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US Army - Ron Paul supporter cut off from CNN

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:47 PM
Someone said "The greatest tragedy to happen in a free society is to be ignored." This is exactly that. A veteran of 10 years completely swept aside like a piece of trash. Spread the word, don't leave your faith in the ELECTRONIC voting system, I knew it was rigged as a teenager when I voted my first time. I understood why they switched to an electronic voting system after the Gore vs Bush fiasco. We are the source of change.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by pierregustavetoutant

MSNBC lures in the liberals, FOX makes no apologies to cater to the right. What's left for J. & J. Q. Public? The lack of stance on CNN is deafening. All fluff, little politics. Stars and viral videos show up on MSNBC and FOX, but they don't overshadow the politics and social issues like they do on CNN.

My opinion, Fox informs and creates the group of cheerleaders for the status quo. MSNBC provides superficially liberal or left-leaning reporting (the controlled opposition). CNN is the safety net for those who have not chosen sides but want to be aware. At the end of the day, all three groups are enthralled by what they see and held at the surface issues and problems.

I forgot who it was, but someone coined the term "gatekeepers". The US media are gatekeepers. Yes, by conspiracy, in so far as they are a group of people who, as individual groups, actively work to deceive the populace. MSNBC touted the Anti-Bush/good-war stance all the while owned by a defense contactor. FOX points out issues that are moot, twisting them into something they are not, especially by leaving details out (sort of lying by omission, though MSNBC also does this). All three say they are news, and in doing so, have purposefully skewed the general public's basic notion of journalism or objectivity in exchange for increased profits.

It's all sick.
edit on 4-1-2012 by Sphota because: (the controlled opposition) - meaning the antithesis to the status quo that is really just a franchise of it. "Good War" and all that jazz.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by carewemust
IMO, this soldier was not allowed to voice his anti-war position on CNN, FOX, BBC, etc, because the satan-controlled news media LOVES wars. Wars generate excitement, ratings and make egocentric media people feel important.

If this soldier had talked about how we should put IRAN in it's place with military might, his words would have been electronically amplified over the background noise, carried in their entirety and replayed several times this evening.

Forgetting the MSM propeganda aspect. This was a currently serving ground soldier( not a public affairs officer) doing a taped/live interview and there are guidelines for responses in every military. In or out of uniform a serving member of the military is bound by these guidelines. We are not allowed to voice personal opinion on present military policy with regards to present political policies( sign the dotted line, take your oath and you give up your freedom of speech rights like it or not). I'm not condoning the apparent censorship by the media but he could have faced charges if the interview was left to run it's course.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by pierregustavetoutant
When it comes to RP related propaganda, CNN has surpassed FOX News in the last few months.
No small feat.
Congratulations on being the most corporatist propaganda driven cable news station, CNN!

.....and here I thought that only Fox was supposedly "fair and balanced".

edit on 4-1-2012 by eNaR because: Added word supposedly

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:07 AM
Howie - you are right about that aspect of the event but "the press" is mentioned in the founding documents too and they have a role to play and it is not to protect the young soldier it is to report what there is to report on the government that is supposed to be for the people, by the people and of the people (may have that in the wrong order) and this guy is a "people" and has something important to say that we might otherwise need to know.

And, it is not like they (the MSM / CNN) give a damn about anyone one in general.

If they were in the protection racket programming would be only 2 hours a day and Nancy Grace would be out of a job.

quote]Originally posted by howie0

Originally posted by carewemust
IMO, this soldier was not allowed to voice his anti-war position on CNN, FOX, BBC, etc, because the satan-controlled news media LOVES wars. Wars generate excitement, ratings and make egocentric media people feel important.

If this soldier had talked about how we should put IRAN in it's place with military might, his words would have been electronically amplified over the background noise, carried in their entirety and replayed several times this evening.

