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Is my friend immortal? [fictional story: hoax]

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:51 AM
Also, can he name one of the "demons" or "entities" that he feels speaking to him.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:53 AM
Of course Little Wolf the inconsistancies come from the fact that Thayer is myself,,,,I am not good at falsehoods and am no story teller, I am sure it could be moved to the grey area if that is more appropriate, it is my first post and wasn't sure where I should post...

I prefer not to out myself but I understand how you feel...your time is appreciated

I can assure you I do exist and other than the fact of Thayer, what I speak is only the truth...

One thing I am curious about is wether the people that have worked against me since childhood will actually be unhappy about my starting this thread, The things I have spoken of are only the tip of the iceberg of course...if they have a problem they will visit soon enough,,,,at least then I will know wether they do monitor this site which I think is pretty likely... if they do well I know they will visit soon and will be in for one hell of a shock and if they do not well I can say other things that maybe some might have an interest in....

It is true I have been persecuted in the past but because of a few things that I have done once learning their game I find as long as I do not show myself to society they do prefer just to leave me alone,,,even the worst of them are pretty wary of me now days....and for good reason...

Oh if you are there guys what ya gunna do,....your threats mean nothing to me now... I have paid the price for your filth and what is the worst you can do, maybe you could act on your threats to my family but hey even if you do I understand better than you do what death is and I don't mind....I have become a recluse to have tptb leave me alone and I have had enough of the filth you a reeking across this world

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by DragonRain311

Seriously notice how he has not had the intestinal fortitude to respond?

Seeing as how he responded on the page before your post maybe you are suffering form nonthreadreaditis which is very common on ATS

You know people do have to go out sometimes. There is life outside ATS and on a fast moving thread it can be many pages before an OP returns.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:00 AM
Why do I suspect that "Thayer" is actually not a friend but that it is you.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:00 AM
i have read every post on here and i want all of my time back .. i really believe that i have an ability or like a sixth sense and was pretty interested in this thread . After reading all of this it is clear to me that you are either mental, stupid, have smoked to much dope or are really really bored .. some of the thing u said may be true but i think alot is way over exagurated .

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by undead trev
Of course Little Wolf the inconsistancies come from the fact that Thayer is myself,,,,I am not good at falsehoods and am no story teller, I am sure it could be moved to the grey area if that is more appropriate, it is my first post and wasn't sure where I should post...

I prefer not to out myself but I understand how you feel...your time is appreciated

I can assure you I do exist and other than the fact of Thayer, what I speak is only the truth...

One thing I am curious about is wether the people that have worked against me since childhood will actually be unhappy about my starting this thread, The things I have spoken of are only the tip of the iceberg of course...if they have a problem they will visit soon enough,,,,at least then I will know wether they do monitor this site which I think is pretty likely... if they do well I know they will visit soon and will be in for one hell of a shock and if they do not well I can say other things that maybe some might have an interest in....

It is true I have been persecuted in the past but because of a few things that I have done once learning their game I find as long as I do not show myself to society they do prefer just to leave me alone,,,even the worst of them are pretty wary of me now days....and for good reason...

Oh if you are there guys what ya gunna do,....your threats mean nothing to me now... I have paid the price for your filth and what is the worst you can do, maybe you could act on your threats to my family but hey even if you do I understand better than you do what death is and I don't mind....I have become a recluse to have tptb leave me alone and I have had enough of the filth you a reeking across this world

Oh crap just saw that you posted this.....nm, I look like CPT Hindsight now lol. I suspected it was you.

I also feel some significance with a candlestick (??no idea??). I'm not saying I'm psychic or anything, dont get me wrong...just a wierd hunch...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by DrunkNinja

I can assure you sir my intent has nothing to do with using people as play things...wether you understand or not I am what I say and the underlying threat means nothing,,,,I feel people coming at me from quite a distance...and am quite prepared...

The thread has a purpose mate....
people will soon know we are done with having to blend in so as not to be burnt at the stake.....

2012 we have been preparing,

I joined this site for this reason...this thread

03 01 11

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:07 AM
Another thing (I mean no disrespect btw), but I am not saying that your stories are untrue because I do not know you, but I do sense delusions of granduere and the fact that you literally "pray for powers".

I know that may sound wierd to ATS peeps but bear with me. I also get that you REALLY want to desperately change the world and threw this post out there, not to reveal your secrets, but perhaps fish for answers that these "powers" may actually exist and be attainable if someone else could verify this...

Again, I'm not psychic or claiming to be...and I really dont post on ATS much or about myself, so....

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:09 AM
One more addition and I'll shut up...I think you are late 20's to early 30's....

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Corbin Dalus

It doesn't hurt me mate, I understand your thinking...I am not schizophrenic or bi polar...I did take what was available true enough but I collected them for people I was trying to help over a long period and it did not hurt any one or cost them anything....they were dark days of persecution for me and I do not expect you to understand,

I am not young, I am a grey haired old man

I think sarah connor is an interesting comparison in some ways...yes like you they thought the person was crazy but hey turned out she was not crazy at all...but was telling the truth and a decent person only trying to protect her own

or maybe we are just playing part in a movie as she was hey....Thayer smiles
edit on 5-1-2012 by undead trev because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by undead trev

i have a big feeling that something is going to happen this within the next 3 years something that is going to test us and we are going to be judged on our morals and our care for the world and if we dont accept we are being judged our souls are going to go to a place we dont like. i can see this before they happen not all the time, its like it turns on and off whenever it feels like ) i can see into people and tell who they really are behind there walls.. but the crap u have come up with is rediculous ... is it for attention to make people look at the bigger picture , which u are trying to decribe ??

