posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 05:04 PM
Hi All,
I had to get this off of my chest, so to speak -- and while I know the topic of repeat numbers have been discussed, as have 'time slips', I have not
seen a thread that addresses both, so here we go. And Mods, this is my first thread, so please move it if it is in the wrong area. Thanks.
First, I should mention that I study numerology and work constantly with numbers, so I am very aware of the double-or-triple number repetitions people
have reported seeing over the last couple of years (numbers like 11, 22, 33 and so forth are called 'Master' numbers as they hold double/more
intense energies. Double numbers also come in different forms, like 7:07, 10:10 and 12:12 etc.)
This phenomenon has been going on for the last few years all over the world and has been ramping up over the last one, 2011. I have found that I am no
I was used to seeing these repeats fairly often as well, but lately (specifically, during the last few days), it has reached the point of absurdity:
almost every time I glance at a clock (wherever it or I might be), I unfailingly see double or triple or repeat numbers -- 11:11 or 1:22 or 2:44 or
3:55...and on and on. It has become quite annoying, in fact...LOL.
And I understand some might say I am subconsciously 'programming' myself to look at these specific times, but that cannot be so as the numbers are
completely random (like 10:10 or 9:09) and I see them on different clocks, on license plates, name it.
I just glanced at the clock -- 1:55. What can I say.
Anyway, something just happened earlier that freaked me a bit and prompted this thread. Since I am so aware of numbers in general, when I glanced at
the clock prior to beginning work, it read 12:10 which made me smile because it was NOT an 11 or a 12...which is why the following was so spooky: no
more than two minutes later, I glanced at it again, just for fun -- and the clock read 12:21. My first thought was 'now that is NOT possible'.
Somehow, I 'lost' around 10 minutes -- which, granted, doesn't sound like much, but when you KNOW it was 10 minutes earlier just seconds
ago...where did that time go? This is not the first time this has happened, either -- sometimes when I watch the telly with my roomie, I slip into
this zombie-like state during which I still feel perfectly awake and aware, yet what is happening in my reality is not what is happening in his (my
For example, last night, he gave me a magazine which I proceeded to leaf through: I could actually see my hands flipping the pages -- but in the next
moment, he is asking me if I am awake and I *snap* into full consciousness and there is nothing on my lap despite the fact that my hands are still in
the air as if flipping through pages. During this short time of flipping through the magazine, he tells me 2 or 3 hours have passed. Say what??
Several other oddities concerning this weird 'altered state' have occurred, as well...too many to mention, but all serving to confirm something
strange is going on. And no, I do not drink or take is hard to explain, but it really feels like there IS another dimension and that when I
am very relaxed but not asleep, I can slip into it. Like I said, this is not an isolated incident -- it has been happening for around 6 months, has
never happened before -- and I am not what one might call a youngster.
Has anyone else had similar experiences? (Dang, I am a slow typist -- I just looked at the computer time: 2:33.)
Something is up and I am just curious if anyone else has had (or is having) these kinds of experiences and what your take on them might be.
Thanks for reading.