edit on 4-1-2012 by undead trev because: (no reason given)
I have heard Thayer state how lonely he feels, he doesn't feel quite human, and that he just wants to know why him.
He realizes that he is not the only one, he has no Jesus complex, he does not feel special, he feels alone...he hopes to find others like him, he hope
on the one hand to find a real immortal, and on the other he hopes he does not...
If he is an immortal he just wants to know, so he can find a way to understand who and what he is, he thinks it is possible experimentation by ET;s
with more recent deep government inclusion...or if it is a natural process of our race which brings many questions by itself.
He states that he holds back on learning more about his abilities as much as he can because the more he uses them the more powerful they become and it
becomes impossible for people not to notice...he wishes people saw it as a gift not something to be hidden....
If people were not scared of what they don't know he feels we could advance with people like himself pushing to see what is possible without it being
a bad thing and it needing to be hidden from society...
He believes from what he has experienced and what he knows that it is actually quite limitless.
He has experimented with astal travel, and has found some amazing things but has also stated that he was trying to get into a realm he had found, and
was as he put it slammed back into his body by an entity so violently that it took him a week to recover from the shock of it...he is curious as to
why his cord snapped and yet he is alive at all...some will understand what I mean by that.
He has found what he believes to be the Akashic records, he says he can move along it and make it turn and other things and realises what that could
mean for us all...he perceives it like a kind of infinite tunnel that is a certain shade of green but has not learnt how to control it properly...I am
not sure what to think of that..
He holds himself back worried that people simply are not able to deal with what he could become, He speaks of the shadow people and that he can get
them to do his bidding if he puts the time in,...and of course that does not have to have dark connentations, ah crikey there is so much more...
there is a part of him that wishes to punish the gods for this world they have created, but mostly he wants us to become something amazing and
beautiful,,,his life I think and being shunned for his true self seems to have left many scars on his soul,,,
I can only hope he can free himself from what I would call bondage, sometimes I think he dies everyday inside...
edit on 4-1-2012 by undead trev because: (no reason given)