she was accepted as 'fact.'

Anyone and everyone can have visions these days guys. Remember that there will be many, many people who call them selves 'Christ' and/or will mislead you in various ways. Listen to your gut.

She's been regarded as the 'Leader of the World' by Harold Channer. She's also a type of humanist; seeking to push the planet's current path from a 'way of power' to a 'way of life.' Watch her mannerisms in all of her interviews...she seems uncomfortable in her own skin.

In its 1973 TV special edition, Newsweek acclaimed Mrs. Nakamaru "The world's no.1 interviewer," while the Washington Post praised her as "A person of the times, whose outstanding international sensitivity makes her an invaluable asset on the world scene."

AIso in 1973, King Hussein of Jordan, in recognition of her contribution to world peace through personal diplomacy, awarded her the Decoration of Independence.

From 1974, Mrs. Nakamaru has been a member of the council of the Japanese Ministry of Industry (MITI), and from 1980, also a consultant to the Foreign Ministry.

From December 1984, Mrs. Nakamaru's interview documentary program "Following the Sun" began to appear every Sunday on America's PBS (Public Broadcasting System) which with its high standards and 300-station nationwide network, is one of the most prestigious television services in the world.

On May 23, 1989, held the first International Symposium for World Peace in New York and hosted a Press Conference at the United Nations attended by representatives from 100 countries.

In 1991, promoted the International Symposium as Total Life Movement worldwide, based on the New fork Office as her headquarters.

In 1993, started a movement for human renaissance based on "Way of Life," in contrast to "Way of Power." This is called, the "Total Life Movement."

In 1994, started organizing "Following The Sun" Association worldwide.

In 1996, Invited to visit the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) for one month as a guest of state.

In April 1997, As a result of the publication of "The Structure of the Global 'Underworld' Power and the Course of Humanity," begins lecturing throughout Japan.

In February 1998, Visits Iraq to head off the U.S. military's air-bombing of Iraq.

In March 1998, Received invitations as a guest of state from the governments of North and South Korea.

She's creepy. Don't follow her.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by stereologist

If only a small percentage of what the Father has shown me directly happens, your little cotton socks are going to be knocked right off. In all fairness, you'll barely have time to 'formulate mathematically' what is going on

This is not about simply 'religion' friend. I seek in the 'religious texts' events that validate what I've been shown, for content as a whole in such books are distorted with edits and omissions as is the case with all mainstream religion texts.

I should add it's also human nature to pidgeon hole concepts misunderstood into huge generalities such as 'religion'. I'm sure an atheist mind however is a lot more comfortable without their feeling of accountability for actions, rather than any faithful who may fear 'eternal damnation' or 'judgement' of any kind. Who do you honestly think is more comfortable in such cases?

Now go write something 'clever' and gather a few more stars from the kids here.

P.S--where's my happy new year in return? You big meanie you haha.

edit on 8-1-2012 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:11 PM
And yes I can sniff the 'elite' corruption influence all over this woman in the blood red dress. She has a pale face resembling death in that video which is very fitting for a servant messenger of the Luciferian rising. Power to her and her 'affiliates'. It will be granted, for we on earth have reaped exactly what we have sown collectively. The decay has mounted to unparalleled degrees.

It is Man that has given power to this Beast of tribulations to come and yet the faithful will say it is 'God's wrath'. No Our Father is Love and Allows the filth we have allowed to manifest as co-creators in His Image-- Given the Will to destroy one another and the world Created that was once Clean. And we do a great job of it daily.

P.S--In saying such, I don't have anything against this woman. She is just walking her walk as we all do, for better or worse. And that's just the way it goes in this testing ground for souls.
edit on 9-1-2012 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Xterrain
She's creepy. Don't follow her.

So is every single politician running for the next presidency, with the exception of Ron Paul. Good advice.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by benedict9

You offer no evidence but vague assurances that something is going to happen. How droll.

You managed to say nothing in many words.

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