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2012 Count down to Doomsday

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posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:37 PM
I wonder how many of the 2012'ers are re-packing their X-mas decorations instead of taking them all to a dumpster. Never going to need them again, why store them

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:42 PM
I can only speak for my self and for what I see.

We live in or on or with in a world that is most fluid as in what people believe or what they create in there realities as you can see just by what is being written on ATS, that every person lives in there own dynamic reality. Interdependent of every other persons reality, some people not all people, there are larger group or groups of people that coexist in the same reality brought buy similar ideals.

2012 is not about destruction of the planet or it's people but more so of the transformation of all of all of the different
realities on this planet to one. Now how or what will take place to make that happen is well Who knows how.

But I can say that the next 12 months are going to be a hole lot stranger than the last 18 years you see dec 12 2012 is only the half way point of this 36 year cycle that's the end game. What is this transformation is going to look like, well that's a good question but only time will tell what end of the stick we end up at.

Good luck to all.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by rigel4
Zorgon, I do believe your touting for stars.No

Nope just convincing myself that it is time to go back to my Medieval world. Stars have ZERO value here, you can't even trade them in for a T-shirt. If you want stars do like Phage does... just debunk every silly UFO fake thread and have your minions star your posts

Me personally I prefer my vassals to serve the Roast Pig

The thread is to find out if anyone out there has made any preparations at all. Doesn't matter if its 2012 stuff, WWIII or just a storm like Katrina. To not have some plan or preps for emergency is just stupid. The world financial system is in ruins... stocking up when stores have sales or closings on non perishable goods is just smart and saves you a ton of money.

We just harvested our pomegranates from one tree. They sell for 2.50 in the store. The office down the street has 10 date palm trees. They don't want them and let anyone harvest them, but its funny when people look at you not knowing what you are doing. Sent both dates and pomegranates to several friends and have enough jam for a year and dates in the freezer. Didn't cost a cent. Neighbor has a huge fig tree and there are many olive trees in the area. One Mormon neighbor has chickens so we trade for eggs.

Picked up an old generator from John's mine big enough to run three houses. Don't really need on that big but all it cost me was a few barrels of diesel

The world is only as miserable as you make it. I actually pity the skeptics. They must lead such failed and miserable lives

Oh and yes we have Dancing Girls as well

edit on 3-1-2012 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by zorgon

It's not going to be a doomsday.

You are a downer. I heretofore rename you Douggie Downer.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:20 PM
I have all that is needed from flood to WW3, when it comes , and it will , I will say so you that laughed at me then ,now you ask for help why? did you not know it was coming , for what I have is not enough to share, i will give you one days worth, but only one can get it,[ like dogs you fight for the one day worth, for dogs is what you will be for dogs do not care about tomorrow only today] it is better to be safe than sorry

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by zorgon

you have got to be the coolest dude ever. i play D&D, you live it.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:11 PM
I don't believe it will be doomsday, but there will be a change.Whether it's gobal or just U.S. is not something I know. None the less, I'm prepared.

It's not the end of human life or anything like that, but it's huge.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by zorgon

What I'm doing is just working on bettering myself. I don't know what will happen in the next hour much less in the future. It's not my place nor any one else to know. Things will happen as they're to happen if people poo poo it, agree with it, become fanatically for or against it. Things will still happen. The ONLY thing constant and consistent is that the sun rises and falls and we have another day, if we're here or not.

What ever will be, will BE.
What ever will be, WILL be.
That's all I know to be fact and whatever happens or does not happen, I do know without doubt the sun will rise and set for quite some time yet if I'm here or not.

So what am I doing? Enjoying the small things. I stop and smell the roses. I take time to help others feel better if they are down. I'm working on bettering myself; not for any other purpose but for my own Self and staying as true as to how I feel I should be and live. That could be The Secret of 2012. Maybe it's not '2012'. Maybe it's not "This Day in 2012" that is the 'big deal'. Maybe it's all about doing something that makes us look at ourselves and work on ourselves. Even if it's something tiny which betters us as a person, that's a good huge step, is it not? Anything which makes something better is far far worth it. It's too easy to be judgmental, hateful, have no compassion, poo poo anyone for anything.

Perhaps '2012' is just another term for "Better Yourself". Then that can be another fact in your own life just as the constant rising and setting of the sun is a fact for the whole.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 06:01 PM
PS to my reply above:

If we suddenly went off the grid, I'd be in serious death causing trouble. I need to fix that but being unemployed and having to use the little funds I get every 4 months from school refunds, I have zero by the time rent is paid, bills are back to zero and we stock up on toilet paper etc. It's hard when one doesn't have any funds TO fund storage food etc. A scary frightening shame.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by sarra1833
there are ways to do it , not bad as price goes , seeds , planters potting mix, learn how to can, what you grow , start with beets, tomatoes, green peppers, and onions this can be caned then carets corn yes corn can be grown in doors, stock up caned tuna rice and dehydrated food stores , not all at once, if you start now, be the years end, you should have enough food for a year. yes the caning can be $$ but there are place to get for free.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by VforVendettea
You are a downer.


Seems you missed the point of the thread

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:27 AM
I'm carving my likeness in the side of a mountain with the tale of mans error.......OBAMA

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by bekod

Yes... few people realize that being prepared for whatever, also comes with being hard... because when the time comes, and they know YOU have the food, they will come... not only strangers, but your neighbors and even family members who laughed at you...

