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Aussies at it again - Largest Aussie snake weighs 302 pounds

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:57 PM
well surprise surprise Aus has claimed another deadly animal title, that of the largest snake a reticulated python (bigger than mine
weighing in at 302lbs... and her name is Atomic Betty!


Another source with pics

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by -W1LL

Aww thats only a small one, probably only give you a little hug.

Lol, I told some US tourists once as they looked in awe at some huge jellyfish, after they asked if they sting, "Nah just a little bit." -- we do grow some mad beasties down here.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:09 AM
Mandatory mention of Drop Bears must go here!

I love my sunburnt country, it's a paradise where everything wants to kill you!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Kryties

Absolutely classic, it really is like that here, even the sharks with lasers, drop bears are also in Tassie though, they need to redo that map.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:23 AM
I really like the expression on the one who drew the short end of the stick. Can you guess?

(He's the one holding the snake's head.)

Very cool picture. Thanks for sharing.

Soon they will take over the sewers, and then no toilet will ever be safe again.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:32 AM

I live in country vic ,& browns & red bellys are bad enough.....

Please tell me these buggers are not near me.........


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:23 AM
makes me glad we live in the scenic Ohio Valley where the only dangerous snakes are copperheads and water mocassins

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:49 AM
This specimen may be in Australia,but it is an exotic from Indoneisia.This is not the largest specimen either.The largest caught was/is 56 ft long and was captured about 8 years ago.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

Can you please provide a link to this alleged 56 foot snake. I keep up with this kind of news and can't remember any such claims that were true. The 2 snakes that I can think of that claimed to be that big were not.

1) 49 foot 900 lb. Python in Indonesia,actually measured 21-23 feet

2) Dead snake being hoisted up by an excavator, I can't confirm how long it was but no way was it 55 feet long. That picture is deceiving photo.

If you are talking about either of these 2 snakes than don't even bother posting a source.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:20 PM
Great looking 'tic there! Bob Clark's Fluffy was about that size and that big burm, Baby I think was her name, was even heavier. Fluffy was like a trash can... with a gland condition! The burm was the same way!

My tiger 'til only hit 18' before he passed and my albino burm was 15' when she passed. I miss them both.


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:29 PM
I bet these fellas wish they had a 'snake' this big?


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:32 PM
Ugh and I thought the South US was bad!

BTW, what are Drop Bears?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by -W1LL

I thought the green anaconda was the largest snake; or do you mean the largest python?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Kryties

PMSL at Danni Minogue.

Just too funny.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
Ugh and I thought the South US was bad!

BTW, what are Drop Bears?

Drop Bears lurk in Gum trees waiting for unsuspecting tourists to wander underneath...
Be afraid, be very afraid!


edit on 5-1-2012 by akushla99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by aprilc1
makes me glad we live in the scenic Ohio Valley where the only dangerous snakes are copperheads and water mocassins


Maybe your copperheads and water moccasins are a different breed, but down here in Georgia, i'd rather see a python TWICE that size than a water moccasin the size of a shoe lace....

People keep pythons as pets....

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by -W1LL

I live on the GC and there's a epidemic of brown snakes showing up on the beaches an in yards. Anyway they're being caught and released at the spit without council permission. The spit. DON'T GO THERE!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by OneEleven

Originally posted by aprilc1
makes me glad we live in the scenic Ohio Valley where the only dangerous snakes are copperheads and water mocassins


Maybe your copperheads and water moccasins are a different breed, but down here in Georgia, i'd rather see a python TWICE that size than a water moccasin the size of a shoe lace....

People keep pythons as pets....

A python just tried to eat a kid here a few days ago.
edit on 5-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
Ugh and I thought the South US was bad!

BTW, what are Drop Bears?

Drop bears are Koalas gone crazy which are very angry and they let go of the tree branch they're on when they hear an American accent and drop on to the American. But they're not the ones you have to worry about. It's the Hoop snakes that will get you most likely.

edit on 6-1-2012 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by OneEleven

Originally posted by aprilc1
makes me glad we live in the scenic Ohio Valley where the only dangerous snakes are copperheads and water mocassins


Maybe your copperheads and water moccasins are a different breed, but down here in Georgia, i'd rather see a python TWICE that size than a water moccasin the size of a shoe lace....

People keep pythons as pets....

A python just tried to eat a kid here a few days ago.
edit on 5-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

yeah we've got pythons here in the southern US as well....BIG ones...I'm not sure if they've tried to eat a child, but people have been attacked, and family pets have been eaten....

Still, i'd rather see this guy than any of our native snakes....A moccasin is mean....It dosn't want to eat you, it just wants to KILL you....The smaller they are, the more deadly it is, as the youngsters havn't developed control over their venom glands and will dump every bit of poison they have into your veins....We call them CottonMouths...They'll also chase you...

Aside from the Cottonmouth, which are EVERYWHERE, we have the copperhead, the diamondback rattler, the timber rattler, pygmy rattler, and the coral snake....all venemous....One bite, you could be dead...

In fact, in Georgia, we have red dirt, wild shrimp, and alligators too....AND, some people say we talk funny....You Aussies might LOVE it here...

come on over....

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