Well whaddaya know? I finally get to write my fiirst thread!
Here goes...
I'm going to be as brief as possible for a couple of reasons; first is that I posted this idea on another forum & whilst I didn't exactly get shot
down, the idea didn't really ignite as I hoped it might. Second is that I could write reams explaining details but that wouldn't add any more to the
fundamental idea which you should all grasp more or less immediately.
Regarding the question of Extra Terrestrial visitors, whether they exist or are merely the product of mistaken identity or hoax... it struck me that
any species advanced enough to be capable of visiting us would be duty bound to adhere to some protocols in respect of revealing their existence &
intentions. There are also the potentially connected issues of government aeronautical black projects, hostile alien intent, etc etc. but those can be
written off (?) as I suggest at the end of this text.
Here's my idea: I first suggested this idea on another forum (where you shouldn't believe a damned word you read!) a long while back... the reason
being site visitor numbers. I strongly believe that in order to get answers once & for all about possible outside visitors, we need to FORCE the issue
by weight of numbers. If they're here watching from the sidelines... they need to come forward in a clear & in an indisputable way. They need to
literally land on the White House lawn on mainstream TV & say hello..... with independant witness! lol. OR if they feel unable to do that,
they need to back off & consider their next move as a now unwelcome & hostile outside entity. it's time to pick which side of the line they want to
be on. (er.. if they exist?)
Look... we would be seriously naiive to believe without question that the intentions of any visiting species was purely benevolent & here's an
analogy: you & your family have lived for decades on the same farm in the country & night after night, you've been disturbed by rustling sounds,
bumps & scratches, whispers, torch lights shining across your windows etc. You go to the window & there's nobody there. It's the same every time &
it's been going on for years. One night you decide you've had enough.... you throw open the window & scream out to whatever is hiding in the dark
"whoever you are, for Gods sake come out & show yourselves or just GET LOST & LEAVE US ALONE!"
Your immediate reaction might be that that's uncommonly harsh & unwelcoming... Get real!.. one of three things is happening: 1/ people are deluding
themselves (aliens don't visit Earth - end of story, it was fun, all future lights in the sky type YT videos can more or less be ignored. Phew!); 2/
the government is playing games (end of story - that was expensive! Some of those YT vids might be interesting from an aeronautical or technological
point of view); 3/ a technologically advanced civilization is sitting
right on your front doorstep & they appear to have motives that require them
to stay hidden! (that's NOT fun - we have a very very serious problem!)
I propose that ATS (& other of the larger sites that wish to participate) form a collective & make an anouncement on their front pages. They set a
deadline for full, unconditional & unequivocal exposure & once that deadline has passed, some of the bigger questions are automatically considered
answered & from the point of view of participating members: If there's a 'no-show', two principles are immediately agreed to be true... 1/ we
don't have visitors & are most unlikely to get any in the forseeable future. If they could get here, they already have & choose to ignore the request
anyway 2/ we DO have visitors & they have motives that require them to STILL stay hidden. In either case, thereafter any visiting species is by common
sense deemed to be hostile. Also, a 'doctors note' just won't cut it!
Show up, (with proof we can all verify!) or ship out!
And here's what's potentially the most exciting part: that they really ARE here & would rather establish dialogue with common people before
government. Maybe this is precisely what they're waiting for, a nod from the ordinary guy on the street via people power?
Well I hope that wasn't a confused read, I have a tendency to ramble & hopefully my idea isn't lost in a jumble?
If you think there's a better way, please try to be constructive & expand on the potential for actual disclosure. I firmly believe that it is WE, the
ordinary folk that will make that happen. I would also prefer that the discussion didn't spiral towards arguing only about seeming unwelcoming to any
potential visitor. If they really are here & watching, they will be more than capable of getting the point & seeing past social etiquette.
Do you want disclosure? Well... DO YOU?