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Best Advice to See A UFO

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 05:56 PM
First, I have to say that I'm not naive enough to actually believe that just because I want to see a UFO that I ever will. It is definitely ironic, though, that a large number of sightings are from previous non-believers or individuals with just enough baggage in their lives to prevent their experience from being taken as seriously as perhaps it should be.

Still, the question remains. I live in Fort Worth and watch the sky constantly. Of course, light pollution is a potential obstacle, but from what I read every day these things are plenty bright and noticeable anyway. Does anyone have any "helpful hints" for someone such as myself who wants to know how to enhance my potential to witnessing this phenomena for myself? Short of moving to the countryside, on top of a tall hill, and living under the stars I am admittedly out of ideas.

Constructive input is greatly appreciated.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:00 PM


16e.) Illicit Activity: Discussion of illicit activities, specifically the use of mind-altering drugs & substances, engaging in computer hacking, promoting criminal hate, discussing sexual relations with minors, and furtherance of financial schemes and scams are strictly forbidden. You will also not link to sites or online content that contains discussion or advocacy of such material. Any Post mentioning or advocating personal use of illicit mind-altering drugs will result in immediate account termination.

i) Narcotics and illicit mind-altering substances: Due to abuse of the subject matter by some (promoting various aspects of personal use, and discussing actual personal use), no new topics on this subject are allowed in any form.

edit on January 4th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by samstone11
First, I have to say that I'm not naive enough to actually believe that just because I want to see a UFO that I ever will. It is definitely ironic, though, that a large number of sightings are from previous non-believers or individuals with just enough baggage in their lives to prevent their experience from being taken as seriously as perhaps it should be.

Still, the question remains. I live in Fort Worth and watch the sky constantly. Of course, light pollution is a potential obstacle, but from what I read every day these things are plenty bright and noticeable anyway. Does anyone have any "helpful hints" for someone such as myself who wants to know how to enhance my potential to witnessing this phenomena for myself? Short of moving to the countryside, on top of a tall hill, and living under the stars I am admittedly out of ideas.

Constructive input is greatly appreciated.

good luck

I live in Colorado out in the country....ZERO light pollution. 6600 feet above sea level. I'm outside a lot. i have wide open space from my house all the way down for 30+ miles......back of my house is all windows and they are open most of the time (shhh don't tell anyone :lol
i'm obsessed with the skies...i even tried HARD to stay up and watch the shower last night.....

i look up more than i look down.....

i also lived in Alaska on a air force base with zero light pollution at night and nearly full days of darkness at night in winter and full days of sunlight in summer. i have the most amazing pictures of aurora lights....

in both instances, i could see every star and planet that could be seen w/ your almost looks fake because of how clear i can see everything....

Ive traveled all over the states and outside the country....

i say all of that to say.....................

i have never ever ever ever seen a ufo: something that could not be easily identified. never. not once.

why? because i dont believe? nope.....i want to believe, even though im skeptic....that is why i keep looking up.

so yeah, good luck. guess it only truly happens for the super duper lucky....kind of like winning the lottery

edit on January 4th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:02 PM


16e.) Illicit Activity: Discussion of illicit activities, specifically the use of mind-altering drugs & substances, engaging in computer hacking, promoting criminal hate, discussing sexual relations with minors, and furtherance of financial schemes and scams are strictly forbidden. You will also not link to sites or online content that contains discussion or advocacy of such material. Any Post mentioning or advocating personal use of illicit mind-altering drugs will result in immediate account termination.

i) Narcotics and illicit mind-altering substances: Due to abuse of the subject matter by some (promoting various aspects of personal use, and discussing actual personal use), no new topics on this subject are allowed in any form.

edit on January 4th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by samstone11

My personal opinion is that to enhance your chances , you should , if possible , look near nuclear installations.

Their seems to be a common denominator of sightings around Nuclear installations of Power, or

wepons of Nuclear design.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:07 PM
I haven't seen one either,
I dont think, i kinda remember a time when i may have seen one, but i think i misinterpreted it.

So as of yet, no definitive proof, i live in a city, light pollution is a problem. But i hear tell of some ufo sightings in my area, so you never know.

I want to believe as well,

Just keep looking up.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:18 PM
As you may be aware a lot of witnesses are smokers, but it seems you're taking the fairly necessary steps - just go out and look up
For some people, smoking becomes a routine, therefore peering up to the stars becomes a routine. If you can work your star gazing into some kind of mild routine, you are likely to improve your chances. Also, you need to try and be aware of what is directly above you, not whats over by the horizon, you need to look straight up!

I used to smoke outside on a deckchair, I would always make sure I was behind a wall with the light of that room OFF so that, although there is plenty of light pollution from around town and neighbouring places, my little spot would be as dark as it could be. That said, I only witnessed a couple there, and have seen plenty others whilst "walking" through darkness and just looking up to the heavens - but ALL the strangest ones I've seen have been from looking directly upwards. Literally, they have all passed right over my noggin, I would never have seen them if my neck wasn't bent back a little

What's also important about the routine aspect is that it becomes natural. For example, you don't even know you're looking up to the stars. Nowadays, I live in a new place and I have rarely seen anything, but I know this is because I now just look out of my window, and that will never produce the same results. So I've started going out for cigarettes in the garden of the block of flats, but it's definitely not a routine, so I very much doubt I'll see something.

Just keep looking. It's the act of looking right up on a regular basis that will serve you best, IMO. Location won't matter. Good luck!

