posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 04:19 PM
Remember this. It is the current generation of young Americans that must ensure a happy America for the next 30 years. I personally think they can do
it. The internet is their voice, their collective mind. This is the medium which will set us free.
Dumbest Election Ever.
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Friday 10 September 2004
The clearest indication that the country is coming out from under the massive psychological concussion of September 11 is the fact that we are all
enduring the stupidest Presidential election season in recent memory. If we were all still walking around in the cat-like state of readiness we
operated under for at least a year after the attacks, we wouldn't put up with this garbage.
Swift Boats? 527s? Who served or didn't serve, and how and why and when and where? They're talking about a war that ended 29 years ago. Bush v.
Dukakis was close - a mythically stupid race, to be sure - but this current crapgasm is pinning the needle on the Dumb-O-Meter. It is no small thing
that the guys who ran Bush's race against the Duke are the same guys running Bush's race against Kerry today. In '88, the thing turned on
flag-burning, Dukakis in a tank and the racist meta-message of Willie Horton.
This entire election, thus far, has been about television. All the issues widely discussed stem from television advertisements. For the television
news media, this is like free money falling from the sky. They cover to the hilt any story stemming from a television advertisement - which they can
show, and then talk about, and then show, and then talk about, lather, rinse, repeat - and so the campaigns make this garbage the focus of their whole
act. It's like a Mobius Loop for really dumb computers.
The entire Presidential debate thus far, performed in 30 seconds:
The Swifties! Denounce the ad! I denounce all ads! But denounce that ad! I denounce all ads! He didn't denounce the ad! I like eggs! 527s! Response
ads! The ad said you lied in Vietnam! How dare that ad say such things! You must react more strongly to the ads! He's not responding strongly to the
ads! Shakeup because of the response to the ads! Guard duty scandal revived to respond to the Vietnam angle in the ads! The documents are forged! No
they aren't! Yes they are! Vote Bush or die! We need another ad!
Not to make this too personal, but I blame the Boomers. The fact that the Baby Boomer generation is the most important demographic in the country
right now - both economically and politically - is really the only way to explain this. Think about it. The first generation raised by television is
slogging, along with the rest of us, through a campaign where the only issues discussed have to do with television advertisements. Let's not forget,
as well, the fact that the two main candidates spring from that particular demographic, as well.
I'm kidding. I think.
[edit on 10-9-2004 by John bull 1]