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by undead trev

Are you reading my posts......

why do I reply on this site lol....

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

Well you see, it was a trick question.

If he can scar, it means he is not immortal.

Does it? How do you explain that? As far as I can see it should be perfectly possible to be immortal - a state of existing without dying or the possibility of natural death - and to be killed which is the application of an external influence.

There is as far as I can see a big difference between being immortal and being indestructible. They are NOT the same thing although often confused as the same in films. Someone who is indestructible is immortal, someone who is immortal is not necessarily indestructible. he two do not go hand in glove.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Poveglia

I can totally understand why you might think I am delusional, I can tell you I do not pray for power of any type...

The fact is I have tried very hard to hold myself back to find a way to fit into society to some degree. although in hindsight I have not been all that successful in it...I suppose it a fairly natural want....but hey when you really look at this realm why would you want to fit in comfortably,

That is what seems unhealthy thinking in my eyes

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by frenzy4444

I did not mean to ignore you....I have had other things that needed to be done this day

I have not read the Urantia book but I will now and yes we are moving forward

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by undead trev

There is no underlying threat, you want to continue the charade, and I among others here have more than ample evidence to expose you as a liar multiple times over. This thread itself is full of posters linking other claims you have made, and the fact that you have written this same post before from alternate perspectives. You seem to either not be paying attention or willingly oblivious, then again it could be the medication.

You have yourself in first person telling the story here

You have claimed to have met a 9ft tall reptile,

There are many more, but I will leave it alone for now. As for the present you have made several inconsistent statements in this post as well as others, and I among others have had enough. You are a liar, and your outrageous story, is just that, a story. Continue the charade if you must, but it will only fuel the backlash that can be expected as a response to this type of activity.

You can't prove a single claim, your story has been shot down by experts in several fields relating to your claims, and your only response is to get offended, and avoid taking them up on any talking points. You have found several suckers willing to believe anything, and although you think this is an accomplishment, you are severely mistaken. This thread belongs in the hoax bin, and you need help.

Just go ahead, and try to explain yourself, the other post with the same story, and a different viewpoint. Explain the inconsistencies that I as well as others have pointed out clearly. Go ahead explain yourself ..............

edit on 5-1-2012 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

You are correct to a point. See the only way to have no natural death is to have infinity long buffer genes. Every time your cells reproduce to fix and repair your body, they accidentally destroy that "junk" dna. It's not actually junk. A lot of it is buffering for accidents. The length of buffering fights the inevitable decay of genetic data.

It is perfectly possibly that the rate of buffer genes be so unusually massive that you could live an extraordinarily long life of many hundreds of years. But it is impossible to live for ever.

Really, all you would have to do as a genetic engineer is to literally add the command *blank space* to every single gene a couple of hundred times, and you would live quite longer. But you would also probably be more likely to get cancer or something, because the more information you have, the more chances to screw up.

Point is this. You WILL die one day.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Your thoughts are interesting,,, after I could no longer doubt I had survived physical death,,,something I was taught was impossible I started looking into this area...I am thinking now that through years of seeking I was able to upgrade my DNA...well that was my intent and the short version...when I put my study of it into practice I had a wild experience,,,,light shot out from my aura in the head region blasting out in 4 distinct beams kind of like N, S , E. W...I have since that time wanted to test my DNA but have yet to find a way to have it done without it being a problem if it turns out I have doubled the strands as I was an amazing experience and quite a shock to my took me a quite a few days to stop my body from shaking

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by undead trev

So now you are posting from the first person ? Awesome that proves that your a liar, and apt at falsifying information. Sadly this last post about upgrading your dna calls into question your whole baby changes a garbage truck tire story. You state that it took you many years of seeking, and afterwards you had this experience with light shooting all about etc... Was this before you were 2, and changed the tire or, did you search for several years before you were a toddler, maybe pre birth ?

Inconsistent, with now proven lies, as well as no evidence, if that isn't hoaxbin worthy than what is ?

Originally posted by undead trev
reply to post by PuterMan

Your thoughts are interesting,,, after I could no longer doubt I had survived physical death,,,something I was taught was impossible I started looking into this area...I am thinking now that through years of seeking I was able to upgrade my DNA...well that was my intent and the short version...when I put my study of it into practice I had a wild experience,,,,light shot out from my aura in the head region blasting out in 4 distinct beams kind of like N, S , E. W...I have since that time wanted to test my DNA but have yet to find a way to have it done without it being a problem if it turns out I have doubled the strands as I was an amazing experience and quite a shock to my took me a quite a few days to stop my body from shaking

I copied this so it couldn't be altered by the op in any attempts to backtrack his story.
edit on 5-1-2012 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:50 AM
Still on the top topic list? Jeez this only seems like a script to a really bad straight to DVD Disney movie.

I understand the need for attention sometimes, but making up stuff on a conspiracy site is kindof played out. You watch to many movies

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