Furthermore, I am pretty certain anyone of us could get proof of "phenomena" like this, maybe even prove alien existence once and for all
But that would mean a) night-watching at Silsbury Hill for a month in the summer and b) being prepared to possibly get abducted

edit on 4-1-2012 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:27 PM

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:29 PM
I'm with greeneyedleo.
I've been watching the sky my whole life, since a child in the 1970s.

Not once have I seen anything UFOy.

I've seen satellites, satellite flares, the ISS, meteor showers, the odd spectacular bolloid, planets, comets, and pretty much everything else you might expect in the sky, including strange looking civilian kit aircraft, but, nothing of any kind of UFO.

Not one.

I'd certainly love to see one, but, it would seem the more you know about the sky and what's in it, the less likely one is to see a UFO.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by samstone11

Can't you join one of those UFO groups where they go out to 'known UFO locations' and gaze at the night sky?
I myself have seen a UFO, and I tell you it took me very much by surprise. I had always wanted to see one as a kid, but when I finally saw one it took me less than 20 seconds to realise what I was looking at was not man-made nor was it natural. I don't really feel any different after seeing one, but all the best with your search.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by nineix

I'd certainly love to see one, but, it would seem the more you know about the sky and what's in it, the less likely one is to see a UFO.

I think you may be on to something......

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:38 PM
Yes I agree must observers are smokers. I've seen one while smoking, I've also heard a horse been attack while I was smoking once. Probably by a mountain lion. But to see a ufo, location and being at the right place at the right time or as John McClane would say the wrong place at the wrong time. Luck does play a role in this. But if you keep looking I'm sure you will see one. Much better odds if you keep looking up then if you looking down
edit on 4-1-2012 by sladewilson because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:49 PM
I've had successes with sky fishing, but haven't done it for years. Sky fishing is taking countless pictures of the sky with a digital camera on perhaps burst settings and then reviewing pictures of any anomalies since supposedly cloaking technologies are used by these unknowns that only the aided eye (cameras) can detect.

With one camera I caught rods, with another camera, strange white dots in the sky.

Living very near a city or notable installations like power plants will probably help.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
I've had successes with sky fishing, but haven't done it for years. Sky fishing is taking countless pictures of the sky with a digital camera on perhaps burst settings and then reviewing pictures of any anomalies since supposedly cloaking technologies are used by these unknowns that only the aided eye (cameras) can detect.

With one camera I caught rods, with another camera, strange white dots in the sky.

rods? dots? on a still picture....

and how did you determine these were not stars, satelites, and motion blur?

because stars appear as white dots on photos. and if you move your camera ever so slightly (or if settings are off), it will appear as a rod due to motion blur. these are just facts.

i was not aware that we had proof there was some cloaking technology that can only be see on camera

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by samstone11

I found it funny how you brought up non believers.
I grew up in a VERY sheltered, non ufo/ghost believing religious family
and had my first of 5 sightings on Dec.29.2011

I was at the beach where my boyfriend and I go jogging every single night between 9-12 (because we get off late)
and we noticed the most INTENSE, crazy movement from orange/red lights

What makes it weirder, is every single night since ive returned and either got the pleasure of seeing the same ufo's in the exact same area, doing the exact same thing, but I also have witnessed two other non related ufo's since.

Im now such a believer my close family has stopped communication simply because they think im on drugs ):

If you aren't capable of going to a beach like myself, id suggest finding a sufficient area to road trip if your this committed (:

Good luck!

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:59 PM
I completely understand the rational of those who haven't seen anything unexplainable in the sky, I really do.

But I personally have seen with my own eyes, stationary rotating lights in a cross formation, hovering high above, that were truly unexplainable. I don't sky watch either. I don't hear aliens in my head, nor do I have any sort of hallucinations of the sort. A very simple and ordinary life I lead. Yet what I seen was not a mistake nor a misunderstanding.

If I never see anything incredible again I won't break a sweat over it, really.

Most of the people here are probably very similar to myself, with the exception that they probably haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Still, the curiosity about "aliens" is fascinating to us. We "believe" because our brains tell us it is plausible, because it is. To deny the plausibility that aliens might exist and even be visiting us is very telling of the denier. There's no reason to put much so much effort into being vehemently against the possibility.

edit on 4-1-2012 by yourignoranceisbliss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:04 PM
One thing I have noticed is that a lot of people only look to the skies at night. If you happen to be one of those people I suggest watching the sky during the day too. Over the years there have been some very strange things seen in the sky during the day.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by samstone11
Constructive input is greatly appreciated.

Depends on the type of UFO you want to see...

The 'Critters' are easy, but helps to have Gen 3 night vision googles. Those are the ones that hang around power sources like NASA tethers, nuke plants, transmission lines and thunderstorms. Used to call them 'Foo Fighters' in WWII
Those account for 80%ish of sightings IMO... Florida MUFON Director Denise Stoner's personal opinion is about 50%ish

The "Black Ops' UFO's (15%ish of sightings) Best to hang out near Military bases, say Area 51 or Palmdale/Edwards A lot of invisible stuff around Edwards but you can see the heat signatures

The 'Visitors' (5%ish of sightings) like the Flap in the 50's. Good luck with that because I don't think they are here right now
There hasn't been a really good case of a UFO or Abduction for years

Well that is my opinion on where to improve your odds

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by samstone11

just get on with your life it its going to happen to you it will any action on your part will have negligable effect

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

The 'Visitors' (5%ish of sightings) like the Flap in the 50's. Good luck with that because I don't think they are here right now
There hasn't been a really good case of a UFO or Abduction for years

I agree here seems that "visitors" "finished" their job on Earth here future best we can see is some probes imo .

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