Forgetting the MSM propeganda aspect. This was a currently serving ground soldier( not a public affairs officer) doing a taped/live interview and there are guidelines for responses in every military. In or out of uniform a serving member of the military is bound by these guidelines. We are not allowed to voice personal opinion on present military policy with regards to present political policies( sign the dotted line, take your oath and you give up your freedom of speech rights like it or not). I'm not condoning the apparent censorship by the media but he could have faced charges if the interview was left to run it's course.
edit on 5-1-2012 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:17 AM


Defendant Name: Thorsen, Jesse Daniel
Date of Birth: 10/30/1983
Case Number: 04-CF-017346
Arrest Date: 12/10/2004
Appear by Date:
Location: Division - E
Case Assigned Judge: Reese, Thomas S
Uniform Case Number: 362004CF017346000ACH
Issuing Agency:
Offense Date: 12/10/2004
Citation Number:
Lead Attorney: Jean-Paul Galasso
Assessed Payment: $660.50
Amount Paid: $630.50
Balance Due: $30.00
Payment Plan: N/A

Upcoming Hearings: N/A - Felony

Seems the guy is a wanted man in Florida! He owes them $30.00 on his triple felony.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:05 AM
well sort of 50/50 ! ! He did actually say ! from the Original Cut off Interview Speech!

that when ( CNN ) gave this Soldier a Lecture ... not saying !!!!!!!! ISRAEL Is capable of @___________@!!!!!! LIVE!! on Camera ! Still more less he did not finish ! that ISRAEL Capable of @_______@ Sentence

Could it be !!
?Doing their battles alone ? ?taking care of their Own Problems? Picking Their Own Affairs Fights ! Etc...

The Jesse Thorson Bashing !

Note ++++ Ironicaly the Interviewer in the the Original cut off video Name is Dana Bash

Jesse Thorsen, Ron Paul Supporter, Appears To Violate Military Uniform Protocol In Iowa

The Army examining Cpl. Jesse Thorsen's support of Ron Paul at the IA caucus.

EXCLUSIVE: Ron Paul's Favorite Veteran Has a Criminal Record To Go With His Awesome Neck Tattoo

Read More

So as i see he did some Crime probably a Trespass Burglary of a Firearm !! and Concealing it and got probation !! thank god he didn't shoot anybody
were is he from Florida there not allot of people!! that possess guns in that state !!

Corporal == reenlisted 3 years ago with a 4 year gap !! For Being a Corporal a a Heavy Construction Operator it depends what MOS you have to go up the Chain ohh well his 5 minute of fame !

as I look at the Main focus on this Thread is the CUT OFF of What CNN did to this Guy ! When he said that WORD!!!! Nit Picking IRAN ISRAEL Capable !!!!!

An Absolute! Orwellian Ministry of Truth Thing !

WHats next!!!!! he going to tell the public his Crime in 2004

and then the 2 Minutes of Hate will star Rolling In ! and the Public will Yell at their TV Set!! !!

I Can see it Now see Below Video!

Orwell 2 Minutes of Hate

(Ron Paul in this One ! William Cooper Jordan Maxwell David Icke Alex Jones , USA did 911 and Obama )
George Orwell's "1984" (RARE, UNSEEN, INTRODUCTION)

ATS you gotta love this ONE!!

2 Minutes Hate - Week of 9/3/08

at the 40: second mark!! and then On!! as it shows Ron Paul debating and saying about the troops coming home !! stopping the war etc... Then in 2008 on the FOX News Net Work!!! ATS you Gotta Listen!

This Man Ron Paul
is Planning on Destroying Oceania

Listen to His Double plus ungood
Old think

Now Listen to this!!!!!! pretty much the Opposite of what Soldier Jesse thorton has said from McCains point of View! 3 years Ago! and McCain Gets Owned!!!