If you can't turn them away, your stock will not last very long...

But if you also stockpile the knowledge to show them how to fend for themselves, you will have allies not dogs

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:36 AM
What actually does worry me a bit is some fanatical nut case will try to make the so called prophecy come true on December 21st, 2012. There are enough people out there with the smarts though not necessarily the brains to cause a lot of damage. I intend to be very much alive on the morning of December 22nd, 2012 unless I get hit by a truck or do something really stupid. And most of the rest of you will be as well.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by sarra1833
Things will still happen.
What ever will be, will BE.
What ever will be, WILL be.

Katrina happened... those that prepared and left town, heeding the warning survived... they are here today to smell yet another rose.

When the Ocean recedes quickly when your on the beach, being prepared is to know that you don't go and collect the pretty seashells but know that it is time to head for the hills that day
the animals during the Sumatra Tsunami knew... not one dead animal was found. The elephants at the game preserve broke free and ran uphill... while the keepers scratched their head at this odd behavior...

Result? The elephants all survived, while the keepers lost half their numbers. Perhaps next time they will follow the elephants

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by sarra1833
there are ways to do it , not bad as price goes , seeds , planters potting mix, learn how to can, what you grow , start with beets, tomatoes, green peppers, and onions this can be caned then carets corn yes corn can be grown in doors, stock up caned tuna rice and dehydrated food stores , not all at once, if you start now, be the years end, you should have enough food for a year. yes the caning can be $$ but there are place to get for free.

This is good information, actually. Thank you so much for taking the time to type this for me
I had no idea corn can be grown inside! I wonder what else can? Now that I think on it, I think one can get seeds via food stamps.

I"ll look into the canning as well. I also didn't know they have food precanned. My parents used to do it when I was a kid but all I remember is a super hot oven and having to seal the jars. I don't recall all the steps. I think I'll start googling this stuff. I really don't want to kick myself later on in a bad scenario and later realize it really wasn't that hard to prepare.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by sarra1833
Things will still happen.
What ever will be, will BE.
What ever will be, WILL be.

Katrina happened... those that prepared and left town, heeding the warning survived... they are here today to smell yet another rose.

When the Ocean recedes quickly when your on the beach, being prepared is to know that you don't go and collect the pretty seashells but know that it is time to head for the hills that day
the animals during the Sumatra Tsunami knew... not one dead animal was found. The elephants at the game preserve broke free and ran uphill... while the keepers scratched their head at this odd behavior...

Result? The elephants all survived, while the keepers lost half their numbers. Perhaps next time they will follow the elephants

I remember that stuff about Katrina. Before that, I never knew what receding water meant. No doubt I learned it way way back in school but filed it to the recycle bin since I live no where near water, etc etc. You know how some kids can be.

I truly feel very unlearned when I think about all the stuff I should know yet don't. I was thinking of saving money some how and taking some survival training classes in Alaska and other places. I also sent you a PM by the way. But yeah, I'd love to learn to be a survivor, not the one who gets offed first and lies there as a solemn warning to others coming after me on the road. :/

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by sarra1833 I have zero by the time rent is paid, bills are back to zero and we stock up on toilet paper etc. It's hard when one doesn't have any funds TO fund storage food etc. A scary frightening shame.

Yes it is hard, and depends where you live how hard the winters are. There are things one can do, if one has a car there are a lot of things that can be done... I did a thread once on that... the how to. Did you know that Dandelions... something that most people consider weeds is a very healthy green that is cooked like spinach and tastes about the same? Its a small example yet the nutrients in that weed can keep one healthy. The flowers make an excellent wine. In fact the Italians brought it over as a food crop originally and it went wild.

There is another common weed... makes a great tea Pineapple Weed (a wild Camomile) great for a relaxing drink, is awesome for upset stomachs especially for kids and you likely walk on it
Can be dried and easily stored. It is a long trusted herbal remedy in Europe and is not cheap in stores here, yet it grows free just about everywhere

Matricaria discoidea, commonly known as pineappleweed, wild chamomile, and disc mayweed is an annual plant native to North America and Northeast Asia but which has become a cosmopolitan weed. It is in the family Asteraceae. The flowers exude a chamomile/pineapple aroma when crushed. They are edible and have been used in salads (although they may become bitter by the time the plant blooms) and to make herbal tea. Pineapple weed has been used for medicinal purposes, including for relief of gastrointestinal upset, infected sores, fevers, and postpartum anemia.

Just a few examples of things that actually taste good in the wild

edit on 4-1-2012 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

I replied to that PM did you check mail? It only alerts with the pop up after you get 2

Its not about survival training as such. Those programs are extreme and very hard... its more about common sense and knowing your options.

Personally I find the survivalists a little extreme. I see no logical reason to eat bugs

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Those that believe we as a race will get a free ticket to utopia are going to be the ones most disappointed

Not just disappointed.

What I dont get is why some people can even think that utopia is possible... Utopia just dont works in the real world. Even in fiction is hard to believe.

Now, if you read books like 1984 (and I know you did) you will see that a distopic reality is really close to us.

I can bet 2012 will bring more control in every aspect of our lives, thats all.

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