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Paul Can Win Presidency Even If He Finished Third.

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:31 AM
I think there is a high probability we may see the first write in President in modern times.

This will be the first election in a generation that people vote for a person and not a party.

Barack Obamas support has fallen to astronomical lows among Democrats, even in the one sided biased polls that are intended to make it look like he still has support.

I can't help but laugh at all the Socialists he lied to and screwed just to get their vote and wonder who they can even vote for this time.

Ron Paul has already stated he will go Independent if he doesn't win the GOP

If Romney or Santorum wins the GOP half of the voters for one or the other will jump to Paul on top of the GOP support he already has.

I think Paul has a good chance to end up with 1/2 the Democratic vote and half the Republican vote as a write in candidate.

I think people are tired of war. I think people are tired of Obamas lies and I think people are tired of the GOP selling them out to the highest bidder.

People who are detractors of Pauls say he is fringe or his policies are crazy.

Are those same people saying going to war with other countries for 20 years straight is not crazy?

Are those same people saying that Congress being allowed to buy stocks of companies they know are going to crash then making huge profits bailing them out with tax payers money, instead of preventing the economy from crashing in the first place is not crazy?

Are those same people saying that prosecuting lending agents that work for the banks with jail time for the housing crash but letting the bank CEO's who made the policies those loans were made under go free while they get hundred million dollar bonuses that were paid for by the bailout they caused in the first place is not crazy?

Are those same people saying that after the economy crashed and put millions out of work the best way to help people who are struggling is to force them to buy health insurance, from the same companies that bribed the politicians with donation to pass that law in the first place, at a higher cost then it would cost them if it wasn't mandated, or fine them money they don't have to begin with if they don't forceably buy that health insurance?

I don't agree on a few of Pauls policies but the majority of them I do. I can tell you what I don't agree with is anything I stated above not related to Paul that has in fact happened and will in fact continue to happen, not to mention the many other forms of corruption our Government has done to us for the last 30 years that I just don't have time to mention.

Neither Democrats and Republicans have held a majority in politics in the USA for the last 30 years except for a very tiny time frame, that means no law or bill in this country has passed without both parties voting to pass it. In that time the USA has gone from the worlds largest creditor nation to the worlds largest debtor nation except it's not the country that's broke, it is you. Your children's children are now in debt $100,000 each 2 generations before they have even been born yet due to what Republicans and Democrats have done to this country in the last 30 years and I think any one who would vote for the same parties to let them continue to do the same things to you over and over are who is really crazy.
edit on 4-1-2012 by EndGovtCorruption because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

Didn't you realize tonight that the american people dont decide who is president?

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:39 AM
No, he will not period. The electoral vote still overrides the popular vote and on four occasions now the electoral vote has overpowered the popular vote and denied American citizens their birthright.

A system meant for a time of ignorant farmers who had no idea about politics still rules over the American people.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

I'd like to talk you down slowly....

Come on down now and prepare yourself....

...there is the slightest chance that won't happen either.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by jheated5

Yes I did realize that tonight.
I also know a vote in President can't happen even though that would be great.
I would like it to happen, if it ever were going to happen this would be the year based on what I posted above to be true.

I also wanted to see how many people ignored answering any part of the bottom half of what I asked and/ or went off topic to avoid answering those questions.

Funny how everyone is so quick to tell me I am wrong yet they ignore the crimes I posted and I am willing to bet most of them are even afraid to admit who they would vote for.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:01 AM
This is not directed at you EndGovtCorruption just speaking in general terms.

I honestly do not understand why so many people have such a hard on for Ron Paul. I personally think its kind of sad. Do we all want world peace? Of course we do. Will it ever happen? Of course not. Ron Paul and his followers are living in a fantasy land. Do I think he would be a good President? I do. But the cold hard truth that most of the Ron Paul supporters cannot accept is that it's just not going to happen.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by Event Horizon

Who are you going to vote for? Would you care to address any of the facts I posted above about both parties over the last 30 years?

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:29 AM
i too am curious as to who you guys are voting for if not paul

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by Event Horizon
This is not directed at you EndGovtCorruption just speaking in general terms.

I honestly do not understand why so many people have such a hard on for Ron Paul. I personally think its kind of sad. Do we all want world peace? Of course we do. Will it ever happen? Of course not. Ron Paul and his followers are living in a fantasy land. Do I think he would be a good President? I do. But the cold hard truth that most of the Ron Paul supporters cannot accept is that it's just not going to happen.

I'm sorry but making statements along the lines of "yes i will bomb iran if you vote for me" sounds more like fantasy land to me... i think almost every other candidate except ron-paul has said this at one time or another during their campaigns.

Maybe Paul is out of the norm in the sense that he isn't trying to win via fear mongering. He is standing up to facts and reality. Just because he isn't "normal" doesn't mean he is in any way living in fantasy land.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

#1. Why the panic? Yes he took third in Iowa. It is JUST ONE Caucus. McCain took 4th last year and still won the Nomination. Ron Paul himself was hoping for 3rd or better in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

#2. Can you please show us where Ron Paul has said he will run Independent if he does not win the GOP Nomination? From everything I have seen, he has never said he would do such a thing. He has also not ruled it out, but has been very clear that he has NO plans on doing so.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:54 AM
i like what one person wrote on a youtube vid...

If Dr Ron Paul is not elected to US President then the governments of the world should form a coalition, bomb the crap out of Washington DC, and install him, like the USA does to other countries.

i support this

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by jazzguy

i thought ron paul [ and by extension , his supporters ] were supposed to be different ?

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:13 AM
Last election cycle, McCain won the nomination.

Last election cycle, he placed 4th in Iowa.

Need I say more?

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Event Horizon

You are the reason why democracy doesnt exist at an individual level.
You accept all this corruption because most of us would do the same.
We are despots inside an illusion of democracy...
until PAUL get elected and bring the troops home FOR GOOD.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by jazzguy

Totally doesn't sound like some supporters are in a cult or completely delusional. I like the guy and support him but bomb the capital and install him? Yikes. This is getting worse than the Obama love fest.
edit on 4-1-2012 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 05:48 PM
I just find it funny that all candiates and msm support the troops , but won't let them voice their opinions.

The soldier barely got Israel out of his mouth, and we had a mal-function.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:10 PM
I think he has a chance !!!

Funny this eve abc eve news said .
"they had spoken to one of the candidates who said Ron Paul is "just crazy" ,,
then the comentator laughed and replied, "Yes those ( PauL'iacs ) are going to mess the whole gop up"

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

He couldn't even get 25% in do you think he would win a write in campaign?

Ron Paul guys are something else....I would call it highly optimistic...but it goes way way beyond optimistic.

I can't say it in a nice way, so I'll just move along.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by jheated5
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

Didn't you realize tonight that the american people dont decide who is president?

Because Ron Paul didn't win...then your logic tells you that it must be fraud.

Just face reality...Ron Paul doesn't have as much support as you and his supporters would like to think he has.

His views are extreme for either party, he comes off as a crazy old man...and yes...he is racist.

Just give it up already...Ron Paul isn't winning because people don't like him...end of story.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by jazzguy

Totally doesn't sound like some supporters are in a cult or completely delusional. I like the guy and support him but bomb the capital and install him? Yikes. This is getting worse than the Obama love fest.
edit on 4-1-2012 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

It's more-so just humorous, or an analogy comparing what the US does to middle eastern regimes and puppet dictators.

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