Ron Paul owns John Mccain on Iraq

edit on 5-1-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:11 AM
Has anyone here considered the very likely possibility that the media is purposefully presenting themselves as relegating Ron Paul to obscurity, while at the same time promoting him, in order to draw people back into the false paradigm of the political system? Does not all of this scream "psyop"?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by andreoutlaw

could you please explain ur reasoning furthr. not regestering lol

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by andreoutlaw

YES YES a thrice YES. Its the system people!! WAKE THE F*** UP!! So many bash Obama cos he's a puppet!
Think Ron's gonna be any different? In a hierarchical structure??? How many times have you guys gotta be fooled??

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:57 PM

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by andreoutlaw
Has anyone here considered the very likely possibility that the media is purposefully presenting themselves as relegating Ron Paul to obscurity, while at the same time promoting him, in order to draw people back into the false paradigm of the political system? Does not all of this scream "psyop"?

No. Go away. I, and other Ron Paul supporters feel the same way; if we are wrong about Ron Paul, then there is ZERO hope for America. If you doubt Ron Paul's intentions, then vote for him. If you are wrong, then we are ALL wrong. Would you bet on Ron Paul, or Obama?

Hopefully we are smarter this time around.

Who the heck would satisfy you then? Don't be the part of ATS members that are scared of EVERYTHING. Take a stance. The most disrespected people are those who are scared of being disrespected.
edit on 5-1-2012 by capone1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2012 by capone1 because: typo

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:30 PM
The MSM are in for a sad ending...that's for sure!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by realhighup

Yeah. I view the whole thing as a (semi) complex psyop. The goal of the system is to indicate to the population that it generally works, and that any problems with it are somehow capable of being overcome by a vigilant citizenry. When they present Ron Paul as a valid "savior" figure, while also presenting the media as somehow fighting against him, even though he is constantly on the media being presented as a savior, they are screwing with your mind. The system is totally closed. You have to reference point in order to determine what is real and what isn't, so you must rely on the variables presented to you, one of which is the Ron Paul hoax.

The whole concept of the "Christ figure" savior who is going to come in and fix everyone's problems is a hoax. The very concept of it is designed to make you think that you have no responsibility over your own lives, and someone is going to just pop in and take care of it for you.

The system needs to continue to make you think there is a possibility of it working for you. That is all Ron Paul is, whether he believes his own hype or not (my thinking is he doesn't, as he recently said in an interview that he doesn't see himself as president; it is also difficult to believe that such an allegedly honest old man would lie about 9/11 - if he is not going to win the election anyway, then why doesn't he say something that matters, rather than just rambling on about meaningless economic bull# that is already obvious to everyone?)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Welshy77

Yeah. If you read Mein Kampf, it is pretty clear that Hitler was honest in his intentions. And we see how that turned out. It is impossible for freedom and autonomy to exist in a hierarchical, stratified society. The only reason it sort of worked in the US a long time ago was that the power centers were smaller, due not to "small government" but due to the literal logistic impossibility of controlling people directly over such a vast expanse of land.

Technology has changed all that. Trying to fix modern society using a pre-industrial model is like trying to remove a computer virus with a stone axe. It's just not going to cut it.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by capone1

No need to get emotional, man. I am just offering a differing view point. If you are correct in your own views, this should not be a threat to you.

I personally have no interest in "saving America", as I am not clear what exactly it is that people are trying to save, and anyway it is obviously totally impossible. There is no point in "believing" in something simply because the alternative - that which exists in reality - is viewed as distasteful.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

What a lot of people do not understand is CNN probably saved that soldiers career. That soldier should not have been in uniform. It is fine to show up in civilian clothes as a soldier and voice your opinion but not wearing the uniform. All soldiers know this. It is against the UCMJ unless you have prior authorization from his command. When you wear the uniform you are representing the entire United States military.
edit on 5-1-2012 by Grimpachi because: edit

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

What a sick concept.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by andreoutlaw
reply to post by Grimpachi

What a sick concept.

Its not a concept it is the truth and the law. Every soldier knows this when they enlist. If he had kept going he would have endangered his entire military career.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Yeah. But the concept itself is still sick. The idea of a collectivized military managed by a corporate state. It is not helpful to anyone, anywhere.

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